This is my world yet again today. Yesterday we woke up to about 3 inches of snow. So we shoveled the drive and headed off to chuch. Then several of us went to Shakey's Pizza for lunch. This was the parking lot at Shakey's.
It never stopped snowing. All day it snowed. It snowed and snowed.
About 8:00 last night we decided to go shovel again even though it hadn't quit snowing. Hubby got the snowblower to work for about 2 passes down the sidewalk before it decided to not throw the snow anymore. I think it's tired of winter too. :-)
I shoveled the driveway again while he played with, er, worked on, the snowblower. Did I mention it was only about 10 degrees out while we were playing in the snow? Which was an improvement on the 1F earlier.
Okay winter. I'm officially over you. Freezing rain is predicted for today, but by Thursday it is supposed to be 50F, so all of this will be gone. We got about 11 inches Saturday night and Sunday. Then, Hubby shoveled another 2 inches before he left for work this morning. So 13 or so just this weekend.
Since March "came in like a lion." I'm counting on it going "out like a lamb". Please?
And that's all I have for you this morning. The doily is within 10 rounds or so of being done so I want to wait to show you pictures. Of course, now that it's so big, each round takes a few hours so it will still be a few days at least before I finish.
For those of you that have wondered about my CASA training...I have been sworn in by the court in the state of Washington and now I am a certified CASA. However, I really don't see myself taking a case. I think my heart couldn't take it. Too many things to go into in this post, but I would want to protect each and every child and sometimes things just don't go the "right" way in the court system. As my dear friend Taci said, I don't know how to protect myself from all the emotions and heartbreak that would go with this kind of work. She works in this field every day and knows full well how things can turn out. I respect her opinion and love her for caring about me.
Apparently all three of "my" girls, Taci, Gracie and Teresa agree that my heart is too soft for that kind of volunteering and they let me know last time we were together. I am so grateful that God put these ladies into my life. They are the most wonderful sort of friends to have. I wish I lived closer and we could see each other more often. (And go to the pool with Gracie & Teresa!)
So, I'll just keep doing what I can do with my knitting and crocheting to help the little ones in our community. I have a batch of baby hats to deliver to the hospital soon, along with some burial buntings. As sad as that is, they are needed.
There are a myriad of other places I can help and that's what I'll do for now. God opens doors all the time for me to see where children need love and warm things. I can do that.
*******Edited to add-Guess what??? It's snowing AGAIN!!! Yippee!*******
Stay warm my friends and have a lovely, happy Monday.
Gosh, that's a lot of snow. We got freezing rain, then ice, and then snow last night. I am so over winter as well!
ReplyDeleteI think you will be a blessing no matter where you go or who you help because that is who you are! :) Just think of all the lives you have touched with your loving gifts made not just from your hands, but your heart as well. I think you are pretty awesome!
oh, and I am still working away on the doily...not much progress this past weekend, but hope to made a dent in it this week. : )
Wishing you a day filled with many blessings sweet friend.
Hello Betsy, I am more than over the snow for this year. My DH just said, March came in like a Lion and will go out like a Lamb so lets cross our fingers this will come true. I wish I was closer too, I would be so happy to go swimming with Gracie and Teresa and you too. I love swimming. take care and stay warm my friend. Hugs Judy
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about all this snow. I really hope winter is over for you very soon. I think the other ladies, who know you well, have the right idea about the CASA situation. I know I would end up the same way. What you're already doing is kind and very helpful for the babies. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, just look at all that beautiful snow! WOW. I got my mix of Snooze Tincture herbs a couple of days ago. Tried it last night and didn't sleep a wink and felt kind of nauseous after drinking it. I just made some tea with a Tblsp of the herbs and about a tsp of valerian root powder. It tasted like ass in the grass! Ha-ha-ha! But I drank it anyway. I'm going to try the vodka method as soon as I can get to the store to get some. Maybe that will be easier to take. How do you make your tea and what else do you put in it other than the herbs? I sweetened mine with a little Splenda and added some milk. That made it taste a little better. I'm convinced I just made and drank the tea too early in the evening. I had it at about 8:00 and didn't go to bed until after 11. You can email me rather than commenting here if you want. I don't know why I didn't just email you!
ReplyDeleteWishing for spring to come very, very soon to your neck of the woods! And it sounds like you and I are much alike...I don't think I would be able to handle the intense emotions of each case either. What a sweet soul you are! What you do to love those babies is a beautiful thing! *hugs* :)
ReplyDeleteGoodness gracious! With all that snow to fling about you don't have to worry about not getting enough exercise, do you! I'm glad you have been able to get out to worship and visit with friends in spite of the challenging weather.
ReplyDeleteCheers for all your stitching! I have made no stitching progress of late. Today I have been preparing for our Thursday morning Bible study I am helping to facilitate, and I need some catch up time for paperwork.
Did you pick a date for our gathering this month? I'm looking forward to seeing you soon! xx
Oh no! All that snow. Blowing it all away is rather a useless attempt but great exercise. It's sort of like the dust here. I've given up on trying to keep it at bay. :) Yes, I would agree that it would be difficult to handle such cases. You are doing such a good thing with all your crochet and knitting. Sending warm wishes your way! Tammy
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Betsy, that is a LOT of snow! I am hearing from all of the gals whose blogs I love, that live in the snow, that they are OVER winter. I hope it stops soon, and melts away to reveal softer days, and blooming flowers!
ReplyDeleteI could not do the volunteer work you are training for either.
xo Kris
Wishing you lots of warm drinks and a quick melt Betsy! Your photos of the snow are beautiful but it really does get a bit too much doesn't it.... Stay warm and happy crocheting!
BLess you community efforts. Stop snow STOP
ReplyDeleteDear Betsy.. you're such a wonderful and generous friend! I'm so sorry to see of your snow.. we had an ice storm on Sunday, but I was still able to head out for my beach trip.. the ice stopped as soon as I got to the 205 interchange. I'm so excited about the doily and so is my piano! LOL! I'm sure looking forward to our next lunch. See you soon.. and I just know the snow will stop soon. Or you could move to Portland. :-D
ReplyDelete((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Hi Betsy, I don't know how Rizwana made the spicy potato sandwiches. She cooked potatoes with spices that they use in Sri Lanka and then used the sandwich maker to get them toasty. Never had them before but was quite tasty. I will ask how she made the potato stuffing. :) Warm hugs and blessings, Tammy
ReplyDeleteCongrats on completing your CASA training Betsy! No training/education is wasted and God can use you in ways that have nothing to do with the court system (which sadly, as you mentioned, isn't always 'just').
ReplyDeleteGlad to know your snow is GONE now:)
Blessings, Aimee