Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Mish Mash

Happy Tuesday everyone! It’s snowing here again today. Yesterday we had a surprise 3 inches when I woke up. And it was snowing again when I woke up this morning. However, it’s supposed to turn to rain this afternoon and that makes me happy. I have to drive to Idaho this afternoon for a meeting and I don’t look forward to doing that if the roads are bad.

I had a big finish yesterday evening. Are you ready for the ta-dah moment?  Here is my handsome Hubby modeling his new sweater for you. Please excuse his pajama pants as it was quite late when I finished the last seam. Also, it had not been blocked yet as I did that this morning.

And here it is this morning after washing and laying it out to block.  The shadows are terrible on this one because it’s so cloudy outside. But you get the idea. The color is much more true in the picture with Dennis wearing it.

He seems to be very pleased with it. I’ve made him several other sweaters, but he’s lost weight and they’re much too big for him. This is the first one that I’ve made out of 100% wool so it was a much bigger investment than the others. I told him he can’t gain his weight back! Ha! We talked to Alex last night and he was quite disappointed that it fit his dad. He has requested one a size smaller. What do you think?

The final block in the “12 blocks of Christmas KAL” wasn’t uploaded until mid afternoon yesterday. Since I wanted to finish Dennis’s sweater, I didn’t get started on it until around 9:00 last night. Obviously I didn’t get it completed. I should finish it today and then I will seam all three strips together and crochet a border around it.  This square is entitled “chevron‘s.”

We put the tree up on Saturday.  Actually Dennis put it up and I decorated it.  No lifting for me!  I have to admit, it does make the house feel much more cheerful. The star on top was the one Dennis’s mom and dad got the year he was born. I love the fact that we have had it for our tree for years and years now.

I thought you might enjoy this photo of one of my friends decorations in her yard.  They live on the Spokane River.  I thought it was really cute and imaginative.

I had my annual cardiology appointment yesterday and figured it would just be a routine thing.  It wasn’t horrible but they weren’t happy with how low my BP was and that my pacemaker had picked up 28 significant events of tachycardia since my download last month.  He actually took one of my medications away hoping that will raise my blood pressure and moved some of my others around in the day. He was talking about doing an ablation in the next couple of weeks but I talked him into waiting a while to see if the medication changes help. I’m supposed to see him in four months and we’ll see what happens. It does explain why I have felt so tired lately. My blood pressure was 60/40 in one arm and 74/58 in the other arm.  I thought I was tired because I have been sitting around so much with my back issues. I felt like I was just being lazy. I guess there’s a reason for it after all! Fun times always.

And to add to my joys, I have to have a repeat colonoscopy next Monday. So I’m prepping all this week for it. The doctor is making me do an extended prep.  There is a medicine I take that they should have had me stop taking seven days before the colonoscopy last month, and even though I reminded them I was taking it, they told me not to worry about it. I stopped it myself two days before, but now the doctor is saying it should have been for an entire week. So I get the joy of having to do this again with even more prep. I won’t go into the details, but it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be a fun five days. As of yesterday my entire diet had to change too.

December has not been a cheerful holiday season for me yet. I’m sure hoping things start looking up after next Monday. I would appreciate any prayers you feel like sending up for me. :-)

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7



  1. Goodness, Betsy. If it's not one thing, it's another. Sure hope the change in medicine works for you. As for the colonoscopy, no fun having to do a repeat. Congrats on finishing Dennis' sweater. He sure has lost a lot of weight. The fishing snowman is super cute. Take care!

  2. That sweater looks fabulous!! It's so hard to get men's sweaters to fit.

  3. Congratulations on a beautiful finish Betsy! Love Dennis' sweater and it looks great on him. The fishing snowman is just so cute.

    Yuck on yet another colonoscopy for you. Sorry about that (and the necessary prep). Hoping your switch in meds will work for you. Keeping you in my prayers.

  4. Beautiful sweater! My word, Betsy, you’ve been through the wringer- we’ll keep you in our prayers! I am happy that’s the Christmas tree made you feel more Christmasy.

  5. Betsy, the cardiac information makes sense. No wonder you re tired. I am most certainly praying for you, IN EARNEST. May the little infant Jesus, bring you health. Your sweater finish is just amazing!

  6. Nice work on the sweater, and thanks for the Block 12 reminder. Now to go find it. Hope you're feeling better today. (I have tachycardia also and can relate.)

  7. The sweater is beautiful! So sorry you are having more health issues, you are in my prayers. That long of a prep sounds awful :(

  8. Dennis looks handsome in his new sweater you made him! Sorry to hear of health problems and hope things work out SOON! Thanks for my pair of birds you sent me...and they were fine!!! Chilly winds this afternoon and then rain and a few accidents in town. Calmer later, thank goodness. Continued prayers for your health and hugs, my friend! :.}

  9. Hi Betsy, thank you for the chicken S&P shakers! :-) Dennis' sweater looks perfect, good for you to make that for him. Looks like your son needs one the same size. Dang.. I'm so sorry for the 2nd colonoscopy.. it sounds quite horrific. It does sound like you're getting lots of good medical care, however. Hang in there my friend. You have lots of people pulling for you.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Great to see Dennis in the wonderful sweater you knit! The latest square is a neat pattern, too, and the decorations fun to see. Blessings on you and yours always dear Betsy!!! xx

  11. Dear precious sis.
    Thank YOU! Your gorgeous card came today and it's so like your lovely country it's nice to remind me of your place.
    Oh dear re medical woes.
    Really sympathetic re colonscopy they're one of my least fav test because of prep and I'm slow to clean out so I start early sluggish system.
    That BP is really low and you need to watch it very closely. I've had hypos and they can creep up on you without you being aware and others literally saved my life by getting medical help so be very careful.
    "Our Heavenly Father knoweth." "He careth for you."
    Gorgeous tree putting mine up soon.
    Love the sweater, well done indeed.
    Prayer Hugs Shaz in Oz. X

  12. my dear friend,
    Your pictures are lovely. I really like the sweater you made for Dennis. I will continue to pray for your health issues. Hopefully, the next appointments will bring good news.

  13. Oh Betsy I'm sending hugs to you and prayers to the Lord. On the bright side your hubby's sweater came out nice and your tree is beautiful!

  14. Yikes, I'm surprised you have enough energy to knit with such a low BP. Take care standing and driving. The sweater is fabulous! My Mom had the same tree topper: I had forgotten about it.

  15. Your tree is pretty and looks about the size of ours. You did a great job on the sweater and I am glad it fits. that snowman fishing gives a smile! I am sorry you have to redo your colposcopy. I would be crying the blues. Hope your feeling better soon. Nancy

  16. Bless your sweet heart, Betsy! It's funny how we seem to have the same issues and deal with problems so closely related. My drop in blood pressure earlier this year scared the dickens out of me. A change in BP meds took care of that. But tiredness seems to come with the territory now. I sincerely hope this colonoscopy comes back clear and you don't have to go through that prep for a good long while. I just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts almost daily. Take a deep breath and hang in there.

  17. the sweater turned out wonderfully! I bet he loves it! You are such a good knitter. Love your tree...what a beauty...none up here yet! LOL! I want to find that KAL...it's too late to join but I love those squares. The snowman fishing is so clever. I haven't seen one on our lake like that but it's a great idea!
    I hope your tests come out clear....I just don't have them! LOL!

  18. Dear friend! I am SO sorry to read of your health issues. It was so wonderful to be able to finally be able to visit with you today. We are without internet, and it is such a trying time in so many ways. I am trying to catch up, but don't think I will be able to do that completely. Anyhow, I will surely be praying for you and trusting all will be well with you. I know what you mean about it being hard to get into the Christmas season joy this year. God help us all through our trials and tribulations. Sending many hugs and blessings to you today. :)

  19. The sweater looks awesome. Your knitting is always perfect! I have you in my prayers sweet friend for your future tests and always. ((hugs))

  20. Besty, I am hoping the medication changes are just the thing you need. I went for my pre-colonoscopy appointment last week. I had to wait an hour and a half to see her and had to take the day off work, I was not happy. So soon I will be like you getting my own, big bummer for both of us. Hope all your results are wonderful. Happy late birthday to Alex. And by the way your sweater turned out perfectly!

  21. He looks very pleased with his jumper, just hope I can finish my sons in time for Christmas, not looking great though! Hoping all goes well for future tests, thinking of you x

  22. Just popping over to let you know you’re in my thought and prayers Betsy. Pray Monday went ok and your BP is behaving better. “Take courage dear heart”, as it was said by Aslan in Narnian series.
    Look up dear sis, our Heavenly Father knoweth. He careth for you.
    Prayer hugs,
    Shaz in Oz.x
