Thursday, July 30, 2020

Full Time Lake Living

Hello my friends. What a whirlwind! We have the house completely empty and clean. The only thing to do now is keep up the yard until closing. We have been told the house is in underwriting now so hopefully it won’t be too much longer. We are moving from the lake to the RV park closer to town the middle of August. We need to be settled before winter because there are a lot of preparations that have to take place when you live in a travel trailer during the winter time. Especially when you get as much snow as we do. I hope we’re not crazy leaving our beautiful home for this adventure!  Just one more step toward retirement and being closer to family.  I have to keep remembering that. Remind me of that this winter, won’t you?

I finished Miss Piper‘s blanket and the two washcloths that she requested and I mailed them to her this morning. I really like how the blanket turned out. I was able to use up some scraps of yarn that I had and I didn’t have to buy anything. Woo hoo! My goal this year is to not buy any more yarn than I need for specific projects.

I did have to buy yarn for this. It is a prayer shawl for my good friend Debbie who is having surgery to remove a mass next week.  She has survived ovarian cancer before, 15 years ago.  

It’s hard to tell, but it’s actually a strand of yellow held with a strand of cream colored yarn. In the photos it looks like it’s just cream.  It is a time consuming stitch to be sure. But I do think it’s pretty.

These are the geraniums that I overwintered last year. Believe it or not they were both a deep red color.  When they bloomed this year one was white and the other one is more of a pinkish red.  The statue is one that I had in the front yard at the house.

I was sitting outside tonight watching the moon rise through the trees. I thought it was beautiful.

Watching the night fall at the lake is one of my favorite times of day. Especially when it’s as hot as it has been. Since our humidity is so low you can always open the windows at night and sleep with no air-conditioning. Tomorrow is supposed to be 102°F and Friday, even hotter. That is so unusual for us.

The lights on the right are next to my bright red geraniums planted along the bank behind the trailer. The lights you see on the left are strung through the trees down on the swimming beach.

I don’t know why I find these photos so pretty.

And one final photo looking across the lake.

Now that I have the house packed up, I have to work on packing up the trailer and getting ready to move. We have a lot of canned goods in here that will have to be taken to storage so there’s not so much weight in the trailer when it’s moved. If I had known we would be moving, I never would have stocked up so much before the virus hit.

I received a surprise in the mail today. I will be sharing it with you in my next post. Take care and stay healthy.

Blessings and love,


  1. I am thrilled all is going well with your adventures. I too enjoyed the photos of the evening by the lake, I can see why you love it so much. Take care dear friend and enjoy the next phase in your life.

  2. Somehow I missed these big changes. Exciting times to look forward to and I remember the relief when downsizing is done!

  3. 2 moves! You have your work cut out for you! I love your pictures of the moon and your flowers. Your blanket and cloths look nice. Stay safe!

  4. What an adventure! Lots of work, but I'm sure it will be worth it!

  5. So glad things are working out for your move. This will be an exciting adventure. Miss Piper will love her blanket and washcloths. I love the photo of the moon behind the tree.

  6. I think you're going to have a very cozy winter this winter!

  7. I so enjoy reading your posts. You certainly have been through a lot with more adventures to come! Take care and stay safe.

  8. The evening views are beautiful - a relaxing way to end the day.

  9. Beautiful photos at night time! The blanket and wash cloths turned our Piper-worthy!
    I didn't know you would be moving from the lake! You will miss it but it is reasonable to be in town for the winter. Will you be able to move back to the lake when winter breaks?

  10. How beautiful. I can only imagine the serenity. We haven't been able to open the windows in ages and this AC is giving me one headache after another.

  11. Miss Piper's blanket and wash cloths look adorable. I know she will love them. Your prayer shawl looks awesome. What stitch is this? Are you following a pattern or did you design one? Very pretty. I know this will bring her much comfort as she wraps it around herself, she will be able to feel all your love and prayers, too. Blessings to you always sweet friend. ((Hugs))

  12. It will all be worth it to get you to where you want to be. The fact that your house sold so fast is proof that you are on the right track. You will manage the winter just fine. So many people are downsizing, doing van life, tiny houses and all sorts of alternative dwellings now. Where there's a will, there's a way. Take care!

  13. Love your flowers and photos. Glad you're able to move closer to city than freezing at the lake in winter. FYI: heat pump was fixed, not a new one. I need to knit and get my project shawl done soon. Still need to fix a dropped stitch rows below where I'm at. Not going to rip it all out. No more shawl making for me. Friday and days later cooler than low 90s. Yeah!! God bless you Betsy and take ❤! Becky L.

  14. I hope the trailer move goes smoothly. I hope the new spot is nice but I know you will miss the scenic location at the lake not to mention your friends that you spent so much time with there. I am sure you'll make new ones in the new place. If it gets too cold in the winter maybe you can do a short time rental in a furnished place? Piper will love her new blanket and washcloths. There is nothing so nice as to have something custom made to your specifications by your beloved grandma! Tell Dennis we waved hello. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. I do hope it is a warm winter for you! Pipers doll blanket is so cute! I am sure she will like it:)

  16. I love everything about this post! Piper is going to be absolutely delighted with the blanket and washclothes! Those colors really do work well together // Your geraniums sure did well over the winter! When I was taking classes for horticulture and plant therapy, we learned that plants (the flower part) can mutate quickly, especially with colors. Plants will sometimes revert to their original form (and color) in spite of being cross-bred. We had that happen often at the plant shop where I worked... it was really interesting to learn about those things. Looking at your nighttime photos of the lake and surrounding sure brought back memories for me... Jerry and I used to go camping a lot before his physical issues made it too hard for him to keep doing that. Our favorite time was always in the evening as the sun was setting and we'd be sitting by the campfire listening to nature. I miss that so much, but the memories are beautiful of those times. As I did with you, you brought back great memores for me! Thank you, Betsy! I especially love your view across the lake. ❤️ Blessings, dear friend!

  17. Aw, I hated to hear that you have to leave your spot on the lake! Is this just because they won't allow campers to live there year round? That is the way it is with so many of the RV parks. They won't allow permanent, year round living, and it creates a problem for those who want to live in their RVs permanently. Will you get to move it back to the lake at any point? This made me so sad. You have it all fixed up so pretty and have the flowers planted and things look so nice. I know how much you love it there and sure hate to hear that you have to move. Your geraniums are just gorgeous and look so pretty next to the statue. Thank you for including all of us on your journey. I know God has amazing things up ahead for you. You are following Him in obedience, and that always unlocks the blessing! Praying for you!

  18. Hi There, Beautiful "night" pictures.... Welcome to full-time RV living... I'm sure you will be able to do it---and that you'll do the right things when it comes to that brutal winter... IF all else fails, you can get a motel room for awhile... Here in TN --there are some Extended Stay Motels --charging by the week I think... They fit your basic needs (bedroom/kitchenette/bathroom). George's daughter and hubby lived in one for awhile when moving from one place to another... Worked well for them.... BUT--IF the smaller trailer is sufficient, then I'm sure you'll stay there..... I'll pray for a mild winter for you...


  19. I think living on the lake sounds so romanticšŸ˜
    I love Pipers blanket and washcloths. I know she will like them too!

  20. Such a pretty place Betsy! I'm sorry you have to leave the lake in mid-August, but I understand your need to get settled in your new place before Winter arrives. Hoping that all goes smoothly for you. The blanket and wash cloths you made for Piper are so cute - she will love them!

  21. I am so excited for you and that your back issues have been resolved so you were able to do all of this. Piper's blanket and washcloths are so pretty.
    Take care, blessings, HUGS

  22. I am so glad you are able to get so much done and the sale of the house is moving forward. I think it is funny you have to move mid August to get ready for the winter, here winter does not really hit until December if it ever even gets cold at all. These past few years we have not even had a frost. Stay safe Betsy.

  23. You two have moved quickly and wisely! Being close to family HOORAY HOORAY!!!! Pipers gifts are so sweet. Im sure she hugs them so tight because they are from YOU> Your NIGHT photos are amazing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them

  24. Beautiful night visuals...enchanting silhouettes! Lovely makes for Piper. Another upheaval..although I imagine you have to prepare carefully for the harsh winter to come. I am looking forward to your surprise!! keep well Amanda

  25. Lovely photos of the lake at night! And as usual I so admire your stitching and choice of verses. Love and hugs to you and Dennis, dear Betsy.
