Here we are a half an hour before the polling place opened for early voting last Friday. It was our second attempt to vote last week. The first time we went, the line was about 4 1/2 hours long! This was along one side of the building and there were two more lines in the front. All in all, it took over two hours to get to the front door and maybe another half an hour to get the ballot to vote after that. But, we have voted and it’s done with. I will be so glad when all of the negative campaign ads from both sides are off of the TVs, radios and videos. We did have a great time while we waited in line chatting with people. It was all very friendly and jovial.
A group of seven of us met at our ministers house last night and we had a delicious chili dinner and carved pumpkins. After the photos were taken, we had homemade caramel sauce and sliced apples.
Lots of concentration went into the carving of these pumpkins.π
Here is Curt’s creation. It was supposed to be covering Angie’s face, but I didn’t quite get the shot the way I should have. He hollowed out a gourd and used half of it for each ear and another gourd for the nose. I wish I had that kind of imagination.
Here are all of our pumpkins lit up and lined up. Some of us only did one and some of us carved two. The one in the bottom row on the far right reminded all of us of one of the M & M faces! And look at Amanda‘s beautiful sunflower on the other end of that row. Mine was the boring one with the circles on the bottom row. It was supposed to look like a luminaria, but it just looks like a pumpkin with a bunch of holes in it!π
Here is a close-up of Curt’s troll pumpkin.
And here is everyone holding our pumpkins, except for Dennis, he took the picture. Bottom to top: Me, Dennis’s cousin Curt, our pastor Jeff, his wife Angie, Amanda, and Curt‘s wife, Barb at the top.π
And to finish with the holiday theme, here is Piper dressed in her costume for Halloween. Can anyone guess who she is? She adores Taylor Swift, and that’s who she chose to dress up as this year. Lizzie is her Swifty, as Taylor’s fans call themselves.π I think she did a great job. That wig is something else isn’t it?
And here is the progress for this week on Piper’s sweater. All I have left is to finish is the shawl collar that I’m working on now. It needs to be about 6 1/2 inches wide, so I have a ways to go. Then I need to sew some ends in and it will be finished. I keep telling her I’m going to put a brick on her head so she’ll stop growing. She’s now wearing an adult size small, which is the same size that Mom wears. I took the sweater to Mom’s today while I was visiting her and knitted on it for several hours while we waited for the doctor to arrive. She wanted to try it on and now she wants a sweater too! It never ends. π
I guess that’s it for this week. Dennis and I got our flu shots on the way home from church on Sunday. I was surprised that for the first time in as long as I can remember, I didn’t get pretty sick from it. The worst I had this time was a small headache and a few aches before bedtime that night. I just took some Advil when I went to bed and woke up fine yesterday. Dennis’s arm was a bit sore during the night, but that was it for him too. We’re very thankful for that.
I hope you all have a great week. If you’re here in the US, don’t forget to vote. I’m praying for a calm and civil election process. I do miss the old days of elections where we went and voted and found out that night who was the winner and everything just carried on from there as normal. Please be kind and loving to everyone you meet. Always remember that God loves each and everyone of us.

Blessings and love,
Blessings and love,
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story
I will sing the wondrous storyOf the Christ who died for meHow He left the realms of gloryFor the cross of Calvary
Yes, I'll sing the wondrous storyOf the Christ who died for meSing it with the saints in gloryGathered by the crystal sea
I was lost, but Jesus found meFound the sheep that went astrayRaised me up and gently led meBack into the narrow way
He will keep me 'til the riverRolls its waters at my feetThen at last He'll bring me overSaved by grace and victory
Yes, I'll sing the wondrous storyOf the Christ who died for meSing it with the saints in gloryGathered by the crystal sea