Happy Sunday!
We woke up this morning in the trailer at the lake. I was surprised to hear silence all around because the forecast was for heavy rain starting about 4:00 am. We got up and got dressed, ready to head into town to our house to shower and get ready for church. Hubby opened the window shade and I heard him say "Oh-oh. You better come look at the surprise for you this morning." This is what we both saw.
About three inches of snow unexpectedly fell overnight and was STILL coming down. Big fluffy white flakes. Would you believe that yesterday we sat outside looking at the lake with no coats on? This is the view from our back window.
On the road heading home. At times the snow was so heavy you could barely see the road. It felt like December, not the end of April.

Snow everywhere. But none in Spokane. You should have seen the double takes when people saw our car, covered with snow. It's a good thing I had the snow brush still in the back seat!
This was the same view as the first picture when we arrived back this afternoon. The snow is all gone already! Just as fast as it fell, it melted away.
We went and looked at a house for sale this afternoon. It was on 2 1/2 acres with a view of Lake Spokane. It had two covered decks and was all on one level. A huge shop for Hubby and an RV hookup. And a brand new hot tub! It was very tempting but the road was winding and narrow through the mountains and valleys and would be about a 45 minute to an hour drive every day for Hubby-even in the winter with bad roads. We decided to stay put where we are for now. If he were retired, well, it could be a different story and I think we would buy this place in a second. I could have a huge garden and we would be right on the lake. Oh well. It's not meant to be at this time in our lives.
This was a farm we passed on the way to the house. It was very picturesque in a valley with all of the red buildings. Sorry for the water marks and the cut off picture. We were driving about 50 mph and it was snowing yet again.
The runner I was making for Jenny has changed patterns. I got this far and we both realized this pattern was going to take a long, long time and use a lot of thread. This was an entire ball of thread and was only about 9 inches wide. Remember, it's supposed to be 162 inches long when it's finished. The amount thread I could find in this color was limited so the pattern was changed. I improvised a border on this to finish it off and Jenny can use it as a table topper. It still needs blocked, but you can get an idea of the pattern.
This is the new pattern we decided on. It will be much quicker and I think it's very pretty too. What do you think?
It's supposed to be cold tonight and tomorrow night here at the trailer, but hopefully no more snow. The low is going to be below 30F. Brrrrr. I'm very grateful for a good furnace here. By Tuesday it is supposed to be 70F. I'm wondering if spring will ever arrive to stay this year. But Chloe and I are cozy here. I still love it, even cold. It's very quiet and we like it that way. :-)
Have a lovely evening my friends. Thank you for stopping by to visit me. I feel so blessed to have met you all out there in blogland. I hope you're all enjoying a spring with NO snow wherever you may be.