Dennis‘s mom turned 85 on Saturday. We were planning to have just a small get together of immediate family that we knew were all vaccinated. However, several more people came and it end up being about 25 people at various times! I believe everyone was vaccinated except Piper and her two younger cousins. They played outside or downstairs with the puppies most of the time. Most people stayed outside the entire time except when they were fixing their plates and then they came inside two or three people at a time. I think everyone was conscious and was trying to be careful. I think, I hope, I pray, that all is well. It’s been three days and I haven’t heard anything from anyone and we are all fine. We have been so careful for the last year and a half but who knows how many more birthdays will have with her and she was excited to have everyone there.

Dennis and I provided pork chops, sausages, deviled eggs, fruit salad, Wichita potatoes, homemade pickles, drinks, cake and cupcakes. Most other people brought something too, including potato salad, watermelon, macaroni and cheese, lots of chips, and a relish tray. After two years of not seeing anyone it was nice and as I said, all of the adults that were here were vaccinated which eases my mind somewhat.
Dennis and I provided pork chops, sausages, deviled eggs, fruit salad, Wichita potatoes, homemade pickles, drinks, cake and cupcakes. Most other people brought something too, including potato salad, watermelon, macaroni and cheese, lots of chips, and a relish tray. After two years of not seeing anyone it was nice and as I said, all of the adults that were here were vaccinated which eases my mind somewhat.
We bought mom a Keurig coffee maker, a box of her favorite coffee and a carousel to keep the k-cups in. She really likes it and it was nice to get something that we knew she would actually use and enjoy.
In the photo below you see mom, who was completely surprised or she would have been dressed up. She thought she was just coming over to visit us for a while in our backyard. Next to her is her brother Al who came from Minneapolis for the weekend. Al is 89. Behind them you see Al’s son Ron who lives in Reno. He has been visiting his family in Minnesota for two weeks. It was wonderful to see Ron because it had been at least 35 years since either Dennis or I saw him. He looks exactly the same except a few gray hairs!😂 Lots of other family members were also there including Ron’s sister Janet from Minnesota. Five of Mom‘s grandchildren who live in Omaha were here, along with my sister, my niece Chaela and her husband Tim. Alex called as he was walking through Queens Park and sang happy birthday to her over FaceTime. She was thrilled. Honestly, I still don’t know how we pulled off the surprise. I wasn’t at her house much Thursday or Friday because I was cooking most of the time and getting everything ready for the party and since I’m usually there for a big chunk of every day, I was sure she knew something was up.

Mandy and Dennis were deep in conversation.

The puppies were having a wonderful time playing together in the family room. These two sure love each other. I think Lizzie looks like a miniature golden retriever.

The trip I mentioned was that Dennis left Sunday early afternoon for Spokane and is actually on his way back home right now. His flight lands in a couple of hours at about 2:00 here in Omaha. Sunday night he was able to stop and visit with Neal and Jenny. Last night he had dinner at Arby’s with Larry and Nita and then they all went over to Paul and Lori’s to see the puppy. Can you believe that that furball Nita is holding is the same little Lizzie that I showed you a few weeks ago? She has sure grown hasn’t she?

I finally finished the baby blanket. I don’t remember it ever taking me this long to make a baby blanket. I guess that’s what happens when there’s a puppy in the house. It’s like having a two-year-old. I used six skeins of Yarn Bee Fresco Fiber; three each of the colorways eggshell and linen. The fiber content in this yarn is 59% cotton 36% acrylic and 5% other fibers. It is super soft and a joy to work with.
The puppies were having a wonderful time playing together in the family room. These two sure love each other. I think Lizzie looks like a miniature golden retriever.
The trip I mentioned was that Dennis left Sunday early afternoon for Spokane and is actually on his way back home right now. His flight lands in a couple of hours at about 2:00 here in Omaha. Sunday night he was able to stop and visit with Neal and Jenny. Last night he had dinner at Arby’s with Larry and Nita and then they all went over to Paul and Lori’s to see the puppy. Can you believe that that furball Nita is holding is the same little Lizzie that I showed you a few weeks ago? She has sure grown hasn’t she?
I finally finished the baby blanket. I don’t remember it ever taking me this long to make a baby blanket. I guess that’s what happens when there’s a puppy in the house. It’s like having a two-year-old. I used six skeins of Yarn Bee Fresco Fiber; three each of the colorways eggshell and linen. The fiber content in this yarn is 59% cotton 36% acrylic and 5% other fibers. It is super soft and a joy to work with.
I haven’t washed it yet because I knew I would have help in trying to photograph it. Look who just had to be in the picture. She kept grabbing the corners and pulling them over on itself. Sorry the picture isn’t any better. The blanket is about 40 in. square and I love it. You can’t tell very well in this photo, but I did a single round of single crochet around the edge in the darker linen color. Doesn’t Zoey look like she has a surprised ghost face on her back with those three brown spots?

After I finished the blanket last night, I also finished off this dish cloth that I had about 3/4 done.

Whew! It has been a crazy, crazy week. Dennis is working on selling the company and that is the reason for all of these trips to Spokane recently. It sounds like there are some people very interested so it may be over and done with sooner rather than later. I must admit it was nice having this little furball here with me while he was gone these two nights. It’s amazing the difference it makes not being alone in a house. Even when your companion is a measly 2.8 pound ball of fur! Dennis called a little while ago from the airport in Seattle. I had him on speaker phone and when Zoey heard his voice she went crazy and she started licking the phone . She actually hung up on him with her tongue! I called him back and he wondered what it happened. I think he was very pleased when he realized how much she seems to miss him.
I think I’m home for a while anyway. I was hoping maybe to take a trip by myself and meet some blog friends this fall but with so much Covid out there I’m really not comfortable doing that. I have been stressing over the birthday party for the last couple of weeks. At least it’s over and I can’t second-guess myself anymore.
After I finished the blanket last night, I also finished off this dish cloth that I had about 3/4 done.
Whew! It has been a crazy, crazy week. Dennis is working on selling the company and that is the reason for all of these trips to Spokane recently. It sounds like there are some people very interested so it may be over and done with sooner rather than later. I must admit it was nice having this little furball here with me while he was gone these two nights. It’s amazing the difference it makes not being alone in a house. Even when your companion is a measly 2.8 pound ball of fur! Dennis called a little while ago from the airport in Seattle. I had him on speaker phone and when Zoey heard his voice she went crazy and she started licking the phone . She actually hung up on him with her tongue! I called him back and he wondered what it happened. I think he was very pleased when he realized how much she seems to miss him.
I think I’m home for a while anyway. I was hoping maybe to take a trip by myself and meet some blog friends this fall but with so much Covid out there I’m really not comfortable doing that. I have been stressing over the birthday party for the last couple of weeks. At least it’s over and I can’t second-guess myself anymore.
I apologize once again for getting a little bit behind in reading your blogs over the last several days. I think I’m all caught up now and will try to do better now that all of the big events are done with for a while. Take care my dear friends and stay safe.

Blessings and hugs,
Blessings and hugs,
Happy Birthday to your Mother In Law! How wonderful that you had a party for her!
ReplyDeleteYour puppy is a great helper, so happy for you!
Be careful out there!
What a wonderful party. So wonderful that so much of your family was able to celebrate with Mom and I bet she was just thrilled to see everyone. It is hard to know how much is safe and what isn't. All your food sounds delicious and it sounds like everyone was on their best pandemic behavior.
ReplyDeleteWe took a chance ourselves. It was my daughter's in-laws 50th Anniversary and their three sons rented a room at a local restaurant. It was the happy vaccinated couple, the three sons and their vaccinated families, 1 vaccinated teenaged grandchild and six under vaccine aged grandchildren and us. Sad for the restaurant, but lucky for us, too many staff called off and they ended up closing except for our table! So we were the only ones in the place except for staff. Still made my hubby a little nervous.
Your little pup is just the cutest thing ever.
A very happy birthday to your mother-in-law! I’m glad the surprise birthday party was a success and all went well. Congrats to you and Piper on the new puppies! Dogs are such a joy, can’t imagine a life without them. Hoping the business sells quickly so you and your hubby can more fully enjoy retirement. I will be so glad when this pandemic ends, but this summer we did make 3 trips—a family reunion and to see our youngest. Nice handcrafts😊
PS: What are Wichita potatoes?
Happy Birthday to your Mother-in-Law. She sure doesn't look 85! Sounds like a good party, and all that foods sounds delicious! Those sweet sweet puppies. Don't know how you get anything done! Yes, the little black one is growing fast. They do grow up fast. The baby blanket turned out just beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your Mom had a wonderful day
ReplyDeletePuppies are a lot of work, but they are definitely worth it.
And I know what you mean about the house feeling less empty. When I first moved out on my own, I had about a week between when I moved and when I picked up Tux and Peno from the rescue I adopted them from. It was a very lonely week. Having "someone" to come home to after work made a HUGE difference.
Now it's the same when Dave goes to his Grandma's for the weekend - I never feel lonely because I've got the boys!
Happy birthday to your mother-in-law. What a nice party you had for her! Your pupply is darling and the baby blanket turned out so nice. You sure are busy, busy, busy!!!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY 85TH BIRTHDAY TO MOM! 🎂 🎈 Zoey matches the baby blanket! I noticed her ghost spots in a previous post. That's too cute lol. Puppies and toddlers... so much alike. 😉 🤣 Be blessed, my friend!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your MIL!!! What a wonderful birthday party you gave her and present too! I see the ghost face on Zoey. Those 2 are so cute together. Is Dennis selling your company? I thought he worked for someone else or is he selling it for them? I bet he'll be glad when he can finally retire and relax. You are amazing as what you get done! All that planning and cooking and cleaning! Take care and glad everything went well!
ReplyDeleteHi Sam, The company that he is trying to sell is the one he has worked for for the past 30 years. The owner has decided to sell it. Covid has not been good to the business since it is mainly international. With no travel allowed most places in the world, business has dropped way off. He has asked Dennis to sell it for him. We’re not sure how soon he will retire. He may be done in a month or two and it may be next year.
DeleteMy but you do have a busy life!! I'm sure the new puppy accounts for a fair bit of the busy-ness.
ReplyDeleteYour MIL looks amazing for 85. How lovely that various members of the family could come and celebrate with her.
The party looked like a big success! I would have never guessed any of those folks were over 80. They must have some really good genes! Your puppies are so adorable. They are so much work but they grow up so fast. I still call Pup a pup and she'll be 8 in October. She's a senior now and I can hardly believe how fast those 8 years flew by.
ReplyDeleteWhat great reasons for being a bit behind--looks like a wonderful gathering and the puppies are adorable! Glad things are going well for Dennis-it can be hard to have to travel so much. I want to take a trip to my parents but it is not working out either! Home it is for now! Take care!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to have so many family members attend to celebrate your MIL’s birthday. I know she enjoyed the party and the guests.
ReplyDeleteI am so thrilled that you were able to get together with family and to keep it a secret from Mum. Such a great surprise for her. Those puppies are adorable. Safe travels for Dennis. Every blessing.
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday to your sweet mother-in-law! What a blessing to still have her in your lives. And, that puppy is just too, too cute. I am so thankful you have her, and she is filling your days with joy! God bless you, sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteWow wow mom is 80 this year, in a few days actually.
ReplyDeleteCute puppies! 💕
Betsy I adore those big cakes. I want a corner piece with twice the frosting . Happy happy to your mom. She is rich in b1essings with fami1y. G1ad Dennis is se11ing. He wi11 be with you soon. 1ove the pups. We are being super carefu1 with peop1e. Damn Covid. B1og pa1s he1p keep me connected to the wor1d
ReplyDeleteKind of you to do a surprise birthday party for your mother in law. Looks like a delicious cake. Cute Zoey dog. Nice blanket. I got 2 different small skeins of yarn at Hobby Lobby the other day as they were on sale. I should have got 2 of each of them. I think making a small shawl for a young girl for operation Christmas child box I'm doing this year. Will see. Sad Dennis has to sell the business he worked at for years. Hope all goes well. Hugs my friend.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to MoM! We went to our great grand daughter's 4th birthday party and a few days later we learn that 2 of the people that were there had tested positive for Covid. We were holding our breath, thankfully we're okay, I guess the vaccine did it's job. The dogbabies are precious, they can be a lot of work but they will love you like no other. btw, I love dogs!! Beautiful baby blanket, I'm sure baby will feel all snuggly and warm.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday wishes to your mother-in-law. That cake looks scrumptious. You MIL does not look as if she is in her 80s at all. Very young looking! Gorgeous baby blanket it looks really nice. I must try that stitch I have to make another blanket for another babe in the family; a March babe :-) Keep well Amanda x
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday to Dennis's mom! She looks fantastic. I understand your concerns over the gathering; my dad died last month and we struggled to know what to do about a service for him, especially since my sister is immunocompromised (in the end we limited it to immediate family only, and even that was awkward because not all of my family is vaccinated). Such difficult times.
ReplyDeleteThe puppy looks adorable, and that baby blanket is really beautiful.
Best wishes for the sale of the business, and for Dennis's safety as he travels.