Thursday, November 23, 2023

It’s Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

To my American friends, have you all enjoyed your turkey yet or do you eat later in the day?

We had our church harvest dinner on Sunday which was wonderful. Our son and Baby J were able to go with us. Unfortunately Sunday night our son got very sick for a couple of days. I really don’t think it was from the potluck. I think he had picked up a stomach bug somewhere. By Monday night I had it. I think I am on the mend today, but I opted to stay home while everyone else went to Mandy and Brad’s for Thanksgiving dinner. I got up early this morning, washed my hands very well, put gloves on and stuffed the turkey. They left about 11:00 with the 22 lb. turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, and relish tray. My sister was bringing pies and my niece brought rolls. Mandy was providing the sweet potato casserole. I had bought paper, plates, napkins, and bowls, but forgot to send them. Unfortunately, that meant they had a lot of dishes to wash. 🙄 My bad. We gave up on using the good china after we sold the house in Spokane.

However, I’m not feeling sorry for myself. The food doesn’t even sound good to me, and my temperature has lowered to under 100° for the first time in days. We have had a wonderful week together. Even though I haven’t been able to do a lot of close up play with Baby J because of the fever, (just like in September unfortunately), I’ve been able to watch her play and run around and she tells me she loves me a lot! That makes me very, very happy. We share a love of Olaf and we’ve watched Frozen together twice. We sang songs together and even visited Great Grammy before I got sick. She has loved playing with the little kitchen and toys that Piper brought over for her to play with. It has been an absolutely wonderful week.

Tonight they moved to Brad and Mandy‘s house so the kids can all hang out with each other for the rest of their time here. Not that we’re not included, but they’ll be sleeping there instead of here. Hopefully, I’ll be all better tomorrow because we have plans to go to the zoo and we need to open Christmas presents too before they leave!

I have been reading your blogs as I have time had time, just not able to comment much. That should change starting tomorrow.

I hope you’re all having a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving day. I have been counting my blessings all day as I’ve been sitting here and I hope you’re doing the same. God is SO good.

Blessings and love,


  1. Oh, no....I'm so sorry to hear you are sick. My son, who I haven't seen in ages and just got back from Paris, showed up for dinner today coughing up a lung. If I don't have Covid by the end of the week it will be a miracle. With all I have to do with The Mister still being out of order I will NOT be amused.
    Happy Thanksgiving and feel better soon!

  2. I am glad you are feeling better and temperature is lower. I wish that Alex wasn't sick either. No fun! :-/ Megan is feeling a bit better today thankfully. Phil and I went out on a walk this afternoon. The turkey is almost finished. It's not stuffed as Phil has to be careful with carbs. Megan made instant mashed potatoes she got from amazon. She ate some earlier as she was hungry and needed to eat. I am glad she's improving. Looks like our night temps are freezing the next few nights!! I continue to pray for your healing. I am glad that Baby J is sweet and loves you!!! Is she 2 yrs old already? Hugs and blessings, Becky

  3. Oh dear....Poor Betsy.....I feel like I have been reading about you being sick many times recently. I sure hope, when this current sickness has passed, that you can stay well for a long time. How disappointing for you to miss much of the fun and the Thanksgiving dinner too....but you have such a great attitude, and that is wonderful to see. May God heal you of your ills and give you many months of good health to come. God bless you and Dennis and your family. Hope your son is doing better too.

  4. So sorry you were sick while you had company. I am pretty picky about food prep and storage and some people are not. Our Thanksgiving was only two people preparing foods:)

  5. Sorry to hear you're sick, but I'm glad you're still getting time with the family. Hope you have a wonderful day at the zoo!

  6. I hope you feel better today. It's so disappointing to miss out on family
    get-togethers. GM

  7. Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your illness, especially after the sickness you had while in England for the wedding. I know it hurts to miss out on these special times, but your attitude is've chosen to have joy instead of sorrow. I wrote about this a little bit in my post today..."The joy of the Lord is your strength". I do pray you will be feeling better soon. Please take care and rest while you can.

  8. We are sailing along in the same boat. Starting feeling bad Sunday evening and have been staying home not wanting to share my germs :) Stop having headaches yesterday, so that's a great sign. Praying that you are feeling better with each passing day. God bless you,
    Connie :)

  9. Sure hope you're feeling better soon!

  10. I hope you will feel better soon! What a hard thing to get the bug now!!!! Sending a hug!

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon.
