I had to go to the dentist this afternoon and while I was gone Dennis put her bed up onto his desk so she could take a nap in the sunshine. Guess who has her daddy wrapped around her little paw? Her brown spots are getting darker by the day.

Piper got her school pictures back already. Her grandpa doesn’t like it because he says it makes her look about 16. I think she has a beautiful smile and I love her hair.

Three days in a row these two were able to play together. Friday I brought Lizzie to our house while Mandy worked at the schools fundraiser all day. Saturday was our obedience lesson so they were together all afternoon.

On Sunday Mandy had a memorial service so after church we went out to their house and stayed with Piper and Lizzie. These two were exhausted at the end of all three days.

I finally started working on some Christmas things this week. In the move, four a pairs of hand knit socks were lost. I kept hoping they would show up somewhere, but we have never found them and we’ve been through every unpacked box at least twice, most four or five times!
Piper got her school pictures back already. Her grandpa doesn’t like it because he says it makes her look about 16. I think she has a beautiful smile and I love her hair.
Three days in a row these two were able to play together. Friday I brought Lizzie to our house while Mandy worked at the schools fundraiser all day. Saturday was our obedience lesson so they were together all afternoon.
On Sunday Mandy had a memorial service so after church we went out to their house and stayed with Piper and Lizzie. These two were exhausted at the end of all three days.
I finally started working on some Christmas things this week. In the move, four a pairs of hand knit socks were lost. I kept hoping they would show up somewhere, but we have never found them and we’ve been through every unpacked box at least twice, most four or five times!
I have started the ornaments for the grandkids. Mandy, you can’t let Piper see this.π Obviously this one is for Piper and all I have completed is the cross stitch portion. I still have to finish it.

This one is for Kyleigh and I just started it last night. It is the same design.

I did finish Lizzy‘s doggy sweater and gave that to Mandy and I also made two baby hats that I have put away to take to the hospital.
This one is for Kyleigh and I just started it last night. It is the same design.
I did finish Lizzy‘s doggy sweater and gave that to Mandy and I also made two baby hats that I have put away to take to the hospital.
Honestly it’s all I can do to keep the house halfway presentable with this puppy. I don’t remember housebreaking taking quite this long before. She’s doing very well, but only if we remember to take her out. She’s not really letting us know. If any of you have tips or tricks for housebreaking puppies feel free to let me know. I’ve had a few comments from past posts and we’ve tried everything that’s been suggested.
Dennis and I got our first shingles Shingrix shots last Wednesday. (I have no idea if I spelled that right.) Thankfully it didn’t bother him at all, but I ran a low-grade temperature for two nights and my arm was swollen, red and hot until today. Since I have had shingles in the past, the doctor wanted to make sure that I had the shot. Since our insurance covered it we figured we better get the shots now while we had the coverage. I have had more vaccinations this year than I have since grade school. We have to get the second shot sometime after November 22. Then, unless we get the Covid booster, I think we’ll be done with shots for a while.
I hope you’re all doing well. I’m enjoying reading about fall in all of the various areas you live in. And of course it’s spring down south. I’m praying that you all have a great week.

Blessings and love,
Blessings and love,