Life has a way of throwing curve balls at you doesn’t it.? We had planned to be at the lake from today through next Monday. However, we have been up there the last two evenings after Dennis got off work, packing everything back into the truck from the new trailer. Remember the mice? Camping World, where we bought the trailer, offered to pay for a pest control company to go out and exterminate for us, but the problem is that no one goes out that far from town. Since we trapped eight mice between Saturday and Monday night, they have decided we have an infestation in the underbelly of the trailer. Camping World is picking up the trailer tomorrow morning and taking it back to their shop to remove the whole bottom of the trailer and clean it out. We have no idea how long this is going to take or if we will even get it back to use during September before we go to Omaha. We are quite disappointed. It was a lot of work to get it set up on the spot semi-permanently. Dennis and Paul worked tirelessly all day Saturday and all afternoon Sunday. Extra jacks were put underneath for stabilization, the sewer was hooked up permanently, the landscaping was put back in the front. Oh well. It is what it is, as our son-in-law Brad says.
Also, this morning was my MRI. It was to be done with contrast so they had to insert an IV. Eight needle sticks later they finally found a vein. Oh, how I hate getting IVs. Now the waiting game starts to find out what the results are.
On a brighter note I have gotten some knitting done this week. Here’s what has been accomplished.
Two baby hats and two pair of socks for the hospital. The beautiful flower is a house (trailer) warming gift from some neighbors at the lake. I had to bring it home because everything had to be removed from the trailer. Isn’t it pretty?

Two more dish cloths are complete, with another on the needles.

Four pair of mittens for the children. I have another pair almost done. I have been naughty and have procrastinated on these this year. Now I need to become a mitten factory in order to give them a decent amount by October. I figure if I spend most of my time on these mittens I should be able to have at least 60 or 70 pair done by the time they need them.

I also have a pair of socks on the needles for a Christmas gift that needs to be done by Thanksgiving when our family gets together.
That’s about it for us. Our entire weekend and week so far has been tied up in the new trailer. Many, many times we have wondered what have we done? Right now we would happily take our old trailer and it’s small space back. Unfortunately, that isn’t an option. I know when they get this problem taken care of it will be a beautiful trailer that we will love as much as our old one. It really is frustrating though, when we are limited on the amount of time we can spend at the lake using it. We used to be able to go out as soon as the snow melted and stay until it snowed again in the fall. Now they’re pretty strict on the May 1 through October 1. Our thought is we may not be able to use it at all this year. It depends on how long they take to get it back to us. We’re leaving for Omaha the third week in September. We will have to either winterize it before we leave or the first weekend we’re back. Oh well. Enough of that. First world problems and all. Ha!! I know many people have a lot more pressing issues, it’s just a bit disappointing.
Our 41st wedding anniversary is this Sunday, September 1. We’ll have to think of something fun to do since we won’t be camping. There is a dance that night at the resort that we may go out just to watch the fun. Or maybe will actually go out to dinner. We very rarely do that on our anniversary because it almost always falls on Labor Day weekend. Whatever we do, as long as I’m with Dennis, everything will be wonderful.
I hope you are all having a wonderful week enjoying the last bit of summer.
“Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and splendor, for everything in Heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.” First Chronicles 29:11
Blessings always,