Monday, July 22, 2024

We’re Home!

We've returned home! After a month on the road it's good to be home, but truly, the camper bed is just as comfortable as our bed here. :-) We both repeated several times that we could happily live in our 30 foot camper. It has all that we need. If the weather was more favorable here, we would definitely be living in our trailer. We love it and enjoy every part of camper living.

Below you see our co-driver never taking her eyes off of the road. She is very observant and doesn't sleep on the job. On our last day we had a drive of 11 1/2 hours and she never let us down with her dedication to her task. Especially when she saw cows! She always let us know very vocally if there was a cow in a field close by.

I did make about 22-24 dishcloths with scraps of "I Love This Cotton" while we were driving. I don't have a photo of all of them because some were given away to friends in Spokane.

Also three pair of socks were knitted during our month away. The first pair was Paton's Kroy in Brown Rose Marl. I did an 18 row k2, p2 cuff. The pattern in the rest was k6, p2 with an Eye of Partridge heel.

I think this is also Paton's Kroy, but I lost the label somewhere along the way and don't have the colorway name. Plain vanilla socks with the same cuff as above and Eye of Partridge heel.  I tried very hard to get the stripes the same in this pair and I'm happy with the results.

The last pair was Patons Kroy in the Celestial Colors colorway and the pattern used was the same as the first pair. Socks are small and easy to carry when traveling and I enjoyed knitting all of these.

This was a photo I took outside our camper close to Custer, SD last week. I just thought it was a gorgeous cloud against the blue sky and evergreen trees. Oh, how I love the Black Hills of South Dakota. Dennis and I both agree it's our favorite place in the world. Since he has traveled most of the world with his work, that's saying something.

The Yellowstone River just outside of Livingston, Montana. So beautiful.

The sun rising over the hills as we drove through the Black Hills as we left for the drive home on the final day.

I have a few more photos to post of the trip, but not very many as we spent more time with friends and enjoying every moment.

I didn't have internet much of the time we were gone. I could get online with my phone but not my computer. I can only comment and post on my computer, so I have been out of contact with all of you for awhile. I hope if we ever are able to travel more like this, I'll be able to find a solution and be able to post and comment on your blogs.

I'll be able to visit your blogs again now that we're back. So many things have happened in our world in the past month. I'm almost glad that I was 'out of the loop' for awhile. I'm grateful that former President Trump's life was spared in the assasination attempt, but I pray daily for Mr. Compertore's family and the other victims of the shooting and their families. How terrible that something like this happened and that there are still no answers as to the lax security.

Our country definitely needs prayers at this time and through the election period. In fact, the entire world seems to be falling apart, especially in the middle east. And how did Russia and China get naval vessels within 80 miles of our coastline with no repercussions? Maybe I'm glad I didn't see much news for a month. We need a return to God and love for each other instead of hatred. 

I've missed you all and will try to visit your blogs today or tomorrow. I have to go to the eye doctor in an hour so I don't know if I'll be able to see the computer later today but I'll try. 

Take care and I'll be back soon.

Blessings and hugs,

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Journey to the Black Hills

Hello to you all from the sunny and gorgeous Black Hills of South Dakota! We're having a lovely time, TODAY in and around Custer State Park. Let me catch you up to speed. Please sit back with a nice cup of coffee or glass of ice tea and let us begin. Now sit right back and I'll tell a tale, a tale of a fateful trip...

Instead of leaving Monday as originally planned, we left on Sunday right after church. We thought it would be nice to break the nine hour day into two days instead of just one long day of driving. Well, first we had to go home, change clothes and pack up the truck with everything we had ready to go. Then get Zoey from Mandy's and then to storage to hitch up the camper. About 15 miles up I-29 I couldn't find my project bag with my socks in it. Now, you all know that's a disaster. All we could think was that it fell out of the truck at the storage place when we were hitching up. So we turned around and went back. All while pulling a 30 foot trailer! We got there and nope, it wasn't on the ground anywhere. I went to climb back into the truck and guess what was wedged somehow between the seat and the door. Yep. The Bag. Only 45 minutes and 30 miles or so wasted. Oh well. Dennis didn’t say a word. He is the absolute BEST husband. It was even his idea to turn around and go back. I just said to forget it.

So on we journeyed. As we continued up I-29 toward Sioux City, the water kept getting higher all around us. Yep. The Mighty Missouri River is flooding big time. As we went through Sioux City we saw lots of things underwater including a whole bunch of campers at a campground, with water up to the air conditioners on their roofs! The interstate had water almost to the road on both sides too! Onward we persevered. I started to feel like an explorer and adventurer when I saw trucks full of sand between Sioux City and Sioux Falls S.D., a stretch of about 70 miles or so. They were taking it to fill sandbags to put on the river dikes. Mandy called and apparently the interstate was being completely closed right behind us as the water had gone over the roadway.

We did make it to our campground in Mitchell, SD and had a nice dinner of leftover pizza from the night before. Congratulating ourselves on the fact that we outran the flood, (that is now threatening Omaha and points further south), but I digress.

We left our campground around 8:00 Monday morning to continue on our approximately 4 hours left to our campsite in Custer.  We thought we would be there by 1:00 easily, giving us lots of time to set up, explore a bit and relax. Well.....

that's what we thought. About here, in the middle of nowhere South Dakota, about 40 miles from the nearest big/small town of Wall...

This happened. (See Photo below.) A flat tire you ask? Nope. A blowout on the truck that scared me half to death. Have you ever had a BLOWOUT happen while you're pulling a 30 foot trailer? It's nothing like getting a plain old flat tire, let me assure you. Dennis handled it like a champ. He got us off the main lanes of the interstate and turned the truck off and turned to me. The first thing he said was, "Good thing we got AAA". We have never, ever had AAA before. In all of our travels we never did. A flat tire? He changed it. Anything that came up? He handled it. About two months ago we got some junk mail from AAA asking us to join. Dennis said maybe we should think about this if we're planning to camp and travel more. So we did. Best $35 we ever spent.

Remember, we were in the middle of nowhere. He called AAA, where a very nice lady said we would get a text soon, (very soon, while he was still talking to her.) Dispatch had it and would call. He hung up and within a few seconds the next call came from dispatch. She said it had been sent to a tow truck driver, asked a few questions about the truck and said he would call. Yep. He was calling before Dennis hung up with her. The driver said he was about 50 miles away, (big surprise, remember, we were in the middle of nowhere), but that he would be there ASAP. He asked if the truck had dual back wheels. If we were safe or if he should send police to guard us with their lights. We said no to both and sat back to wait. Forty-five minutes later he was there. He was the nicest young man. He refused a bottle of water or diet pepsi. Did I mention it was HOT out? We couldn't run the truck while we waited because we had planned to get diesel in the next town and we didn't want to use it up.

He had the tire changed in about 45 minutes to an hour. Of course it was driver side tire with all of the traffic whizzing by. I couldn't believe how many people didn't get over into the left lane while he was lying on the ground. Even if it had been a flat, there was no way Dennis could have changed it. It took both of them to get the spare out from under the truck and the blown tire into our backseat. They're heavy! Plus, he had a super heavy duty jack that just pumped the truck up and Zoey and I sat inside the truck for the entire time.

So off we went, after giving him our unending gratitude and multiple thank you's. We did get fuel in the next town. Oh, I forgot to tell you that he told us where the nearest tire dealer was because he felt we probably needed to get it replaced very soon and get the spare off. Just as we were leaving the highway in Rapid City, SD., the truck started shimmeying and shaking again. We crept the remainder of the 4.8 miles to the tire place, praying the entire time.  Oh my goodness.

The guys there were amazing. They had all of our information in their system because we had just bought tires for the CRV a few months ago at their store in Omaha. A nice young man came out to look at the blown tire with Dennis and couldn't believe we didn't crash. There was virtually nothing left on the rim. THEN, he looked at the front tires with Dennis. We couldn't believe it. They were both ready to blow with big blobs of rubber coming out the sides. Again, he couldn't believe we made it there with those tires. So, to end the story, we ended up purchasing four VERY, VERY expensive new truck tires.  Very frustrating because the ones that blew? Only had 10,000 to 15,000 miles on them. Apparently the extreme heat is causing this to happen quite often. The tires had separated inside and just literally blew apart.

They got all four new tires balanced and remounted and on the truck in about 15 minutes. No joke. I couldn't believe it. Again, while Zoey and I sat in the truck with the camper still attached.  As we continued down a different highway toward Mt. Rushmore, neither of us could believe how nice the ride was. It was so smooth. We had been bouncing on those blown up tires for two days and had just gotten used to it.

Here's the tire as we sat on the interstate waiting for AAA to arrive. I HIGHLY recommend them. From Dennis's call to them, to the dispatcher calling and then the driver calling couldn't have been more than three or four minutes! We are so grateful we got it and we'll never let it lapse. It was a great experience, well except for the actual flat tire. :-)

This is how we ended the day. All set up at Fort Welikit in Custer, SD. We've been here several times over the past couple of years and it's become our favorite campground anywhere. Close to everything and very quiet. Although it IS the place where Dennis broke his hand last year. :-) I got a different spot this time to try to make sure he didn't repeat the experience.  Oh, instead of the leisurely dinner I planned to make, grilling pork chops, a salad and potatoes. We ate the last of the leftover pizza and had the pork chops tonight.

This is the back of our campsite. Even with all of the jolting around, nothing was broken in the trailer and all of the drawers and doors were still closed. Unbelievable. 

Today we drove through Custer State Park and relived some memories of when the kids were small and we camped at Bluebell Campground every year. 

This is Stockade Lake.

Isn't it gorgeous? We adore the Black Hills more than anywhere else in the world that we've been. Since Dennis has traveled the entire world with his work, that's saying something.

Tonight, in the late evening we drove the Wildlife Loop Road. The best times are early morning and evening because the animals are much more active and boy were they. We saw bison, deer, antelope, prairie dogs, wild burros, mountain goats and something else I can't remember.

Literally hundreds of these big guys.

So close I could touch them if I stuck my hands out the window. Which I did not.

Oh so many baby buffalo with their mama's. They were so cute running after their mama's. It was like they were saying "Wait for me, my legs don't work too well yet." We saw a couple of the babies trip over their own legs and tumble over and over. So cute.

Zoey was very interested in all of the animals and watched everyone of them without making a sound. I think she was a bit intimidated by the size and sheer numbers of the bison.

This antelope was right next to the truck too. 

The wild burro's...

who like to be fed by the strangers coming to gawk at them.

The scenery goes from mountainous with trees to prairie around the corner.

I thought this cloud was beautiful. Most afternoons it rains for a few minutes in the Hills.

Just as we were leaving the Wildlife Loop we saw this Mama antelope with FIVE babies. They can't all be hers can they?

We also saw a Mama deer with her fawn and several other deer near our campground, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera.

Sorry about writing a book tonight, but I didn't know what to leave out. As I said, we can't say enough good things about AAA. If you've been on the fence about using them, don't be. Just do it!

We'll stay here a few more days and then head to our son's in Montana. We're staying at a KOA there and we cannot wait to see our grandkids. It's been a year and that's way to long for this Grandma.

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I'll hopefully be back with much better stories to tell soon. Love to you all.

Blessings and hugs,

Friday, June 21, 2024

Oldies but Goodies

We made it to Friday! Have any of you melted? I hope you don't fall over in shock since I've posted twice this week.  I have some photos from when I went to a big antique store about 30 miles sw of Omaha with my sister a couple of weeks ago. We had such a great time.  First we went to the huge candy store where they sell the old fashioned candy from when I was little. Remember the wax bottles of kool-aide and candy cigarettes? They have almost every candy you can imagine, but the majority is made right here and it's called Baker's Candies. Oh my goodness. The dark chocolate mint is fabulous. I had Dennis hide it from me or I would have eaten the entire bag within a few days. He gives me a few every night. I'm so pitiful. No self-control at all.

I thought I would share a few pictures I took at the antique store.  Christmas in June!

Precious Moments anyone? There were hundreds of figurines.

Hundreds of Hummel Figurines too. Oh look! They're on sale!

All of the white and blue hobnail dishes were on sale in this booth.

I fell in love with this teeny tiny piano that actually played. It had a bench that went with it.  I tapped out "Mary Had a Little Lamb" but it was out of tune.

I really like this Raggedy Ann and Andy mirror. Wouldn't it be perfect in a baby's room?

But the bottles were what amazed me. They were in booths all over the store. Some Coca-Cola bottles were over $20.00! I saw Grape Knee-High bottles and many different root beer bottles. I wish I had thought to keep our old pop bottles. Maybe we could have funded our retirement. lol

There goes Melanie. As I said before, we had a great time. We've never been able to do things like this until we moved back three years ago. Can you believe it's been three years? I can't. We still miss Spokane terribly, but I absolutely love being able to spend more time with Melanie. Thirty years ago, before we moved to Spokane we were both working full-time and had little kids. Life kept us really busy. She's still working, although she is of retirement age, but she still likes working. She also volunteers at least 2 days a week, usually more, at the University of Nebraska Med. Center. She rocks babies in the NICU and the nurses love her. She's been doing that for years and is known as the baby whisperer there and at church. But she has lots of vacation and other days off and we try to get together often. We also go to church together so I get to see her at least once a week. I sure love her. She's a WoNdErFuL big sister. She always protected me as a little girl too, although for some reason it was okay for her to beat me up. :-)

Here's the almost obligatory photo of the girls. Tuesday when I took Piper to tennis camp they played so hard at Mandy & Brad's that they both crashed in Mandy's office while she was working. She said they were exhausted. Always together and I love how they love each other. Sisters forever. 

Piper did great at tennis camp. They told her she should be moving up to the next level in the fall and then the final level is tournament play.  She's been taking lessons for several years now. I spent awhile watching her play at the camp and thought she did very well. Lots better than Grandma. Dennis and I used to "play" when we were dating 47 years ago! Well, actually he hit the ball to me and I never returned it. I mean I missed it every. single. time. To say I'm not athletic would be a huge understatement.

This is the project I'm working on now. It's another wheelchair blanket to donate. I'm using Caron Jumbo Ombre in the faded jeans colorway. No pattern used. Just one row dc and one row 3 dc shell. I hope to finish it before we leave Monday morning, but time is passing and I really need to start packing. Since we'll be gone over a month there is a lot to take. I'm planning to take small projects like socks and dishcloths to work on while we're driving. 

I think I posted this verse before but it was my Mom's favorite verse and I've been thinking of her a lot. She would have loved to spend the day with Melanie and I. She had an amazing sense of humor and literally everyone who met her, loved her. I honestly don't know anyone who didn't like her.

Okay. I'll stop for now. I'll try to post while we're gone as much as possible. Of course a lot will depend on WIFI. Take care and stay cool.

Blessings and love,