Friday, January 28, 2022

Tunisian Crochet

Happy Friday! I finished my first square for the Tunisian crochet stitch along. “Jayda in Stitches” on YouTube is leading. She is teaching a different Tunisian stitch each month from January through December. Each stitch will make up a 12 x 12 square that will be sewn together into an Afghan. I’ve always been intimidated by Tunisian crochet so I decided to join the make along. Here is my first square for January. One thing that I learned pretty quickly is that Tunisian crochet tends to roll up on itself. This stitch was very, very simple. I hope the rest of them are as easy to learn.😍

I also decided I needed to make another baby sweater for our new grandbaby. The first one I made is newborn size and this one is a 3 to 6 month size. I know that she won’t be able to wear the newborn size very long, so this way they will have another one for her to grow into. Since I’m sure it will cost an arm and a leg to ship this box to London, I thought I might as well put as much in it as I can! This is a different pattern than the first one. I have never made it before and it is called “Marianna’s Lazydays Jack and Jill baby Cardigan Jacket”. Goodness! That’s a mouthful for a tiny baby sweater! I’m using the same yarn as the first sweater which is Hobby Lobby‘s Baby Bee Sweet Delight and it’s in the “flannel” colorway.

I also finished a pair of socks. These are made with West Yorkshire Spinners Signature four ply yarn that I bought in Deal in the UK when we were there last year. It is 35% Blue Faced Leicester and is 75% wool and 25% nylon.
They are just plain vanilla socks with a 20 row one by one ribbing. I didn’t want to use a pattern in the body of the sock because I thought the yarn made a pretty enough pattern.
Isn’t this sunset beautiful? This was in the parking lot at the church Wednesday night when we were on our way to Bible study. The colors were amazing. I do wish all of the powerlines weren’t in the way but they sure didn’t distract from the beauty of the sky.

Tomorrow we’re planning to go look at a few campers. It’s supposed to be 54°F for the high temp so we thought it would be a perfect day to look. I hope there aren’t a lot of people around or we’ll have to just leave. Next week the temperature is supposed to plummet again so we want to get out and enjoy it while we can. How are all of you doing this week? I would like to ask for prayers for a good friend of ours named Ellen who is in the ICU with pulmonary embolisms and Covid pneumonia. She used to be our housesitter all of the time in Spokane. She absolutely loved our dog Chloe and would stay with her whenever we had to go out of town. She is a very good friend to us and I’m very concerned about her. She is our former pastor, Mark‘s sister. You may remember that Mark died last month. Ellen is just in her 50’s so still very young. I’m positive she was vaccinated because she works in a doctors office. We know several people in Spokane who have Covid right now, as it’s very prevalent and spreading quickly. 

Take care my friends and stay safe.

Blessings and love, 


  1. Love all the projects.

    If you are stuffing that box... I recommend this pattern. It's my favourite for a little girl. So classic.

  2. I am so sorry to hear of your friend. It just keeps getting scarier and scarier and closer and closer. Everyone knows someone now whose lives were upended by Covid. Our state just peaked at deaths and our governor's out telling the media what a great job he's done. As if.
    Your crochet work is gorgeous as always. You sure have a way with the hook!

  3. That's the thing about Tunisian that drives me crazy. I want to join the crochet along but I don't know if I can catch up. I have all three types of hooks she mentions so I might try the double ended hook. But then again, maybe I will use a regular Tunisian hook. Have a blessed weekend! Stop by my blog sometime.

  4. Golly! 54 degrees? A heat wave! Good luck camper shopping. The new sweater is more than adorable, it is just precious. What a well dressed little lady she shall be. Prayers to your friend. So many stories of heartache.

  5. I dig those socks... they're groovy! 😄 Love the colors! That stitch you're doing, the tunisian crochet, looks so familiar... I'm wondering if that's one I watched my mama do when I was little, or maybe it was something very similar. Wow, the sunset is magnificent! God sure does have pretty paints! Hugs and blessings!

    1. That's it! I just read Dee's comment above... my mama called it the afghan stitch! She made things that way all the time, as did my ex's grandma and my grandma who was my dad's mother.

  6. the new baby sweater is so sweet--I love that yarn! The Tunisian crochet block is so very pretty! Nice of you to learn new. I'm tempted to join in! The socks and sunset are stunning; I will remember to pray for your friend, Ellen.

  7. I like the color of socks you are making! Lovely sunset for sure. We have had cold nights and warmer days lately. Hopefully Ellen will feel better soon. Hope you find a trailer you want without spending too much. Hugs and blessings!---Becky

  8. Love your new crochet turned out great! Can't wait to see the whole afghan when it's done! Love your new baby sweater too and the colorful socks! Praying for your friend who is ill back in Washington. And thank you for the beautiful sunset picture! Take good care!

  9. I have always wanted to learn Tunisian crochet. Yours is lovely. The CAL sounds like a great way to learn. Your socks are so pretty and the baby sweater will be so sweet. How is Steve? I have been praying for him and now I will add Ellen. I didn't know your pastor dies. Is this all from Covid? So sad.
    Your remodeling turned out gorgeous! I'm trying to catch up with everyone.
    Take care and I can't wait to see if you found a new camper!

  10. beautiful, beautiful socks and love the yarn! wandering around blogland and stopped here for a bit. Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm, VA

  11. Yes I just read the weather report, I am so tired of winter and below zero temperatures. That is a lovely square, always fun to learn something new:) I figured you should pack that box real full for your new grand:)

  12. Prayers for your friend. Covid spread is just crazy right now. I’m so sorry about your former pastor.
    I hope you were able to find the RV you wanted today. Have a peaceful Sunday.

  13. That little sweater is going to be very cute! However did you get those pretty socks to match so well? So sorry to hear about your friend; hope she improves soon. Nice job on the crochet! You are a pro!!

  14. Oh I hope the camper quest is great. The baby sweater start is sweet!!!!
    Your socks are perfection. I'm trying to post and comment on b1ogs, but somedays I just cant.
    THank you for the ending prayer today! The sunsets seem to be God's exc1amation point....

  15. It is so insane how the vaccinated seem to be the ones who are getting sick the most often and more seriously. I have never seen such crazy, off-the-wall times as what we are living in right now. I hope your friend Ellen recovers quickly and completely. I can't imagine the grief that has already hit that family. Your crochet projects are always so amazing - I admire your work so much. God bless you always, sweet friend.

  16. Sorry to hear about your Spokane friend Betsy. I hope by now that she is healing rapidly. Curious how your camper looking/shopping went. I hope you can find something. The socks are so pretty and colorful. And what a sweet sweater for a new little baby!

  17. So sorry to learn about your friend, Betsy. I'll certainly pray for her. As always, I admire your needlework. Boy, you aren't just skillful, you're fast! Every time I come here you've got multiple projects completed. I love that industrious lady inside you. :) By the way, I left a reply to your comment on my kitchen cabinet painting post about what you can do to update your own kitchen cabinets. I hope you'll go back and read it. Hugs to you, and I hope you were able to scout out some campers.
