Really the only furniture we kept was our guestroom set, the end tables in the living room, the storage unit that was under the TV and two lazyboy recliners. That’s it! The bedroom set will be perfect in the other guestroom. That room will be Miss Piper‘s room when she comes to stay with us and I think it will be nice for a little girl. They are also leaving the dining room hutch and table, kitchen table and chairs and a sofa, loveseat and end tables in the living room! I was a bit worried when we gave all of our furniture away, knowing how much it would cost to buy all new furniture if we did decide to buy a house. But just look how God blessed us. He not only provided a house in the perfect location for us next door to Mom, but he also provided furniture too! He is so good.
I am excited to have a dedicated crafting area at one end of the family room where I can leave my sewing machine out and have my yarn stored where it will be easy to get to. Now that I know this is happening, I’m very eager to move and get started on our new life. I did book the POD for our move in September. I have also reserved a U-Haul trailer for May. Dennis and I will fill the U-Haul and take it back then. It will be our first time in the house to see what all needs to be done.
I’m sorry about the lighting in the following pictures. It was very hard to get good photos this week as it’s been snowing lightly or raining nearly every day. Tomorrow is supposed to be 47°F. Isn’t that crazy? I will take it since tomorrow is my birthday and you all know how much I detest winter. I feel like God is giving me a gift of springtime weather. A little bit of warmth and spring rain showers.
This is the baby blanket that I was crocheting on last week. I used the same cross-stitch pattern that Teresa is using on her blanket from Lucy at Attic 24. You can find photos of Teresa‘s blanket on her blog which is on my sidebar under “Teresa Kasner.”
I just made up a very simple border of chains and a shell stitch using triple crochet. The second photo is much closer to the actual color of the blanket. This will be donated to the hospital nursery here in Spokane.
Next I have been following a lady on YouTube named the “Crocheting House Mouse.” She is crocheting a mystery shawl where every night her husband chooses a color out of her scraps and puts it in a bag for her so she will be surprised. That is the next row she puts on her shawl. She only crochets one row a day. Well, I used the same pattern, but I used one entire skein of Knit Picks speckle yarn in fingering weight and several of my scrap sock yarn balls. I was trying to make it in more muted colors and not overly bright. I just ordered enough material from “Goods” store in Pennsylvania to make five summer dresses. I chose colors to go with the speckle yarn out of my scrap bag that would match some of the colors in those dresses. I think this light shawl will be perfect for the summer evenings. I’m sorry it isn’t stretched or blocked yet. I really have no place here to block something this large.

Two more pair of mittens were made using two strands held together of the Lion Brand Cupcake yarn. These mittens are so soft. One ball of the cupcake yarn was enough to make four pair of mittens with just a little less than one yard left over! It was wonderful. I felt like I had used almost every bit of that yarn. Thank you to the person who gave me this yarn. You know who you are. Four little children will have warm hands next winter because of your generosity in donating this yarn.
Two more pair of mittens were made using two strands held together of the Lion Brand Cupcake yarn. These mittens are so soft. One ball of the cupcake yarn was enough to make four pair of mittens with just a little less than one yard left over! It was wonderful. I felt like I had used almost every bit of that yarn. Thank you to the person who gave me this yarn. You know who you are. Four little children will have warm hands next winter because of your generosity in donating this yarn.
As I said earlier, every day for the past week we have had rain or snow. One day it would snow 3 to 4 inches and the next it would rain and wash a lot of it away. Then it would snow again overnight and then turn to rain again. Right now we have a little piles of snow but most of it is gone. I’m sure that if it gets as warm as they say it will tomorrow, the last reminders of the white stuff will disappear. Yay! I know some of you are just getting your first real snow this weekend. Debbie, I’m talking to you! I hope you’re enjoying it as much as you thought you would.๐
Brad and Mandy gave us a gift card to the Olive Garden for Christmas. I’m going to call in an order tomorrow and Dennis will stop and pick it up on his way home from work. That will be my birthday dinner! I also have a grocery pick up tomorrow morning and I ordered a little 5 inch cake ๐ that will be the perfect size for Dennis and I to each have a piece tomorrow night after dinner. That way there won’t be a big cake sitting around waiting for me to eat the whole thing! And really, we all know that’s what would happen.๐ Alex already FaceTimed this evening from Japan to wish me a happy birthday because it’s Monday there already!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and are safe and well. No luck so far on getting vaccine appointment for Dennis but I keep trying. How are you all doing in the process? I am so sorry this is so long. Thank you for hanging around if you made it this far. I guess I had more to talk to you about then I realized!

Blessings and love,
Blessings and love,