Sunday, November 8, 2020

November challenge day seven

The challenge for today is what is in the bag? I pondered this one trying to decide whether to do my knitting bag or my purse. To save you hours of reading time, I’ve decided to forgo the purse and tell you what’s in my knitting bag. My purse is overflowing!

I just took a photo of my bag and it’s a little dark because it it is 11:35 at night right now.
I guess my knitting bag is overflowing too isn’t it?,

1. In the bag on the top is a baby blanket that is about 1/3 done. I pick it up when I need something to take with me quickly that I don’t need to think about. 
2. My sock project bag is under that with my needles, scissors and everything I need to make a pair of socks. That is also a bag I can grab quickly and run out the door.
3. There is also a project bag that holds a dish cloth that is almost completed. I usually take that bag if I have a doctors appointment because I can put it down quickly and it fits in my purse.
4. I have a little tin box that keeps scissors, a tape measure, stitch markers, needles and anything else that might be needed while working on a project.  Here is a photo of the box.
5. Of course I have two or three different kinds of lotion and a bottle of hand sanitizer.
6. I have some pens and a little tablet for taking notes in case I see a project I like.
7. I have a little packet of tissues.
8. My earbuds so I can listen to music on my phone if I’m by myself.
9. There is a crochet hook to help pick up dropped stitches.
10. And recently I’ve added a Ziploc bag with some disinfectant wipes. Not that I go out in public to knit very often, but I did use one of the wipes on the chair I sat on at the cardiologist’s office last week.

That’s pretty much it right now. Of course, that doesn’t account for the three projects I have next to me in my cart that Dennis bought for me at Michael’s. That’s another story and it’s jam-packed with Bible, yarn, books, lotion, puzzles, crayons, laptop, phone, medicine, etc.

Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday and were able to spend at least a little bit of time doing something that you love. I had a wonderful day, as I got to spend the whole day with the love of my life. We didn’t do much, but we enjoyed the time anyway.

Blessings and love,


  1. Knitters unite (in my case Crocheter :-)). I wonder if there is some super special sort of telepathic connection between Knitters...Crocheter.LOL!! The contents of my basket/bag is very similar to yours and it has another bag on top also with a second WIP. I am rather pleased that I can find a connection between us in this way it means you aren't so far away after all!! Brilliant Sunday morning conclusion!! Keep well Amanda x

  2. Whoa...that's a lot of things! I probably have the same if I put all my stuff in one bag. I have it all in little bags all over the house so I am never far from a project if I need one. Keeping busy is keeping me sane these days.

  3. It is amazing what we can pack into little places! lol

  4. So much and so many projects in such a small space, It made me smile how similar we are united in yarn.

  5. I smiled when I read how many things you cram into your bag!! I can't tell from the picture just how spacious it is but it must be quite a big bag. :)

  6. I love your bag, and all the projects in there, too. So like you to have it full of lovely things to make for others. I have one bag, but I am too afraid to use it, so I use those big 2x zip lock storage bags. Wishing you a most lovely day sweet friend. ((hugs))

  7. It was fun to learn what all you have in your multiple yarn bags! I have a small purse but what I have in it might be amazing. My friend Sally kept an amazing amount of things in her purse.. and it weighed a ton. My sister most times just has her phone and wallet in her pockets, no purse at all. I also have my crochet in many places. Currently I have my purple shawl in a red leather satchel and it's so full I can barely zip it up. I mostly crochet at home, so don't have to carry them out of the house. Happy Sunday! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. This was fun. I love how you keep different projects to work on depending on where you are, like the dish cloth while waiting in the doctor's office. I'm going now to look at your pet peeves. I missed it yesterday.

  9. I like your tin box!! I have similar bags...I have a fold up scissors on a ribbon pinned to the inside of my one bag. I have lots of projects going at once...and more yarn came last week:) Online yarn shopping is so much fun:)

  10. Oh yes Betsy.. you bag is very interesting. I'm at eye drs as write this ... had eye test and drops so this is where it's wait wait wait. At least it's a lovely day outside for a walk afterwards, to let drops wear off before driving home.
    I particularly love your verse at the end.. our heart is reflected in our lufe isn't it.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Your tin is so perfect for you, dear Betsy Queen of crafting! I lug similar items around in a basket or bag with me. 💜🙏

  12. Wow, that is a powerful Bible verse at the end of your post! I enjoyed reading about what is in your bag. So sweet to visit with you this morning, my friend. God bless your day to be a good, healthy one!
