If any of you ever watch YouTube, Pentatonix has a version of Mary did you know, which is one of my favorite songs ever and I think they have the best video of it I’ve ever seen. Home Free also does a lot of YouTube videos. They have been releasing a new video every Friday for their fans since they can’t tour due to Covid. They also have some hilariously funny videos set to music.
I was able to finish two pair of mittens yesterday. Nita has graciously offered to keep the mittens for me as I make them for next year’s delivery. I don’t have much room in the RV to store a big bag of mittens!
I received this book yesterday from Amazon. One of you had it on your blog recently. Sam, was it you? I’ve been watching Amazon and I didn’t want to pay $28 for the book and then this one popped up for $7. It said it was in fair condition, but it arrived and it looks new to me! I can’t wait to sit down and read it.
I frogged the shawl! The balls are safely tucked away in a plastic bag for me to knit again someday soon. I have a few Christmas gifts to get done first. Thank you all for your most excellent advice.
Also, I thank you all for your prayers after my post yesterday. I didn’t mean to be so vague, but I didn’t have permission to share the details yet. The news is that the company Dennis works for is being sold or closed. One way or another, within 3 to 6 months the company will be no more. The business was mainly international and since there is no traveling due to Covid, that pretty much put the company under. The owner has said that Dennis can stay with one of his other companies until he retires if that’s what Dennis decides. That will mean learning an entirely new job at 65 years old which is a bit scary. However, we are very, very grateful for that opportunity. Others are not so fortunate and will be losing their jobs. Dennis has been there for 27 years. A head-hunter came to Omaha and hired him from his former job and brought him out here. He has been very happy at his job and has a lot of respect for the owner of the company. It is just one of the unavoidable results of this pandemic. A year later and it might not have affected us so much as he would have been that much closer to retirement.
The biggest problem is me. Dennis is eligible for Medicare in January, as he will be 65. However, I will just be 61 in February. That means I have four more years before I can get Medicare. With having a pacemaker and a possible battery replacement in the next couple of years, there is no way I can be without insurance. I also take several prescriptions for my heart, so we need prescription coverage. I told Dennis tonight that I could just stop taking those pills or wean myself off of them, but he said absolutely not and that we would figure something out. I will probably have to go on Obamacare, so we have contacted a broker to see how much the cost would be for me. I have been told by other people it could be over $1000 a month premium and that doesn’t include out-of-pocket and co-pay expenses or prescriptions. They can’t turn me down for a pre-existing condition, but they can charge anything they want.
This year just keeps getting better and better. First I lost my brother to Covid. Then Dennis lost his sister to pancreatic cancer. He also lost an aunt and uncle earlier this year. We sold our house that we had been in for almost 20 years, which was very stressful, although it is a relief to have that behind us. Now this. Add the stress of the elections and the pandemic and sometimes it gets to be almost too much.
I have my semi annual cardiologist visit tomorrow and maybe I’ll ask them if they have any ideas of where we can turn for insurance.
So now you see why I asked for some prayers yesterday. Every time we think we have plans made, something comes along to change them and they are not always good things. However, if there is one thing I’m sure of, it is that God is still on His throne and none of this surprises Him. He wants only what is best for His children and if we put our faith in Him, He will see us through. I appreciate each and everyone of you and all of the support and love that you show me all of the time. I’m sorry to bring negative content to my blog, but I do share my life with you and these are all parts of it.
I should be back tomorrow with day five of the November challenge. Take care my dear friends.

Blessings and hugs,
I should be back tomorrow with day five of the November challenge. Take care my dear friends.
Blessings and hugs,
Love the mittens, great blessing in book.
ReplyDeleteGod cares about teeny weeny things like a book as well as the big like your dear Dennis' j9bjj
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
That went because it froze on mobile. Blogger is impossible tonight. Was saying God cares about Dennis' job as well as EVERY other thing like insurance.
ReplyDeleteHe unravels the knottiest problems as we give them to him. Praying too God's blessing and miracles upon USA. Prayer hugs dear sis.
Dear Betsy, you haven't shared anything negative at all. The ups and downs are all part of life and we all go through them. Everyone has been adversely affected in one way or another this year and we are all just doing the best we can to stay positive and find new ways of coping. Some days are harder than others but we just gotta keep moving forward. Sounds like we have some of the same taste in music. Most of the time I prefer the sound of silence, but when I need a mood booster, upbeat tunes definitely help. And walking, of course. Take care of yourself. Sending lots of hugs.
ReplyDelete2020 will definitely go down in history!! So many challenges dear Betsy. We just have to keep ploughing ahead! Pentatonix is one of my favourites...such beautiful voices. I listen to music daily and when I am out walking...a little dance in the kitchen or while I am cleaning the house is very stimulating :-) keep well Amanda x
ReplyDeleteIf you file for social security disability...if approved you will be eligible for medicare early. With your back problems you may be approved for disability. Its worth trying.
Yes, even through the floods the Lord is faithful. I'm sorry for the added stress.
ReplyDeletethe mittens are so nice--you continue to think of others.
Oh, Betsy...you dear thing. Your post brought me to tears. So much suffering. So much worry in the world and it's not fair that someone as kind and caring as you has to go through this. I am so angry for you right now. I am also angry that my daughter's husband's grandparents are both on vents now and not expected to recover. It is so unfair. They did everything right and now this.
ReplyDeleteThe mittens always come out so nice ! I am self employed and I have health insurance thru the Obamacare program -- I have a good tufts plan and pay 130 a month -- for which I am grateful. I hope your cost for insurance is much lower than the expected one thousand.....
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about the company. I will never understand why people in the US rail against government-run health care like we have in Canada. Yes, our taxes are higher, but not as much as the actual cost of the health care. (I pay an extra $600 health premium on my income tax each year - but it's geared to income, so some pay nothing at all) And the wait times you hear about... not true. If you need life-saving surgery, you get it in a timely fashion. Prescriptions aren't covered (most people have coverage through work), but for low-income people and seniors there's a government program that covers most, if not all of their prescription costs. It's not perfect, but no one has to worry whether or not they can afford to get medical help.
ReplyDeleteCute mittens!
Looking at your music selections, I have one to recommend to you - Of Monsters and Men. This is one of my favourites, but they have many wonderful songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCHUw7ACS8o
Call your hospital and ask if they have someone who can assist with questions about purchasing insurance plans. We have someone at our local hospital, Jill, who has a vast knowledge of plans as well as government programs to help with prescription costs. Our senior center is also offering appointments this year to discuss health insurance. I found out when I tried to register for a program once, that the term senior in my county means over 21, LOL. When your husband is on Medicare, the company he chooses for his supplemental may offer a policy to spouses who are under age. I work with a charity and there are all kinds of places to look and also places not to look. You are good to start doing your homework now.
ReplyDeleteI am blessed because I married a much younger man. He is almost 7 months younger than me. He was able to retire at 60 through his union and employer and since I was already 60 at the time, we were able to purchase our insurance through his union, which gives us a discount. I worked under a pension myself and my pension covers the outrageous costs for the minimal coverage. That was our "travel money", but hey, we can't go anywhere anyway. It does have great major medical (I paid $7000 out of pocket on a $40,000 bill for a broken arm) but does not cover "well care" like flu shots, or checkups or lab work. Our healthcare payment system is so broken. Prayers for luck.
Sorry for your news Betsy. So much stress! I do hope things work out in a reasonable way and that Dennis can stay employed (if he wants) and/or you can figure out insurance.
ReplyDeleteCute mittens and that looks like a good book!
I have never commented on your blog but have been a long time "reader". I just wanted you to know I prayed for you and Dennis this morning. Your posts always bring me joy and encouragement. I wanted you to know that I want the same for you. Yes, it is such a difficult time. And yes, He has a plan and we all need the strength to follow even when things seem bleak. Hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteLots of good advice about insurance in the previous comments. I love Home Free! Their older videos are fabulous - a nice mix of gospel, pop, country. Check out the video “How Great Thou Art” https://youtu.be/tXQpDDcrN-w
ReplyDeleteDear friend, please don't ever feel you need to apologize about sharing negative things on your blog. Your realness and transparent honesty is one of the things that makes your blog so great. No one really likes to read the words of someone who isn't real in their writing, and your faith through the hard times is such an inspiration to all who come here. I surely know how you feel about the job loss - Kevin's job was outsourced and the whole department lost their jobs. What followed was 21 months unemployment, and none of us having any health insurance at all. I can say this - God is faithful. I know you know that already. Every time it looked like we were going to go under, He intervened and saw us through. The bottom line is, you are God's children, and He is going to take care of you, no matter what. I have never seen such shaky times, and your post brought me to tears thinking of how horrible this year has been for you and your family. SO much heartache and pain, and it is so depressing to look ahead and not see any hope for better days ahead. But, we know our hope lies in the One Who holds us and this whole world in His hands. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I am so heavily burdened today, I can hardly stop praying. Pleading for God's mercy and the turnaround we desperately need to see, in Jesus' name, and sending love and hugs your way. Keep looking up!
ReplyDeleteOh my, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this now. Asking your cardiologist or someone in his office, about insurance is a good idea. They generally know which ones are good and pay well. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteOh Betsy, I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all that. I hope your doctor can point you in some other direction besides Obamacare. I know some people love it but our experience was horrible. I ended up paying the no insurance fee because they wanted almost $800 a month for me because I'd had back surgery in 1982. Yes, they were holding something that had caused no problems since 1982 against me! Thankfully at the time I was very healthy and the only time I needed the doctor that year was for a case of pink eye. Rather than paying the $800 for Obamacare, we all we could scrape together in savings each month for emergency health issues. You'll be in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteOh my dear Betsy I am so sorry to hear about Dennis and your health insurance worries. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. There will be a solution somewhere and given time our dear Lord will guide you to it. Take care dear friend. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteLove those mittens with the red stripes! Yes, I just finished that book and I got it at Thrift Books and I really enjoyed it! So sorry about Dennis's and the insurance issue....I firmly believe that everyone should have access to affordable or free healthcare and the same with education. For the wealthiest country on earth we sure are stingy to our people while if you notice; people in government have it made! You have had a rough year for sure and I will pray that all turns out for you and Dennis. Hugs ~ Sam
ReplyDeleteI hope that things look up for you and that your husband's job future is a good for you two, no matter what he chooses to do. Love the mittens. The red stripes are so cheery.
ReplyDeleteOh dear. Well.. I'm thinking this might just be a blessing in disguise. Now you can move to be near your family and have their support while you figure out what insurance you can get. Find out if your new state has a health plan like Oregon does. You could get all the paperwork done during these months until he leaves the company. I love those stripy mittens. Sending good wishes to you both. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Betsy, The ups and downs of life. I am sorry about Dennis job. The nice things is that if he has to work elsewhere you can move the trailer near Even with the virus, the election and the wickedness of people God is still on the throne and he controls everything. Having a nuclear stress test next week. I had one a long time ago so not looking forward to it but there are much worse things and God will help me. We have good medical insurance but no eye insurance and poor dental insurance. We need to trust in the Lord with all our hearts as the verses say in Proverbs 4:5&6. Nancy
ReplyDeleteObamacare is unaffordable for most people...I heard 1,000 plus a month. Who can afford that? You should ask your Doctor about a disability...if you qualify that would be the way to go. I know a few women who work very part time in food service at a local hospital just to get the health insurance. Health Insurance is a big deal. I know the policy my other baby broth has is a 10,000 deductible and it is 1,700 a month for two of them. The Affordable Care Act made their premiums increase by 1,200 a month...sad what politicans have done:( I will get off the soapbox now.
ReplyDeleteYour mittens are wonderful and I bet you felt better frogging the shawl...
My best to you and Dennis, lots of prayers coming your way! :)
As you share your life with me, I feel more and more privileged and grateful the Lord has brought us together to know one another in His love. Today you have broadened my interest in some music unfamiliar to me. I have a copy of and like the book you got. I thank the Lord you have your good friend Nita who is keeping your pretty mittens safe until it is time to contribute them. When Jesus warned us that in this world we would have trouble He wasn't kidding, was He! But glory to His name He encouraged us to take heart because He has overcome the world! May the Lord guide and empower you to take heart and sort through your situation to find the next step of His plan and provision for your needs, dear Betsy. I am sending you many hugs!!!💜🙏