This evening was devoted to knitting the pocket flaps and the pockets themselves. I have never knitted pocket flaps or pockets before, so this was a new experience. They haven’t been sewn down yet, so they don’t look like much here. I think I’m happy with the way they turned out, but time will tell when I get around to the finishing part. I still have the sleeves and the shawl collar to do. I am learning lots of new techniques that I’ve never used before in sweater construction and that’s always a good thing.
In medical news, Dennis got his stitches out this afternoon. You can see where they shaved his arm before surgery and the hair is starting to grow back in. The surgeon is very, very happy with the progress so far. It has been almost 2 weeks since his last surgery. He will have to wear the splint until at least the first week in January, but he was given some exercises to do to keep the skin and muscles from adhering to the metal plate. The doctor is very hopeful that he will have full range of motion.

This is a hint as to who is coming to visit over Thanksgiving. Yes, it’s our London family. I’m looking forward to lots of playtime and Piper graciously loaned us her kitchen set that she’s outgrown, as well as a basket of toys.

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and I thought it was hilarious. It does solve the problem, for a short time anyway, of how to store the Halloween skeletons! I think all three skeletons are posed wonderfully, but I really like the one on the ladder for some reason. Looks just like a guy looking down to make sure he’s stepping on the rungs correctly.🤣😂🤣 Dennis should have done that before he stepped off of the back of the truck back in June, and we would have avoided all of this Doctor stuff! 😍 Even though I’m not much into Halloween, I still think these are funny. I haven’t figured out yet, what the one sitting at the bottom of the ladder is doing.

It’s hard to think about much with everything that’s happening in the world today. I’m worried about the volcano that’s predicted to go off very soon, especially for the people who live around it, but they also expect it to shut down air travel from Europe. And then, of course, there is everything happening in the Middle East. And the craziness that’s happening here in our own country. I wish people could just learn to be kind to one another and treat others how they would like to be treated. Wasn’t that something we all learned in kindergarten? I’m starting to think those lessons aren’t taught anymore.
In medical news, Dennis got his stitches out this afternoon. You can see where they shaved his arm before surgery and the hair is starting to grow back in. The surgeon is very, very happy with the progress so far. It has been almost 2 weeks since his last surgery. He will have to wear the splint until at least the first week in January, but he was given some exercises to do to keep the skin and muscles from adhering to the metal plate. The doctor is very hopeful that he will have full range of motion.
This is a hint as to who is coming to visit over Thanksgiving. Yes, it’s our London family. I’m looking forward to lots of playtime and Piper graciously loaned us her kitchen set that she’s outgrown, as well as a basket of toys.
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and I thought it was hilarious. It does solve the problem, for a short time anyway, of how to store the Halloween skeletons! I think all three skeletons are posed wonderfully, but I really like the one on the ladder for some reason. Looks just like a guy looking down to make sure he’s stepping on the rungs correctly.🤣😂🤣 Dennis should have done that before he stepped off of the back of the truck back in June, and we would have avoided all of this Doctor stuff! 😍 Even though I’m not much into Halloween, I still think these are funny. I haven’t figured out yet, what the one sitting at the bottom of the ladder is doing.
It’s hard to think about much with everything that’s happening in the world today. I’m worried about the volcano that’s predicted to go off very soon, especially for the people who live around it, but they also expect it to shut down air travel from Europe. And then, of course, there is everything happening in the Middle East. And the craziness that’s happening here in our own country. I wish people could just learn to be kind to one another and treat others how they would like to be treated. Wasn’t that something we all learned in kindergarten? I’m starting to think those lessons aren’t taught anymore.
I pray for the entire world several times a day now. I hope you are all doing well and for those of you here in the US looking forward to Thanksgiving next week, I hope holiday plans are coming along for you.. I have my turkey and a few of the trimmings, but still need to go to the store to buy more things. Take care my friends and I’ll be popping in as time allows.

Blessings and love,
Blessings and love,
The sweater looks terrific! Have a nice break from blogging and a happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteHello, my dear friend! So happy you are having your loved ones at home for Thanksgiving! Enjoy every single moment. And I join you in prayer for all your intentions. Hugs and love! Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteSo glad Dennis is healing well! Massaging the scar and giving it a rub will prevent those adhesions you do not want! lol The new sweater for Piper is very cool--don't you just love to learn new techniques!!!?
ReplyDeleteThose skellys are hilarious! How clever. The sweater looks great. Knitting in pockets always scares me. I've done it but I remember it being confusing. I always enjoy getting ready for a visit. It's the only time my house is really clean
ReplyDeleteThe one at the bottom of the ladder is a dog. So glad Dennis is doing great. Enjoy your company.
ReplyDeleteHave a good time with your family! I have not heard about a volcano. Pipers new sweater is very cool, I love the color!
ReplyDeleteAll five of my children had the same kindergarten teacher that I had for kindergarten, Miss Peoples. She was the perfect kindergarten teacher and I think the world would be a better place if everyone could have benefited from spending a year with her when they were five. Yesterday's conduct in our government was juvenile and embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteWe actually have a house in our town who keeps their giant skeleton up all year. He wears a Santa hat and puts up lights and wears bunny ears at Easter. For the summer he wore a flag print bandana like a motorcyclist. The house is across the driveway from the grocery store so my grandkids enjoy it.
Enjoy every minute with your far away family! What a lovely time you will have! We can't wait to hear all about your adventures!!!
Dennis's hand looks great! It is healing well and doesn't look like he will have much of a scar. Although, if he is like me, I told the doctor I could care less about scarring as long as I got use of my arm back! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Good to hear that Dennis is healing well. Full range of motion is the perfect outcome! Enjoy the visit with your son and his family and safe travel for them as well.
ReplyDeleteDear Betsy, its so good to hear that Dennis is healing well. It is quite scary and worrying all that is going on in the world. I am beginning to dread listening to the news once again. Here in Spain Madrid is inundated with right wing extremists protesting violently and demanding the end of democracy! Sad times indeed. Happy thanksgiving :-) Keep well. Amanda x
ReplyDeleteWow, that sweater is amazing! You do excellent work! Wow! Oh, so happy to see that Dennis' surgery went so well and that the wrist is healing. Praise God. Love that you will have such wonderful family with you for Thanksgiving! Praying all goes well with their travels and that you will all have a wonderful time. Just enjoy every minute. God bless you all!!!
ReplyDeleteThat sweater for Piper is turning out so nicely. You are a talented lady. How excited you must be to have your family coming for Thanksgiving and a nice visit. I hope you all have a wonderful time together. Yes, my husband and I pray for the world and it's people every night. Such troubling times. We must continue to trust in God, through it all. Happy Thanksgiving Betsy and Dennis and family.
ReplyDeleteHi Betsy, That's such a cute sweater for Piper. I'm sure that she's going to love it. Dennis's hand looks like it's healing nicely. I'm glad the doctor was able to redo whatever the other doctor had done. That may be a dog sitting below the ladder, looking at the skeleton climbing the ladder. Wishing you and Dennis a very Happy Thanksgiving with all your family!
ReplyDeleteDear Betsy, nice skeletons doing Christmas 🎄 lights. 😄 🤣. Cozy looking sweater for Miss Piper. Enjoy your time with your son and family. We had a good time with Justin and family on last Friday for lunch at Burgerville. I'm still.working on my sweater. We've had some rough times last couple days but we're going to survive. I did want Journey to Bethlehem movie last night. So good to watch and it blessed my heart. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Dennis and rest of your family and friends ❤️. I'm glad Dennis is healing from arm surgery. Love and prayers, Becky
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time leading up to your Thanksgiving. May it be a blessed time with loved ones. So great that Dennis' hand is healing well. GM
ReplyDeleteI do hope you have a wonderful time with your London family. The sweater you are making is lovely, such a pretty color. It sounds as if your husband's hand is healing well. The skeleton photo is funny. People are creative. Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love the sweater- it makes me want to knit, and I am hoping soon I will be able to again.
ReplyDeleteWishing you + your family a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow-hope you are having a fun time with them! Love the bunny you made for Baby J + the cardigan for Piper will be beautiful when it’s done! Take care + enjoy your blogging break :)