I’m just going to touch on the highlights or low points whatever you may call them for the past week as life has been very crazy with its ups and downs this week. Although, I think a lot of us experience weeks like that all of the time, we just don’t share them on our blogs.
First of all I want to share a definite High Point. I received this beautiful hand made card from Connie who is “Far Side Of Fifty,” on my blog list over on the side bar. She sent it to me and I received it on a day that I truly needed the message inside. Thank you Connie from the bottom of my heart. Doesn’t she do beautiful work? She is truly a great artist in so many mediums.

Another High Point was on Saturday. We went with Paul and Lori for one last ride around the lake. They pulled their boat out of the water and most likely none of us will be returning to Loon Lake again. I have to say, the new management stinks. I won’t say anything else derogatory about it here, but it made choosing to leave and move closer to town a lot easier for us. Maybe them being not very nice was a blessing in disguise. Ha! Many of the people who have been there a long time like us, have left this year. We have a friend who I will just say has links to the sheriffs department and he says the park is developing quite a reputation. That’s all I will say.
But, we had a wonderful time on our last boat ride on this particular lake. I’m sure we’ll be going out again with Paul and Lori as we’re planning a camping trip with them in a few weeks as long as the weather holds. Here are Dennis and I enjoying speeding across the lake. I have one of his old shirts on because the sun was so bright and it was 98° out. I burn very, very easily.

Here is our Skipper, Paul. I didn’t manage to get a photo of Lori and the one I got of Nita isn’t very flattering so I don’t think I better post it here. If she saw it I would be in big, big trouble. 🤣

Another High Point is this corner stand I finally found at Walmart. I had seen it online at a group of fellow Grand Design trailer owners. However, as you all know, I haven’t been shopping very much in the past several months. I finally ventured in to pick up my new glasses Friday morning when they opened at 9:00. There weren’t very many people there, so I took the chance and ventured to the section where I was told they had them back in stock. I love the fact that it gives us a little more counter space in the bathroom and a place to make it a little bit more homey too. Be kind. I want to shout it to the world right now.

One of the low points of the week are the horrible wildfires that seem to be popping up everywhere out west. There was a town about 30 miles south of Spokane that 80% of its homes and businesses burned down during the night last night. The California wildfires are getting most of the media attention, but the fires here are devastating as well. Jeremy and Alicia have a fire burning less than 8 miles as the crow flies from their house and the winds are blowing directly toward them. They lost their electricity yesterday and she has two freezers full of meat and things she has harvested from her garden. Jeremy came last night about 10:00 and borrowed our generator which is keeping the freezers going at least. But they have no water because they are on a well. That fire is outside of Blanchard, Idaho. This is a horribly grainy picture for some reason, but this is what our skies look like. Disgusting. We had winds blowing 20 to 30 mph yesterday, with gusts of 55 to 60. There are fires in all four directions from where we live. None very close to us but all within 25 to 35 miles.

Another High Point is this.

There is a small airport directly behind the RV park. A couple of mornings a week, three people take off with these contraptions. I don’t even know what they’re called. They have a harness they sit in and a fan of some sort strapped to their back. It sounds like a lawnmower engine! They fly all around and then come back and land. Look how close they are to the trailers! It is very fun to watch them and all the children come out and point and follow them on their bicycles. I am truly enjoying watching all the children play here. I miss my grandkids. The other day I took a couple of boxes of Little Debbie snack cakes outside and passed them out to all of the little ones. They sure did like that. I guess I can be the trailer park grandma! Ha!

This is a High Point and a low point. This is my Pimpelliese shawl. I love working on this shawl. I’ve made many of them. I always use one 100g skein of sock yarn per shawl. Look at that little tiny ball that’s left. There is no way I’m going to be able to finish this. I certainly hope I can order more. It is Stroll fingering weight from Knit Picks in the Manatee colorway. Right now it is out of stock but the website says it will be back in a couple of weeks. I should have weighed this skein before I started. I know it did not have 100g in it. Out of a skein that size I usually have plenty to make a shawl and still have a small ball left over to put into my cozy memories blanket. That was disappointing.

Since I was going to run out of yarn anyway, I set it aside to work on these. I started this pair of socks late Sunday night. They are for Dennis‘s mom for her birthday this Friday. That is the day we should arrive in Omaha. I have until tomorrow evening to finish the second sock and I’m working as fast as I can. She loves homemade socks and wears them almost exclusively. This is Lion Brand Sock-Ease yarn in the “rock candy” colorway. One sock is done to the point where I need to Kitchener it. The other one I have the cuff finished and I’m beginning the leg portion.

There are a few other family things that are definite low points. I am trying hard to turn them over to the Lord and let Him handle them. We were never promised that life would be easy and I think many of us are being tried right now. It has definitely been a tough year for our family so far. We will be leaving on Thursday morning to drive back to Omaha again for Karen’s memorial service. The plan is to sleep in the back of the truck once again to avoid exposure as much as possible. We will be returning next Tuesday and Wednesday. We would appreciate your prayers and I have a feeling I won’t be online much at all during that time away. Please forgive me if I’m not able to read your blogs and comment.
I’m wishing you all a safe and happy week. Know that somebody out there truly loves and cares about each one of you. Not just me but our Heavenly Father does too.

Blessings and love,