It's almost the weekend! Yippee! I thought I would give those of you who haven"t seen it yet, a peek at the doily I made Teresa. She has much better photos on her blog on my sidebar. Her pictures show where she's placed it on her baby grand piano. I'm glad she likes it. It's about 30 inches across.

Here's a closer picture. I'm not very good at blocking and I pressed it after I took these pictures but it gives you a idea of how it looks. The doily used size 80 thread. That was the first time I used thread that small to crochet with.
When in Portland last week, Mandy & I ran into Michaels while the guys waited with Piper in the truck. These were my finds. I had a 40% off coupon for the yarn. It's a HUGE one pound ball of baby yarn. The tin was 70% off and will hold tape, paper, pens, etc. in the trailer. It's much easier to find things if they are all organized and in one place. I love tins for things like this.
While visiting Portland we made a trip to IKEA. I bought two pillow inserts and then there are several dozen pillow covers to choose from for only $5.00 each. These were my choice.
And here they are on the pillow inserts. A total of $11.99 per pillow. That's not bad at all and when I get tired of the covers I can always get two more for a very inexpensive price. I needed new throw pillows for the sofa and loveseat. I think I'll get a couple of more on the next visit.
Then, as we passed through the kitchenware section, this grill pan caught my eye. I get so tired of lugging the electric grill upstairs from the big pantry in the basement where I keep the small electric appliances and big pots, I use it several times a week all winter long. This will work well at the trailer this summer too.
The handle folds in for storage and out for cooking. I've used it twice already and I really like it.
And this was the main objective in going to IKEA. The curtains I had up were about 20 years old. They had come from our old house when we built this one. Last fall when I washed them, I had to sew up several hems and I was afraid they wouldn't survive another washing. The new drapes are of a heavy canvas or similar cloth. There are rings in the tops that thread onto the new curtain rod, also from IKEA. I washed and dried them in hot water and a hot dryer to try to shrink them a bit. I still had to hem them about 4 inches. IKEA drapes are all very long-I think these were 95 inches. If you need curtains and have access to an IKEA I highly recommend them for cost. I bought all of my goodies, pillows, covers, grill pan, curtain rod, drapes and an insulated lunch bag for Piper for right around $100.00. For a window this size, 108 inches wide, just the drapes would normally be more than that at most stores.
Drapes closed.
Drapes open! I do like these curtains so far. They keep the drafts out much better than the old curtains did.
Gracie gave me the most lovely book of baby knitting patterns while we visited. Isn't this a sweet picture? The patterns are also complete cuteness.
Spring is here! Even if it is snowing all around us in the mountains tonight. (NOOOOOOO! I wanted to start camping soon.) So I cut a branch off of our flowering pear tree outside and hung my tiny little Easter eggs on it. The branch kept tipping the vase over so I filled it with birdseed and it worked very well.
A closer view of the little eggs.
Real organic eggs from Teresa's chickens. Look at that cute little 1/2 dozen egg carton. Perfect for egg gifting. I have had one of these eggs for breakfast every morning this week. Yum!
Knitted eggs on the coffee table. Don't try eating these. :-)
Sophie's Daddy had his second brain surgery in less than a week today, so she came to stay with me for the day. We had a great time cuddling and knitting together. I had a touch of the stomach flu today so I didn't get too much accomplished. Larry is doing very well tonight and may go home tomorrow! He had a device much like a pacemaker inserted into his chest with wires to his brain to control his essential tremors. They had gotten so bad that he had a hard time holding a fork to eat along with many other aspects of daily living The tremors are gone already! That is such a miracle and will improve his quality of life so much.
Sophie is so used to visiting Chloe and I that she jumped up onto my lap and went right to sleep.
Okay, I'm off to bed and praying that I'll feel better tomorrow morning when I wake up.. I don't know why I always seem to catch these annoying bugs. Ick!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend my friends.
Many Blessings to you all,