Saturday, July 25, 2020

Busy Days

It’s the weekend! I hope everyone has had a good week and stayed healthy. We have had a busy, busy, busy week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I spent at the house all day packing, cleaning and patching nail holes. Dennis had today off of work because we had originally planned to leave for Omaha today and he just kept this day as a vacation day. He and Larry moved all of the outside furniture and the few remaining things from the garage into storage. All that is left to do is wipe down the bathrooms one last time and vacuum and scrub the floors.  I cleaned everything very well before the house was shown and we haven’t stayed there since, so not a lot needs done. All of the curtains have been washed. 

I’m so pleased at how much the two of us old people have done. Until today we have moved virtually everything in our house by ourselves, besides the help from Alicia getting it ready to stage for showing. I never could have done this before the medication the neurologist gave me for my back. Had we decided to do this three months ago, I could never have begun to lift and carry boxes and furniture the way I’ve done in the past 2 1/2 weeks.

And the house appraised at the higher amount! This is such a blessing.  It is now in underwriting and if the bank approves the amount, we will get significantly more than we were asking for the house!  That will definitely help with the rent we have to pay monthly at the RV park. Our house has been paid for for many years and it will be a new experience to make a rent payment.

Miss Piper asked if I would make her a blanket for her babies. She would also like two washcloths. She was very specific in her colors. She wants a gray blanket and one gray and one blue washcloth. She takes very good care of her babies and I have made her lots of blankets in the past but she likes to have each of her babies have their own blanket.  Of course I said yes! When we were at storage Wednesday night, I located my totes of yarn and I found these partial skeins of gray yarn and the blue yarn too.  I sent this photo to her for her approval and Mandy said her answer was “yes, exactly!”  Now I really hope this is enough gray to make the entire blanket, because my goal is not to buy any more yarn until I use up what I have.  Maybe I could get away with a few stripes of white if I start running low.

Cindy of the “Delighted Hands” blog over on my side bar made these four beautiful masks for me.  They have this pretty gray floral print on one side.

And the other side is a surprise! Tie-dye and a nice blue print fabric. These came at the perfect time. Dennis only had one mask for work and I had to wash it every night. This way I have a little more time to get each one washed as he’ll have one to wear one day and another the next. Thank you so much Cindy. My sewing machine is all packed up and I was having difficulty finding elastic anywhere.

And this meme just plain cracked me up. Any husband worth his salt knows better than to answer the question like this.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I did finish a baby blanket today to give to the hospital once they’re accepting donations again.  It’s not the greatest photo since I took it just now, well after dark, but it gives you the idea of what it looks like.  The angle is wonky but it’s actually square, 33 x 33 inches.

I have hung my crocheted summer flowers garland on the island in the trailer.  It makes it feel more like home.

I baked a coffee cake for breakfast today and we shared it with Larry and Nita.  I also baked from “scratch” some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. I love the oven in my new trailer as it is easy to light and works great for a travel trailer.  I rarely used the one in the other trailer.

And now it’s 11:15 and I need to go to bed. Take care my friends and stay safe.



  1. Betsy I am thrilled that all is going well with the house sale and that you got the high appraisal price. Have you made any decisions about where your forever dream home will be? So glad that you have been well and able to do so much pain free, our prayers have been answered. Love to Dennis and take care dear friend.

  2. Goodness, you have been busy but it sounds like you’re well on the way to starting this next stage of your life. I hope you’ll both be able to have a restful, peaceful weekend.

  3. I still can't believe how much you two have done. The Mister and I are still looking at the wreck that is our kitchen and wondering if when this is all over if we will have the energy to finish it. I may be living out of boxes for the rest of my life. Lol....

  4. You're sweet! The blanket will be gorgeous--we jump when we get a request for a knit/crochet item from the grands!

  5. Thrilled to hear that your back has allowed you to do so much during the moving process! Cindy was sweet to send masks for you and Dennis. I can’t find elastic anywhere either.

  6. That Scripture has been heavy on my heart, too. May the Lord continue to bless you and Dennis, keep you healthy and safe, and bless in the continuation of your house sale.

  7. Love those colors that Piper picked for the blanket and washclothes! Her babies are sure blessed to have a "grandma" who makes beautiful goodies for them. :) // I've been using that specific scripture in my prayers for many years. (I was just getting ready to use it in a blog post!) // So glad to hear you'll get a higher amount for the house to help you out! What a blessing that things are going so well with everything related to the move. And praise the Lord the medication is working for you!! Woot! // Keeping you and Dennis in prayer and covering you with God's blessings!

  8. I'm so glad you told us about the medication you are taking that is helping with your back pain. Dayle would like to know what it is. It's nice to do such a thorough cleaning of your house for the buyers. Not many would go to that extent. I'm glad it's almost over so you can close out that part of your life and be free to move on to the next chapter. I would think that would be enough grey for a doll blanket. It's unusual for a little girl to pick grey!! Most of them want pink or purple. Good job on the donation blanket, you are so generous to donate to babies who need something cozy and homemade. I look forward to seeing what you do next! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. I am so happy that things are going well and I think Piper will love the blanket even if you have to add white.
    Gid bless you and

  10. You must be exhausted from all the cleaning and packing and moving. August will have to be a month of relaxation ( fat chance). How lovely that Piper wants blankets for each baby ( how many does she have?)

  11. So happy that you have felt up to all the work needed when you move...lucky people moving into a spotless house! Appraisal is done...good for you! One checked box after another! Piper's project will keep you busy a day! :)

  12. It is wonderful that your back is feeling better and that you are making great progress in your house sale and plans to travel to NE! The finished baby blanket is lovely, and it will be fun to see how Piper's baby doll blanket will shape up. There is so much to talk to the Lord about and humble ourselves in seeking Him first. My childhood friend connected 8 of us women across the USA to encourage one another through texts as we pray individually during this challenging time. My love to you and Dennis dear Betsy πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ§Ά

  13. Betsy, Leaving a loved home for a new place is a change but it is so exciting for you!! You will meet new people. I was stunned at how volunteering led to a lovely group of new friends here. It is hard when friends move. Our buddies moved to Colorado quickly this year. and we miss them. But we zoom!! Piper will love what you create. I am so happy your back is better!!!!! Hugs

  14. Wonderful to hear the appraisal resulted in more than what you expected. All that hard work you have put in has brought a just reward very soon you will be handing over the house and another stage in your life will begin.Lucky buyer who will go into such a tidy and clean place. The baby blanket looks gorgeous and I really don't know how you found the time to make this when you have so much on your plate at present. Take care Amanda

  15. Very excited you got so much done and are ready to move onto the next stage of your life. And glad your back is holding up so well. Stay safe. Betsy.

  16. I'm glad you're done cleaning and ready to rest a bit. Piper is quite the granddaughter!! I'm going thru clothes and old blankets to donate to a thrift store. I'm at home from work since last week til who knows how long. So I'm slowly getting things done but better than being bored. It's to be 100 degrees today and Monday. Glad our a.c. is fixed. Hugs and blessings my friend!!×------×
    Becky L.

  17. Wow! You have been busy! I do not envy you doing all that in the heat! Love the floral garland - so cute! I'd also love to know what medicine you are taking. My husband has horrible back issues and the meds the doctors have him on right now aren't doing much. Feel free to privately email me if you are up for sharing.

  18. That meme is hysterical!! So glad your back has been behaving and allowed you to do so much. And great thta the appraisal came back at the higher amount. YAY!! Love your little crocheted flower chain - so cheerful.

  19. Wow --you two are amazing.... I'm so happy for you. Glad things are going SO well... BUT--you need to quit calling yourselves OLD people. Just wait 'til you are 78...... THAT is OLD!!!!! ha

    I love the funny --about Covid causing the death.... Covid is getting the blame for EVERYTHING now..... A man should know NEVER to say his wife looks fat!!!!!! ha ha

    Thanks for making me smile.
    Have a great week.

  20. Yep,,, the 'meme' is a Hoot!... husbands, be ware!!! lol!
    Have fun working on your projects,, and stay out of the heat... suppose to get really hot tomorrow! UUGH!
