Angels and seashells are a common theme. I love angels. Each time I see one it reminds me that God has sent them to watch over us, along with being His messengers throughout the Bible.
Isn’t this one beautiful?
It is our dream to go back again someday.
On Christmas, even though we had already exchanged gifts at Thanksgiving, Mandy had left a couple of packages under the tree for us so we would have something to open on Christmas day. Dennis got some much-needed clothes and this was what I had from Piper.
Aren’t these both just perfect for me? A sweet little wood block with a beautiful saying on it. Piper picked it out for me and it’s in my favorite colors of purples and lavenders, although it looks more pink in the photo. I wear these sort of slipper socks around the house all the time. If this saying isn’t perfect for me I don’t know what is!
This was my gift from Dennis. Another $100 gift card to Hobby Lobby. He did this last year and I absolutely loved it. The only rule is that I cannot use it to buy anything for anyone else. Since I buy so much yarn to make things to give away, I always feel guilty buying anything for myself. Last year I made that gift card last until October when we were in Omaha. Then I broke the rule when I used the very last of it to buy Piper an outfit for her baby doll. I was so excited when I realized he had gotten me another gift card. It’s a gift that keeps giving to me all year long. It’s amazing how picky I get about what I buy when I’m using this card.
Goodness I feel spoiled.
It snowed again last night. Not a lot, but enough to make the roads slick. I had planned to go to Trader Joe’s and JoAnns. Yesterday I received an email that all of their yarn is on sale. Now I think I’ll just stay cozy inside the house instead.
Goodness knows I need to be knitting on this...
I should have been done with it by now. I have ripped the right front out three separate times. The directions just say to make it a mirror image of the left side and somehow my brain could not comprehend that. Even though I’ve made this sweater before. Several times. I honestly don’t know what was wrong with me. Sometimes I worry that I’m losing it.
A close-up of the smocking on the top of the sweater. This is what is so time-consuming.
I finally was able to start a sleeve last night. Now all I have to do is finish the sleeve, knit the second one and do the button band before sewing it all together. And make an identical sweater by next Tuesday. Somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I’m going to give it a good try!
I received a few beautiful gifts in the mail from you, my blog friends. This first one is from dear sweet Gracie who lives in Oregon. Isn’t this ingenious? It’s a towel holder! You put it over the handle on your stove or refrigerator and loop a towel through the openings. I think this is beautiful. Thank you Gracie! You can find Gracie at “One Saylors Log” over on my side bar.
This very imaginative gift is from Kathy in Wisconsin. It is self-explanatory when you read the card. Isn’t this a great idea? Thank you so much Kathy. I’m going to plant these in a pot at the lake and think of you every time I see it. Kathy has a blog called ”Compassionknit”and you can find the link on my side bar.
And just look at this treasure trove! A bag, buttons and yarn from my dear friend Lorraine who lives on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. She made the beautiful bag and sewed the buttons on the individual cards. I wish you could smell this wool. I’m sure it’s from one of the sheep who live outside of their cottage on the island. She is ”Mama’s Mercantile” over on my side bar if you would like to check out her blog.
On Christmas afternoon we went to see Mr. Rogers at the movie theater along with Neal and Jenny. We have never gone to the movies on Christmas before and I was amazed at how busy it was. There are 20 theaters in this complex and we were told they were all sold out for the showings while we were there. I just could never imagine that many people go to the movies on Christmas. I don’t know that we will do that again. It just didn’t seem right. Although the movie was very good.
This is a photo of the Christmas tree at the mall as we were riding up the escalator to the theaters. The tree is three stories high and absolutely gorgeous although the color doesn’t show up very well in this photo. I guess you can get a bit of the perspective when you see the people standing down below.

And here’s one last photo of our tree that I took on Christmas Eve. Oh, the memories that this tree holds. I look at the ornaments that the kids made when they were small and ornaments that have been given to us by friends and that we have collected over 41 years of marriage. It’s probably not as beautiful to most people as the perfectly decorated ones that you see, but it means more to me than one of those trees ever could.
And here’s one last photo of our tree that I took on Christmas Eve. Oh, the memories that this tree holds. I look at the ornaments that the kids made when they were small and ornaments that have been given to us by friends and that we have collected over 41 years of marriage. It’s probably not as beautiful to most people as the perfectly decorated ones that you see, but it means more to me than one of those trees ever could.
I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday week and that you had time with family and friends. Now, I’m heading out to shovel snow yet again. It’s that wonderful time of the year!
“Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11