We had a wonderful day yesterday. We spent the morning at church, first for the sunrise service, then a great breakfast of baked french toast, fruit, biscuits, ham and a parfait cup with fruit and frozen lemonade.
After breakfast we had the regular service. Lots of people in attendance and a fantastic message at both services. It was an emotional morning full of gratefulness for the gift of salvation we are freely given.
I bought Easter lilly's a few weeks ago along with several other people and they were used to decorate the front of the church yesterday. After the second service we could take them home. Here is mine blooming and smelling so good. There are several more buds on the plant too. The aroma fills the apartment.
I finished another prayer shawl using the Shallow Shawl pattern. I used a skein of Red Heart Burgandy and another of Gold that I had in my yarn stock. I'm trying to use up yarn I already have for the shawls and blankets I'm making for charity. I really like how this turned out. I improvised the lace part just to give it a different look from the others. It's such a simple pattern that it's easy to do little touches like that.
Have any of you ever heard of a Wool Jeanie? I saw one on a YouTube video from a crocheter that I watch all of the time. She had bought one of these and said she wished she had purchased one years ago. I read a lot of reviews and there wasn't a bad one, at least that I read. I've had mine for several week now and I have to agree with Terri. I love this thing. The yarn hangs from a powerful magnet and spins as you knit or crochet. You don't have to keep pulling yarn out of the ball or skein and it keeps a consistent tension. Here is the website if you're interested in reading about it yourself:
The Wool Jeanie.
I'm working on a baby blanket that I've made many times but I don't know the name of it. Zoey is inspecting my work. Don't worry, she had a bath just an hour or so before I took the photo. (The spot on the carpet is the sun shining and reflecting off of something.)
I started and finished my first diamond painting last week. This photo really doesn't do it justice. Dennis is going to frame it for me sometime this week and it will hang outside our door in May for Memorial Day and for July 4th. I have to say that when I started it I didn't think I would enjoy it, but as I started to make progress it was very hard to put down. It's addictive! :-) I'm not sure what that half moon circle is on the truck unless it is reflection from the light over the table. It sparkles, so pretty when the light hits it. I have three more of these to do for different seasons.
We went to our storage unit tonight and got boxes and boxes of pictures out of storage to go through. I just don't have wall space here to hang everything I had in our last two houses so I'm going to take the pictures out of the frames and either give away or sell the frames. We would like to get the storage unit down to a smaller size, just for our camping gear and some tools Dennis wants to keep. The price of the storage unit has doubled since we got it in October! It's ridiculous and if we’re never going to have another house, there is no use keeping all of this stuff.
Thank you for all of the prayers for Mom. I did another Covid test on her this morning and it's negative. She'll be able to leave her apartment and go to the dining room tomorrow. She's looking forward to that. She still has a bit of a cough and is weak in the legs but is feeling much better. I think she just needs to get out of the apartment and do some walking to build up her strength again.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are doing well. I'll be back soon.

Betsy, flowers you got from church look lovely. I hoped to have tulips at our house but won't be at tulip farm til Tuesday. We had to reschedule our tickets. It's been raining most of the day so there will be a lot of mud. Not sure how long Megan and I will be outside taking photos. Hopefully not as much rain that afternoon. Phil said to tell you and Dennis that he played King Maker--war of the Roses with his co-worker/friend this evening. Second day to play as they didn't end it last Tuesday. I am glad you got some warmer weather. It is a bit warmer here but not much. Chilly when Megan and I came home from Red Robin for dinner. So much grey sky!!! I am thankful mom is feeling much better. Going on a walk is good as well! God bless and take care----Becky
ReplyDeleteSo thankful your Mom is feeling better, I was praying for her! What a beautiful Easter Sunday you had, so wonderful to celebrate the Lord! Sunrise services are so special, and brunch always wonderful! It is so hard to know what to do with pictures, isn't it! So many treasured memories. Your shawl is beautiful, and sounds like your new tool works wonders! Enjoy the spring days! Blessings to you dear friend!
ReplyDeleteEaster lilies always remind me of my great grandmother. She always had one and I was fascinated by them when I was little.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you finished your diamond painting already. I had to show The Mister. He's yet to start his. I need to get down and organize his dots to entice him to give it a go.
I’m continually purging things even though I downsized when I moved to an apartment five years ago. This summer I plan to reduce the things I’m storing in the garage. The lacy part of the shawl is attractive.
ReplyDeleteHello! Your Easter Lily is beautiful! They always remind me of being in church on Easter Sunday! Your projects are lovely. How very talented you are! You know, I am planning on doing the exact same thing with our pictures! We have so many and honestly, they are still in boxes from our move almost three years ago. Glad to hear the Covid is gone! I hope you have a cozy Tuesday afternoon, my friend.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that your MIL is feeling better. I'm sure she will really perk up when she can get back out into "circulation" again. I love your Easter lilies. I didn't buy any this year, but have some tulips in pots that dried up and died before Easter ever got here, even though I watered them faithfully. We can't grow them here, so that was a waste of money. I do have Easter Lilies growing in our Memorial Garden, and they might be blooming in a couple of weeks. I hope so. I love the shawl you made...it is so pretty. Someone will really be blessed to have it. And that baby blanket is also beautiful. What a happy baby that will be who gets to snuggle up in it. The "diamond painting" ? is lovely. I don't really know what that is, but you did a great job. I know what you mean about taking pictures out of frames, etc. I did that when we moved to this house because we don't have as much wall space and so many pictures were older family portraits, etc. that really don't need to be displayed. So I store the photos in a special cabinet I have for all our photo albums, etc. and I donated a lot of frames to our thrift store. It's kind of sad that we really don't look at all the old photos much anymore. Maybe our kids will someday... I'm glad you are having some warmer weather. I know the weather has been up and down here as well. But soon summer will be here to stay for way too long, so I am enjoying a little breath of cooler air while it lasts. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful week. Take care!
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear encouraging words from you--the shawl is beautiful! Glad the sunshine gave you a perky time--and for Zoey, too!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that your Mom is feeling better again.
ReplyDeleteI had never heard of Diamond Painting but after looking it up I think it sounds lovely. Too bad I have NO more space for anything especially not on the walls.
Storage units are so costly and like you say, if there's a good chance you won't be able to use what you have in storage why keep it. Deciding what to get rid of is a hard thing thought.
Granny Marigold
You're busy with so many special projects Betsy, and they all turn out so wonderful. I love the shawl you just finished...and your diamond picture with the flowers and big flag is awesome. You always do a super job of decorating your door and surrounding area. So glad "Mom" is starting to feel better and can once again join the folks for meals in the dining room. Don't Easter lilies smell great. I agree. Take good care and thanks for the great post!
ReplyDeleteWe did the same with buying a lily for church, then it came home with us. I always forget how fragrant they are! We usually put them out in the garden when they're done blooming. But, I just read that they are super toxic for cats, of which we have a good number here on the farm. :-( That "Wool Jeanie" looks like something I may have to invest in! So glad to read that Mom is doing better.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter! Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration. I just love your shawls. You have such a knack with colors and the lace detail is just beautiful. The baby blanket is pretty too. I haven't tried the diamond painting. I have so many projects and I know that once I start, I will go right down that rabbit hole. Your picture is wonderful. Glad that Denis's mom is feeling better. It will be nice when we can finally lick this stinky old virus. I have been clearing out closets and listing on Facebook garage sale. Lots of stuff is leaving but it still doesn't seem like I have any empty space yet.
ReplyDeleteDear Betsy that Jeanie wool turner sounds brilliant for crotchet of knitting and I love all of your prayer shawls.. this is really pretty.
ReplyDeletePraise God mum is on the mend. Will keep praying for strengthening from the LORD. A relief for you all. Your Zoey is very cute... and yes reflection is light.. needs to be vertical to photograph properly not horizontal to cut reflective effects I think.
Have to comment anon, it just wont recognise my sign in!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter Sunday!! I have not tried Diamond Painting but Maddie loves doing it and yes she says it is addictive. Enjoy that warm weather! Hope you don't get storms:)
ReplyDeleteI like the colors of the baby blanket, very Spring-y. Granddaughter Kara is into the diamond art I bought her first one when she spent a Saturday afternoon with me a couple months ago... it was a cow... because she likes cows. 😂 We've had summer down here this week also... supposed to be severe weather tonight. We haven't had anything but trace amounts of moisture for over a year, thus our region is in the worst part of the drought. Fire danger all over down here. I told Jerry, with all these high winds we've had lately, all it's gonna take is someone being stupid with a cigarette and our town will go up in flames. There was a fire by our small airport just the other day. I keep our backpacks ready to bug-out due to fire just like I do during severe weather. Wow, right?! Anyway, so happy to know Mom is doing better. Still keeping all of you in prayer. Sending you lotsa hugs and blessings, my friend! Later!