Thursday, December 9, 2021

December 9

How are you all this fine December morning? We have beautiful blue skies today, but our first snowfall is expected tomorrow. Right now they are saying only an inch or so. I have no plans to go anywhere. I had barely gotten dressed this morning when we had a knock on the door. Dennis‘s cousin and her husband live right across the street from us and Scott was asking if Dennis could help him put together a Santa gift this morning. Dennis was in the middle of a conference call, so I went over and helped him do that. Then it was back home to cut up celery and wash grapes and other produce that I bought at the store. I barely made it back into the house when there was a knock on the door and the drywaller had arrived! Today is supposed to be the drywaller, a man who’s going to cut two holes in our roof for the bathroom vents, and the general contractor to check up on all the work.  As my mom used to say it’s like Grand Central Station here!

Mandy said that Piper woke up at three this morning and didn’t sleep well after that at all. It was touch and go on whether she would go to school today, but she really wanted to go, so off she went. I’ll be interested to see if she makes it through the entire day. Those shots are no joke are they? I sure hope she’s feeling better.

And with no further ado, here is my advent sock contents this morning along with a little 3 1/2 inch snowman. It’s the last one of the batch that I got a few weeks ago from Facebook.

Another photo of my two favorite puppies. I have put together a car seat for Zoey between the two front seats. It’s a black buffalo check basket I got on clearance from Hobby lobby. I put a towel in the bottom and a soft blanket on top of the towel. Her car seatbelt fastens to the headrest and then to her harness. It works great. She can curl up and go to sleep if she wants or she can sit up and look out the window and it puts it puts her at our head level. She is also safely buckled in if we have to stop quickly and she also can’t jump out. You can see me a little bit on the left. Both of the puppies fit in it and they love to be together. Sorry the pictures a little blurry. We were driving down the interstate and it was a bit bumpy.

I think I’ve already shown you a picture of our lit up Christmas tree but I couldn’t resist taking another one last night just before going to bed. I think it’s very pretty. The two pillows on the floor are from the sofa. Piper likes to lay down there under the tree and look at the ornaments from the bottom up!

Here is another one of my pillow covers from Amazon. I think it’s my favorite. I just love the red trucks with the Christmas trees!

Praying that you all have a wonderful day today and Lord willing, I’ll be back again tomorrow.

Blessings and love,


  1. Good morning Betsy! I hope Piper feels better soon. Shot a can do that. I need to fix my Christmas letter then get a bunch printed. I need to get 2 inks for my photo printer as I ran out of 2 I thought I had extras of. Going down to Salem to getting them. I have lights in 2 of the living room windows as of last night that blink. Good idea for a basket seat for Zoey so she doesn't get hurt when riding in your vehicle. Have a good day and stay warm. Hugs!!

  2. How fun that you were one of Santa’s helpers this morning!

  3. Wonderful post today!! I remember my Daddy using that 'Grand Central Station' phrase, he had a phrase for almost anything that came his way. Your dogbabies are so precious, our pets can be so loving. Yes, HE is our Waymaker and Yes, it's a wonderful time of year.

  4. Poor Piper. I hope she feels better very soon. Both the grands who live here had absolutely no effects after either of their shots. Some are lucky, others not.

  5. Your posts are always so warm and friendly . . . feels like visiting family.

  6. When I was Piper's age I wanted to live in our Christmas tree! Hope she is feeling better.

  7. You sure had a revolving door today again! At least not driving around! My kids used to love sleeping under the Christmas tree, too!

  8. Your Christmas tree is such a perfect shape. We still don't have ours up, I am hoping maybe tomorrow. My granddaughter missed two days of school after her first vaccine. Six grandsons had no side effects at all. We will have to see what the second dose brings. Maybe it will be reversed. Your bathroom project seems like it is moving right along!

  9. It was a melting snow day here! Hope Piper feels better soon! Such cute pups!

  10. I hope Piper is feeling better. Those shots are no fun at all. My two Grands had to play at a piano recital the night they got their second one. They made it through, thank goodness.
    I used to have a car seat for Pup that went over the back seat that I got at Pet Smart but she got too heavy for it. Now we just strap her in the backseat with a harness but she can't see. If we ever travel again-doubtful, I suppose I'll have to go looking for one for a bigger dog.

  11. Betsy I hope Piper fee1s better. Prayers that you post become a dai1y source of hope. I'm sti11 a bit worked up even after Fireman's recovery! I wish I wasn't, but I know how to get aho1d of anxiety and pray out of it.

  12. Aw, that doggie carseat is just adorable! So sweet that they can ride in it together and take in the sights. Those are two blessed puppies!
