WARNING! This is a picture laden post. I apologize in advance. I have even more but I'll save them for another post. :-)
This is the reason Grandpa and I were in a hurry to get to Portland. Mandy sent this picture to us as we were driving Friday morning. She had just told Piper that Grandpa and Grandma would be there soon. We actually left our house about 5:30 a.m.
For those of you that read Teresa and Gracies blog, here is "their" mountain, Mt. Hood from about 230 miles away.

A little closer. I magnified it and the picture became blurry. Sorry about that!
I took this one around The Dalles, Oregon which was closer yet. Isn't it just gorgeous?
Driving along through the Columbia Gorge. It's lots easier to get some pictures when someone else is driving. :-)
We were an hour early for lunch, so Hubby dropped me off at Gracie's house and she drove us to the Red Lobster restaurant where both Taci and Teresa arrived at the same time as we did. Great timing. We had a very patient waiter who took pictures with all of our cameras. Except Gracie's. Her battery died. Oh well, we're good at sharing. :-) I adore these ladies and our time together. We weren't even planning gifts for each other, (except the doily I made Teresa), and we had presents anyway. I brought everyone a skein of Hobby Lobby's I Love This Yarn cotton in springy colors of blue. Taci gave us project bags and Teresa brought us eggs from her chickens.
Do you see the doily I made Teresa? She has some really great pictures of it on her piano if you would like to check out her blog on my sidebar. Do you see the glass ball on the doily in the middle of the picture? Teresa gave me one of her prize Japanese fishing floats for making the doily. I have been trying to find one for years when we've been at the coast with no luck and Teresa knew it. Wasn't it sweet of her to give me one of hers? There is a better picture of the float later in the blog.
Here is sweet Gracie checkinng out her yarn. She was a little hidden in the above picture.
Just look at all of the goodies. I also took Taci a baby sweater, hat and socks along with some extra hats for her Mom in Brazil who works with an orphanage there. You can see them in the left of the picture.
Here's the beautiful float joining ny collection of birds. I'm still trying to decide it's permanent home.
Yummy! I have only been to Red Lobster once before, years ago. This was my delicious lunch. Shrimp, fresh green beans and salad.
Here we are. Back to Piper. She had a great time covering Chloe up an patting her back saying, "night, night". Chloe was so good but doesn't her expressions look a bit like Eyeore in Winnie the Pooh? Woe is me....I'm so sad.
Grandpa and Piper reading a book in the backseat of Brad's truck. We're on our way to IKEA.
Mandy and I were supposed to go to a craft night when I was in Portland last time. It was canceled because of all the snow, so they delivered all the materials to us to make on our own. That's just what we did on Saturday. I think if we do this again we would use smaller nails rather than the ones that were provided to us. Mandy made a pair of birds sitting on a clothesline.
Here they are together. Mine is the dove. Not bad, but we both agree they would look MUCH better with smaller nails. We were able to make these while sitting outside on the patio in the sunshine.
Chloe and Polly had a great time running and playing in the yard. The grass is so green here. Ours in Spokane is still brown with some green tinges!
Brad was having fun playing ball with Piper and the dogs. :-)
Ooooh! Not sure what she saw, but I loved this expression.
We spent an hour or so at the park two blocks from Mandy & Brad's house. This is Pipers first time down the slide with Mommy. She loved it.
Swinging with Daddy. They were holding hands while swinging. I was a little too late snapping the picture. Can you see that smile? She loves her Daddy big time.
Grandpa and Mommy taking a break.
Pretty posies at the house.

On our way home yesterday I got this great picture of Mt. St. Helens. For those of you that don't know. Mt. St. Helen's erupted in 1980 and it's beautiful peak became this flat top.
Here's Mt. Hood as we were leaving Portland.
Home! We sure packed a lot into two days! We were exhausted when we got home last night. Next post will have pictures of my IKEA purchases.
I hope I didn't bore you too much. It was the prettiest weekend since last summer and we had beautiful drives both going to Portland and driving home. We spent lots of time outside and played a lot. I can't believe how much Piper changed in the short time since I was there last month. She's talking lots more and so sweet. I miss her already.
Have a lovely day my friends.
I loved looking through your photos, I'm sure you had a great time away.
nice pictures.. looks like a good trip
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your pictures with all of us....they are filled with so much love and sweet happy faces. :) Sounds like you had a most wonderful journey. :)
ReplyDeleteThe doily that you made for Miss Teresa is awesome! Truly breath taking. It is so beautiful. :)
Blessings to you always sweet friend.
I'm so glad you had a nice trip. The lunch with the ladies looks like lots of fun. Piper is getting so big! What a sweetie. It looks like you all had lots of fun with your son's family. Thank you for sharing your fun weekend with us. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad the weather was good for your trip. Sometimes that makes all the difference. That Miss Piper is certainly growing. I'm glad you get to visit often and get to have lunch with your ladies. I love the doily and all the things you girls make.
I enjoyed photos of your trip! I hope to meet up with you next time when ya all meet. Now that my root canal is done, tomorrow will be better. I am just a bit tired, couldn't sleep even tho I tried to nap! Mt Hood is out today. Beautiful day. Phil didn't have to go into work after we got back from dental appt. So he mowed the lawn since it was high! Your granddaughter Piper is so cute! So glad you get to enjoy her! They are so fun and I need to see mine soon! Hugs and have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing all the pictures of your trip! Fun and beautiful stuff. Betsy, you did an amazing job on Teresa's doily!!! It's gorgeous! Wowee. Way to go! And you did that fast too. Snooze herb update: I've had my "tea" and Valerian root powder soaking in vodka since 3/4. It should be ready soon. I've got to get my stomach settled down before I try it though. I know I couldn't take it right now! Bleh!
ReplyDeleteah so much fun going on.. lovely doiley, Piper and all the ladies too would love to been a fly on the wall there :D Shaz in Oz.x
ReplyDeleteLook at that wonderful time you had. It all looks wonderful. I love meeting up with friends especially when it involves food and even better when little gifts are involved :) How gorgeous are your family pics. So much love and fun xx
ReplyDeleteLook at those beautiful eyes!!! she has grown Betsy! I know you and Grandpa had a wonderful time...it shows in your pictures.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all your pictures of the mountains...I so wish I could do some of your sight seeing in person....I bet it's beautiful there!
Hugs, Shari
Wow what a beautiful weekend. But you sure did a lot in two days my dear friend! I'm grateful that you were able to see us and spend some time together. We know you didn't have much time and taking time to spend with us was a gift. Piper is sure growing and she is suc a princess... So very cute. Hope to see you soon again. The doily is absolutely gorgeous my dear friend. Thanks again for the gift :)
ReplyDeleteBetsy.. so sorry I haven't left a comment.. we got slammed with getting the boat ready and then getting me ready for my trip to Ohio. But I loved reading your post and seeing all the photos. I'll be back in 2 weeks. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Betsy! I loved viewing your photos and especially enjoyed seeing the ones of Piper and her loved ones :) I have been running errands and trying to organize things to pack for our trip...making progress, but only got in one hour of swimming this week. Thank you again for the beautiful yarn! I am taking it with me and hope to knit some dishcloths. xx
ReplyDeleteYou could never bore us! I love each and every picture. Your trip sounds wonderful Betsy. I am so glad you had a lovely time with everyone.