Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Four + Days And Counting

Time here is getting short. I have four full days and what’s left of today here in Spokane. There is a lot to be done and a lot of people to say goodbye to, so I’m not sure if I will get another post done before I leave. I will try my hardest to keep up with comments on your blogs, but if I miss a few days, please forgive me.

I thought would give you an update on the state of my vaccination journey since people always seem to be fairly interested in how it goes for everyone else. As you all know, I got my second Pfizer shot on Monday at 10:00 AM. I didn’t notice anything until the evening when my arm started getting a bit sore. By the time I went to bed I was having to pick up that arm with my other hand just to move it! Ouch! During the night I had body aches, fever, chills, headache and a very sore arm. By the time I got out of bed Tuesday morning at 6:30, I was much better and by noon I was  pretty much back to normal.  Larry and Nita got their vaccinations one hour after I did and had almost exactly the same side effects that I did. They were both fine by yesterday afternoon too!  Today, I would never know I had been vaccinated. I’m completely fine. I have to admit it was a pretty miserable 12 hours or so, but what is 12 hours if it protects you from getting Covid and protects other people at the same time? I would do it again 1000 times if I had to.  I am so grateful to the Lord for providing the intelligence to the people who developed these vaccines. What would we do without these brilliant minds? Thank you Lord.πŸ™

In other news, our local Basketball team, Gonzaga has moved on to the Final Four in March Madness! We went over to Larry and Nita’s house last night to watch the game with them and have pizza. They are undefeated so far this year. If they make it to, and win the championship, it will be the first undefeated team since 1976! There is one more game to play on Saturday afternoon and then I believe the championship game is on Monday. It is so exciting! Spokane really gets behind the Gonzaga Bulldogs every year. It’s all anyone is talking about. People have been so sad because no one has been able to attend any games this year. The girls team made it to the Sweet 16 this year too. Both teams are exceptional.

I have a few small projects to show you.  I started making a baby hat just a few minutes ago.

I also started a pair of socks a few days ago but haven’t worked on them since I cast them on. I was just doing a plain vanilla sock, but after seeing Vera‘s post at “The Threaded Lane” this morning, I think I’m going to rip them back to the cuff and do the same pattern she is. It’s a Knit 6, Purl 2 around and I think it would look great with this yarn.

And just to cheer you all up to on this fine spring day, I thought I would share a picture of Miss Piper at the Henry Doorley Zoo a couple of weeks ago. Omaha has one of the finest zoos in the world and I can’t wait to visit again. It has been many years since we were there. They have what’s called a grandparents pass and I believe we will be purchasing that fairly soon.  As you can see, she took one of her babies along and is a wonderful little mother. The baby is covered up with one of the little blankets that I made for her. She loves her babies, and of course she’s wearing her College World Series hat. Until just a few years ago, the College World Series was held every year right across the street from the zoo at Rosenblatt Stadium.  It has now moved a few miles north of here to the downtown area of Omaha.  I remember volunteering to work the concessions at the CWS for several years when I was in high school along with our church youth group. It was so much fun.

I also finished the second “Which Way Filet” baby blanket and they have been packed away in storage. I guess you could call them the “seed blankets” for the charity knitting I plan to do in Omaha. πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’œ

I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday. We have brilliant blue skies and it’s supposed to get into the 50s today. Hallelujah! I took our vaccination cards to Staples this morning and they laminated them for free. This way we don’t have to worry about anything happening to them. I really don’t know what we are supposed to do with them, so I guess we will keep them with our passports.

Blessings and love, 


  1. So glad you had minimal side effects from your vaccination. Have a good few days getting all your odds and ends done. WE love the Henry Dorley Zoo too and went there a number of years with our grands. Piper is going to be so happy to have you nearby!:)

  2. Cute picture of Piper. And, in less than a week, you will see her!! Safest travels Betsy. I will be thinking of you and waiting to hear that you have arrived safely.

  3. I am happy to hear you are back to normal. The first one took me three days to get back to my old self so I am dreading the second.
    My bracket went bust last night when Michigan lost. Our lady Terps lost too. The Mister took Gonzaga as his winner so he's still going strong. They do look good.

  4. It sounds like you’ll have good travel weather. Every time I watch the forecast I think about your trip.

    Laminating the vaccination card is a good idea. I just wish it was a standard size so I could put it with other important cards.

  5. Im still pre praying for your trip. My goodness you got your shot and you are so organized! the socks will be great. Al used to push her baby dolls around in a stroller. I had a great memory because of you

  6. Love that cheerful sparkly yarn! Have a safe trip!

  7. Oh these busy last days and the task of saying good-bye to friends. Soon you'll be on your way and a new chapter begins.
    I love that Piper takes her baby along to the zoo.

  8. Praying for your safe and wonderful travels to Omaha coming up soon. May all go well for you!

  9. Tonight I was visiting with a local friend whose granddaughter is attending exciting year for the supporters of their team! I enjoy seeing some of the stitching you have started as you prepare for your trip and enjoying time with your NE family and friends. May the Lord bless every part of your journey, dear Betsy. Although you are moving further away, I have vivid good memories of my last road trip visiting my niece's family in West Point, NE, which somehow makes me feel closer to you. You and yours continue to regularly be in my thoughts and prayers with love. πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ€—πŸ§Ά

  10. Very pleased re answer prsyer with just 12 hrs of bad side affects, praying all goes well for you in next few days and especially for trip across. You.must be looking forward to hugging your little Piper, Mandy, and grandma too.
    Lovely knitting, loads of hugs and prayers. DV do Good Fiday post on Christian blog.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Exciting and apprehensive at the same time is what I guess you are feeling, stay strong and look forward to the next phase of your new adventure. A new home and back with family you will be well looked after. Have a safe journey and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Love to Dennis, when will he join you? Take care.

  12. For some reason I didn't think you were actually moving until May. Hard to believe the time is already here. But it definitely all has fallen into place just right and is meant to be. Glad to know you got the vaccinations out of the way finally. One less thing to worry about as you move. Being closer to family will be wonderful for you all. My mom is upset that she can't attend any baseball games at her and my brother's alma mater. She looked forward to the season every year, but the number of fans in the stands are now limited and sadly her friend and her husband that she used to meet with there both died of covid last year. So many stories, so much heartache. You take care, Besty. Wishing you all the best for the days to come and in your move. Hugs and blessings.

  13. Fabulous picture of Piper at the Zoo. I bet she cant wait to see you both! A grandparents pass sounds like a great idea to me. They are talking about a Covid passport document here in Europe and I presume if it happens it will also be used worldwide. I have mixed feelings about it! I think you are very wise to keep your vaccination card in a safe place. Lovely yarn and goodness where do you get the time :-) Safe journey Betsy and don't worry about blogging I for one will still be here eager to hear about your moving home adventure,but all in your own time x Amanda x

  14. I had the same thing happen with my first Moderna shot! I usually empty the dishwasher before bed and could not life my arm up high enough to put the dishes on the shelves. And I can't lift my other arm up that high either since my accident last year so the dishes were stuck where they were. By noon the next day I was perfectly fine. I said I should get my second shot in the other arm and I wouldn't know the difference!
    It is fun to follow local sports! I like those teams better than the professional ones. You are going to have so much fun with Miss Piper! Safe travels!!!

  15. I can't imagine how you're dealing with all the goodbyes and packing and a trip alone ahead of you. But you're a strong woman and I know you can do it all. I love how those socks are looking! It was fun to see Piper at the zoo and have a feeling we can expect many similar photos in the coming weeks and months. My first Moderna shot had no side effects. The 2nd one I had a sore arm but took an Aleve and got better quick and the next day was fine except for a sore lump at the injection site that got better soon. Well.. take care of yourself over the next few days and have a very safe trip, my friend.

    ❀.•❤•.✿.•❤•.❀ Happy Easter! ❀.•❤•.✿.•❤•.❀

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  16. It seems no busy you are packing that you always accomplish some knitting or something. I got the Pfizer shots and the first one was much the same symptoms as your second one but it did not affect my arm and maybe was not as sever but sent me to bed. No symptoms on the 2nd one. Today I had my Bone Marrow Biopsy so will find out those results April 12th. Hoping it will help with my unexplained anemia. Safe travels and enjoy your new home! Nancy

  17. Glad you had a brief reaction time--you have a lot of things to get done in just a few days, now. You are being prayed for...keep us posted as you can! We are supporting you through this time!

  18. I'm glad your reaction didn't last too long. Mine was pretty horrible for 12 hours but not as bad as when I had the virus for days so I'll put up with it rather than get that again! It must be such a busy time for you, I hope it all goes smoothly. What a beautiful photo of Miss Piper with her little baby all tucked in with the blanket you made her at the zoo. It brightenend my morning. Have a lovely day.x

  19. I got my second shot the same day you did but other than a bit of fatigue, which can be attributed to my general life I was just fine. A bit of a sore arm for a few hours, but it did not impact my work at all. Good luck with the move Betsy.

  20. Prayers go with you -as you head east.... Sorry to hear that you had so much of a reaction to the 2nd vaccine... We must have been lucky since neither of us had any problems other than sore arms for a day/two.

    I'll catch back up with you --after your get there and get adjusted a bit... Just know that I am praying for a safe trip for you.
