Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Last Surgery (We Hope)

Happy Saturday evening everyone. Whew! It's been a week. We had appointments and commitments every day this week and then on Thursday Dennis had his second surgery on his thumb. This one was much more invasive and lasted a LOT longer. Then they had a very hard time waking him up. He said they used a different anesthesia on him this time. We were there much later than when they did the last surgery in June. Here he is just before they took him away from me. I won't show the photo from when they brought him back from recovery. He looked awful but we couldn't have asked for nicer nurses. They were wonderful and he even had the same pre-op nurse as he had in June. She remembered him too, because of how he hurt himself stepping backwards off the tailgate of the truck the night we got to the Black Hills in South Dakota.

Here's what they did. See the plate on the left on his thumb? Then it has the five screws going into the bone. On the bottom where the the biggest screw is, just above it is where they sawed the bone into two pieces. Then they cut a pie shaped wedge from the bone and put donor bone into the space to help "fasten" it, or "grow it" back together. The plates and screws will stay in his hand permanently.

Here he is tonight with a big cast on it. He goes back on Tuesday and will, hopefully, get a somewhat smaller cast or splint. He can't get his coat on over this and it's getting pretty chilly out. 
The anesthetic made him really sick this time, which has never happened, and we barely made it home before he was REALLY sick, many times. But, he has had absolutely NO pain and hasn't taken any painkillers they gave him, or even any Tylenol. Praise the Lord!

I thought I would share my twinkle lights under the TV with you. They're on a timer and are on for 6 hours every night. They make it so much more cheerful.

We just put this light in the corner of the living room on Monday. We got two in a box from Amazon and don't know where we'll put the other one, or if we'll put it up at all. This one makes so much difference. It was such a dark corner and the plants are loving the light. After Dennis heals he will put the cord up on the ceiling and down the corner.

And...I finished my last seasonal diamond painting last night. This one will go up for the rest of the winter after the Christmas truck comes down. I now have five to swap out with the same frame along with the seasons. I don't think I'll be making more because of lack of wall space, but they sure are fun to do. Most of you know me and snowmen. This guy makes me smile. And we can all use a smile these days, can't we?

Mandy and Brad got a new car today. It's a 2019 Acadia and it's gorgeous. Her car was a 2005 Mazda 6 that she had before they got married. It wasn't the best in the snow, etc., so she's really excited about this car. They're keeping the Mazda too, since it's such a great running car. I think Brad will probably drive it to work instead of his truck to save gas. He takes really good care of all of their vehicles.

I hope you are all doing well. My heart aches for the heart break in the middle-east and I pray daily for the innocent hostages and for their quick release daily. 

Blessings and love,


  1. I see from the xrays that that was a complex and major surgery on his thumb. I like your snowman art work, it made me smile. Yes, I pray all the hostages are released safely and that there are no more attacks on Israel.

  2. Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery for Dennis.

  3. Oh dear....poor Dennis. I hope this is really the last of his operations! How did he get that shirt off that he's wearing in the picture? Your twinkle lights look lovely in your house and I love your new diamond painting. Yes I too am praying for all the people who were killed in the raid by Hamas on October 7th....for the hostages...and all the innocent people involved in the war. So tragic that there is such hatred in the world.

    1. The shirt actually has buttons at the cuff, and another about five inches up the sleeve. With both of them unfastened, he can slide the sleeve off. He rarely wears anything besides button down shirts.🤷‍♀️

  4. I feel sorry for Dennis and hope that his hand heals quickly. It's amazing that he has no pain ( but a wonderful blessing).
    Twinkle lights are an amazing way to add cheer to long, dark winter evenings. Soon we can add Christmas trees with lights too. GM

  5. I am glad Dennis survived his surgery. I hope and pray that he feels better soon. I decided to drive Megan's car this evening. as she's not driven it for a least a week and I needed to get used to driving it. She was been in a hospital in Portland on Thursday for a procedure as an outpatient. I will call you tomorrow and talk with you if that's ok. I did write more on my latest post. Hugs and prayers and stay warm!! We've had rain alot lately but nothing too bad!!! God bless and virtual hugs!!==Becky

  6. Sending all the healing wishes Dennis' way. Hope the healing is speedy and complete!

  7. Hoping recovery goes very well for Dennis. I love the idea of the twinkling lights. I may have to do that in my home. It would make it so pretty for the winter months. I will have to look for those now.

  8. Sending lots of good healing thoughts for Dennis!

  9. Oh, wow....what an ordeal! Men and their big boo boos. Between my dad and now The Mister I think I've spent the better part of my life taking care of them.
    The Mister was just whining about the leaves in the gutters. I am NOT going up there to clean them out. I've been telling him to get a company to do it for ages. The man can't fix himself a bowl of cereal or put his own socks on but he thinks he's climbing a ladder to get up on the roof? Over my dead body.
    I had to show The Mister your latest dot project. He can't believe you finished it already. I love it.

  10. Good to hear that Dennis is on the mend! Dennis needs a shawl until he gets a smaller cast! When Gene had his hand surgery I went to the thrift store and had to cut up the sleeves of some shirts so he could get them on. He just wore his coat on one arm and slung over his shoulder on the owie side. Your diamond painting is really cute!

  11. Wishing Dennis a speedy recovery! Thanks for your praying for the release of our hostages!

  12. Gosh, what an ordeal this finger injury has been! It sounds like you found the right person to take the time to fix it for good. My "hardware" is permanent in my arm and I have no intention of ever having it removed. Unless we have a big temperature change, I don't even notice it. I had similar anesthesia experiences. I had the same surgery on both hands, a few week apart. First surgery, woke up in recovery, drank some tea, using the restroom, stopped at McDonalds for breakfast on the way home. Second surgery, took forever to wake up, forced a cup of tea just to go home and go back to bed. They let me get dressed while my husband went for the car. While taking my blood pressure, I became dizzy, blood pressure dropped, vomiting. Ended up staying for hours. I am sure it was the anesthetic. Worst was my arm surgery - I think it was around 5 hours, too. Horrible reaction to the anesthesia despite a special shot, some kind of patches, all kinds of "stuff". They ended up having to admit me for 24 hours until most of it left my system. I'm glad Dennis is home and not in pain. Prayers for a steady recovery and putting this all behind you both!

  13. My dear friend, Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery for Dennis. I am glad that is behind you, and now you can look forward to a festive Christmas season! Your home is so lovely, so very cozy. I absolutely love it. Have a cozy and restful Sunday!

  14. Oh my, that is quite a complex surgery on Dennis' thumb. Praying for his complete recovery this time, and how wonderful that he isn't having any pain right now. So sorry about the anesthesia issues...I've been there and done that and it's not fun. Especially when you're hurting. Love your little lights and also the big new light. "Brighten the corner where you are!". Love the snowman too! Please take care of each other and stay well. God bless you both. It's been a long siege for you all! Hopefully things will calm down now. xoxo

  15. Oh my goodness, that surgery. So glad this one is past and I hope Dennis recovers really quick. He looks great. I love the lights. Lights have always cheered me up and made me feel good. We could use more in this log home. Love the words of faith.

  16. That sounds like a very painful surgery; hope Dennis is feeling much better today. Love your beading; I don't have the patience to do something like that. Nice work!

  17. Hello Dear, I will be praying for a quick healing for him! Blessings to you both today! It's hard when our hubbies don't feel well and were so use to them doing everything and being busy! Hugs, Roxy

  18. Oh my goodness, the xrays look so painful. Prayers for his quick and painless recovery!!

  19. Father God, I pray for Dennis' thumb to heal fully and completely. I ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

  20. Poor Dennis...what he has had to go through! We never know from one minute to the next what could happen. Hopefully, this will heal and he will have full use of his hand/thumb again. I hate to throw up so I would rather have a little pain than that!
    I love Diamond painting but I can only bend over it for so long before my back starts hurting and that was before I hurt it! LOL! Your snowman is so sweet!
    I keep praying for all in the crossfires of war. Blessings to you and your family.
    Hugs ~ Sam
    Oh, I love your lights!

  21. How is Dennis feeling. Hope he is beginning to feel better.

  22. I'm just catching up on blogs! So glad the surgery is behind you both!
