Are you all ready? There’s less than a week to go until Christmas. I’m as ready as I’m going to be. It’s a good thing I had most everything done before December began. This morning I made a trip to Costco and the grocery store. I picked up all of the last bits for dinner. We’re having chicken enchiladas for Christmas dinner by Dennis’s request. Nothing fancy since it’s just the two of us.
I also found a book while there for Dennis that tells all about the history of Mt. Spokane. I can safely tell you that because he never reads my blog! Ha! It looks like a very interesting book and I know he’ll like it. He likes just about anything to do with history. He also asked for a pecan pie. Have any of you ever gotten the pecan pies at Costco? They are absolutely humongous! So I bought a pie. After I brought it home I cut it into four pieces and froze three of them. I put the last part in the refrigerator. I figure those four pieces of pie should last us all winter. You just can’t beat the price at Costco though. There weren’t even any crowds there. I wandered around the entire store just to get some exercise because it’s too icky outside to walk very much. That can be dangerous though, because I kept finding things to pick up and put in my cart. Ha!
The “12 blocks of Christmas KAL” was completed, washed and blocked, and is on its way to Seattle to be given out by the Babies of Homelessness charity. The only part I didn’t like about this was my finishing. Since all the blocks were different colors, it was hard to find a yarn to use to join them that wouldn’t show. I finally settled on cream but you can see the seams and I don’t like that. Oh well. It will still keep a baby warm won’t it?

I wanted to show you a couple my sweet little lambs. Both the purple one and the little white one with the purple heart were given to me by blog friends for past Christmases. Aren’t they just the cutest? I have had the little teddy bear in the basket since the first year we were married.

Here’s another cute little sheep that was a gift. I absolutely adore sheep in any form. Sheep, snowmen and Angels. I love them all.

This sweet present arrived in the mail from Becky in Portland. It’s a cute little purple card case and a tatted Christmas ornament. She also sent me a beautiful essential oil bracelet. It has lava beads on it that you drop some oil on and thus have the aroma with you all the time. She also sent me a sweet sticker of Multnomah Falls that isn’t in the picture. She is “GrandmaBeckyL” over on my side bar. Thank you Becky!

I started the blanket called “Mystical lanterns,” that I bought from the designer in the UK. It is actually very fast to crochet. I made this entire strip in less than the time of a Hallmark movie! Changing colors actually takes the most time because the pattern advises you to weave the ends in as you go.

A closer look at the medallions. I have set it aside for now though because I have another project that I just started that I want to finish first. They are lots of fun crochet though, and a wonderful way to use up scraps of yarn.

This is my next project. I making Alex a sweater like his dad’s, just a size smaller. I only had to buy three skeins of yarn because I had some left over from Dennis’s sweater. I figure it’s OK if they match. They will never wear them together anyway, with Alex being in Japan. I had knit it quite a bit farther last night but had to rip about 3 inches because I made a mistake on the seam increase. Dennis has worn his sweater to work three times already. He loves it, which makes me very happy. Even though it never made it under the tree, that’s not important if he likes it that much.

And for a bit of a laugh, I saw this on Facebook a couple of weeks ago and thought it was fairly appropriate. This is why I give most of my things away.

And now a bit of an update for those of you that are interested. I had my second colonoscopy on Monday. It would not be a stretch to say that the weeklong prep was absolutely horrendous. Basically I did not leave the house for that entire week. I couldn’t. They also used a different anesthesia on me this time since they had a hard time waking me up last time. With this one I cried off and on for two days afterwards. The nurse told Dennis that would probably happen. Apparently something about the anesthesia makes you very emotional. I actually woke up with tears running down my face. How strange is that? Plus my blood pressure was very low during the procedure. The doctor thinks he got everything this time though, and although one of the polyps was precancerous, he doesn’t think it will be an issue. He wants me to do all of this again in three years. I’m going to have to do a lot of thinking about that! Ha!
I have tried very hard to keep up with all of your blogs during the past week though. If I missed someone, please forgive me.
And now I’m determined to put all of this medical stuff out of my mind and enjoy Christmas. Although we don’t have any big plans it will be wonderful to have Dennis home with me for four days this weekend and New Year’s weekend.
Just in case I don’t post again before then, I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas, remembering the reason that we celebrate the season. We wouldn’t even have a Christmas at all if it weren’t for Jesus.
I am very thankful to have each of you as my friends. That has been one of the best gifts that I could have been given.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes”. Romans 1:16
“ Joseph went to Bethlehem with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
The angel said to them, do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2: 5-7, 10-12
Blessings always, Betsy