Today is Maunday Thursday, which is the day that Jesus had the last Passover supper with his disciples in the upper room before he was betrayed by Judas. It is a very solemn day in Christianity. Our church used to have a Maunday Thursday service, but unfortunately the tradition has died away in many areas. This is the beginning of a very solemn Thursday night, Friday and Saturday before the big celebration of the Risen Savior, Jesus Christ on Resurrection Sunday!

We had a funeral this morning for a lovely lady from our church. Sherry was only 75 years old, and a young 75 at that. She found out five weeks ago that she had liver cancer and she passed away last Saturday night. The funeral was a lovely time of remembering with her family and friends. But ladies, because it’s mostly ladies who read my blog, don’t ever let anyone say there is nothing wrong with you when you feel something is “off.” Sherry hadn’t felt well for an over a year and had gone from doctor to doctor and they all told her it was in her head. By the time they found the cancer, it had metastasized from her liver and was already in her brain. Why do they do this, to women especially? The only thing good about this is that we all know where she is right now and that we’ll see her again someday. She was a wonderful lady, and will be very missed.
I have been busy this week knitting and crocheting. I started another wheelchair blanket on Tuesday and finished it on Wednesday. I’m very happy with the way it turned out. I think it will be a cheerful addition to someone’s daily life. It hasn’t been washed or blocked yet but you get the idea. 😍 The size is 34“ x 46“.

I finished the two sweaters for “Baby J”, who turned two yesterday! Can you believe it? This one looks pink, but it’s really a very beautiful shade of soft lavender. I could not get it to turn out lavender, no matter what I did with my camera.

This one is pretty true to color, but is a bit blurry. Sorry about my photos today. We’ve had a pretty dreary week. Today is finally bright and full of sunshine but these sweaters were mailed off to London on Monday, so I couldn’t retake pictures.

I also crocheted three washcloths out of Hobby lobby’s I love this Cotton, in the color “Too Pink.”

Maybe you remember that when we were on our way home from the cruise in January, we stopped in San Antonio, Texas, and had lunch with a wonderful lady named Terri and her husband. Terri has a YouTube channel named “Yarnjoy”. I’ve watched her since her first video several years ago. She gave me this journal that has a dots cover. I spent an afternoon working on this on Tuesday and I think it turned out beautifully. Thank you again, Terri! Dennis and I had such a lovely time with you and your husband. I truly do wish we lived closer together and could spend time with each other. The cute card that she sent me is next to it. How appropriate is a skein of yarn for me?

We had dinner last night with Mom at her Assisted Living. It was delicious. We had roast beef, baked potato, and mixed vegetables. For dessert, there was strawberry shortcake. I neglected to take a photo before we had demolished our plates of food! Ha! We have zero regrets about moving her to this new facility. Although there have been a few hiccups with the move, none of them have had anything to do with Parsons House. They have been wonderful to Mom and to us. Change is not easy when you’re dealing with dementia. Things seem to be doing a bit better, but we take it day to day and sometimes hour by hour.

I am praying that you all have a wonderful Resurrection weekend, remembering the reason for the celebration. Jesus came to earth, he lived a sinless life and died to redeem us from all of our sins so that someday we can live in heaven with him. I hope each and everyone of you will accept that most precious gift that has been given to us. The gift of salvation. Much love to you all!

Blessings and love,