Thursday, February 17, 2022

It’s cold again.

Hello everyone!  How is February treating you all? The weather has been very strange here this winter. It will be very cold for a couple of days and then it will be unseasonably warm. We only had that one snowfall quite a while ago and nothing since. We’re being told possible snow flurries next week sometime, but everyone is afraid that we’re going to get lots of snow in March because we’ve been so spoiled all winter. I’ve actually worn my flip-flops quite a bit! Tuesday it was 63°F. I spent the afternoon at the new trailer putting the dishes in and making the bed. It was so much fun to putter around in there. I had the windows open and my audiobook on my phone and it felt like I was camping again, albiet in a big storage lot!

These are the mittens that I finished last week. I’m actually ahead by 2 weeks on my schedule of making them.

I started a birth announcement cross-stitch for our granddaughter who is due next month. I had started a different design but then I found out the design of the nursery is a jungle theme, so I ordered a new kit and started over again!  It’s almost solid cross-stitch so it will be very time consuming. I think this is all I will be working on for a while! Of course I couldn’t find my roller bars that I use on larger Crosstitch pieces. I think they were also lost in the move. I haven’t seen them since we unpacked everything. I had to run out to Hobby Lobby this morning to buy this quilting hoop. I was trying to do it without a hoop and you can see all of the wrinkles from holding the material.

While I was out that far away from home I picked up Lizzie. She will spend tonight and Friday night with us. Miss Piper is staying at her other grandparents house tonight. There is no school and they asked before I did. lol I need to be more on the ball and get my reservation in earlier! Just kidding. I love her other Grandma and Papa too. They are wonderful people. These two girls are so happy right now. They haven’t stopped playing in the four hours we’ve been home.💜

I told you last week that I would post some pictures of our visit at the zoo. We went a week ago last Saturday and had a wonderful time with Miss Piper. 

Here we are together in front of the Penguins. It was a beautiful day that day in the upper 50s.

Our next stop was the aquarium where we spent a lot of time. These jellyfish were my favorites. I’m sure most of you can tell why. Purple!
The sea turtle was one of Piper‘s favorites and she took this photo when he swam in front of us.

There were a lot of sharks in the same tank….

along with a bunch of stingrays.

And more jellyfish!

One of our last stops was the butterfly pavilion. This was my first visit to this building and it’s absolutely magical. You have to go through an airlock system to get in or out of the display. All different types of butterflies flit and fly around you. They even land on your clothes. That’s why you have to go through the airlock in order to leave the display. They check your clothes to make sure there’s no butterflies hiding. I’m sorry this was the best picture I could get as they flew all around us.

It’s been a difficult week here. We found out that Dennis’s aunt has pancreatic cancer which is what his sister Karen died from last year. Mom is not taking it well and is very depressed. Her blood sugar is completely out of control, but I know she’s eating well because I buy all of her groceries. I’m taking her back to the doctors on Monday and I have a sneaking suspicion they may put her on insulin instead of the oral medicine she’s been taking. It is hard seeing your parents get older. We’re all worried about her living by herself in that big house with all of the stairs.

Take care of my friends. I know that God is watching out for us and loves us all more than we can imagine. That is what gets me through every day. I’ll talk to you again soon.

Blessings and love, 


  1. I love the new stitching project! Filling in is terrible time consuming but it looks so great when you are done.
    That looks like a great zoo trip. I haven't been to one in ages. We used to go a lot when the kids were little.
    The weather has been crazy. It's 70 today. Can you believe it?

  2. What a fun day at the aquarium! I love seeing you in your dresses! It makes me feel like we are kindred spirits!

    A similar thing happened to me with my roller frame. When I went to start my little house cross stitch, I couldn't find it anywhere. I knew I had one hoop too but I couldn't find that either. So I ordered as set of hoops from Amazon. The day after they arrived, I found BOTH my old hoop and roller bars!

  3. The back and forth temps have always been this way for our area, and the end of February into all of March is usually the worst of the winter months. We just had 6" of snow overnight into this morning and other places had 13" or more. Just a usual Kansas winter lol... in the 60s for a few days then back to the brrr 20s for a bit, back and forth. Amazing what the difference can be one state away. // I wear Sol Bounce (a sturdy clog-type flip-flop that is good for arthritic/plantar fasciitis feet) all year 'round, but never away from the apartment (although I will take them along to do gardening at my son's or our garden, but I always change back to my sneakers when I leave the gardens). I always wear my sneakers away from home. I think it's still illegal in our state to wear flip-flop type shoes while driving... besides, they can get caught in the pedals and cause a person to have an accident (someone I know had that happen to them). // You know, I have a bunch of hoops I should send to you. I'll never use them... they're brand new, never used, granddaughter gave them to me from her work a while back (they were going to throw them out). She also gave me some yarn for you a few weeks (I'd told her to save yarn theat would be tossed). I'll see what I can do to send all of it when next month rolls around! Blessings and hugs!

  4. I'm sorry about the news that Dennis' aunt now also has pancreatic cancer.
    The butterfly pavilion sounds like a place I'd love to visit. To have the butterflies actually land on your clothes. Wow.
    I can imagine how excited you are for camping as you put everything in its place in the trailer. You'll have such fun!!

  5. Butterfly houses are fun to visit. I haven’t been to a zoo in years: the nearest one is in Denver. Your photos of your visit are wonderful.

  6. What fun to visit a butterfly house! So sorry to hear about the Aunt and her cancer, such a terrible word. Prayers for her.

  7. Thank you for your lovely post. So sorry to hear about Dennis' Aunt. Glad you had a good time at the Zoo. I've been to butterfly pavilions before and loved them. Take good care and have a great weekend!

  8. Such a fun visit to the Zoo spending quality time with Miss Piper who is adorable. I obviously missed the post about a new grand child congratulations. The weather has been strange here this winter too, a lot warmer than usual with horrendous storms in between. We are experiencing weather warnings at the moment. Take care dear friend.

  9. His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me......
    hugs Betsy.

  10. Enjoyed your post so much, I've missed you. Don't know why I can't keep up. So sorry about the aunt with cancer. How sad for all of you. Your weather sounds like ours. Warm and sunny for a few days then freezing cold. It's crazy. Your crossstitch will be so pretty. Wish I could remember how to cross stitch. Love seeing sweet Piper. Bet your trip to the zoo was really fun. Give her a hug for me.

  11. Nice to picture you puttering in the camper--sounds so relaxing! The new cross stitch project is going to be so nice--the mittens are knit with amazing speed! The zoo is a wonderful place to visit--glad you had such a good time!

  12. Prayers for Dennis's aunt and for his mother. The zoo looks like so much fun! Isn't it nice to get along with what I call "co-grandparents". We have tried to maintain good relationships with all ours, too. We feel children can't have too many people in their lives that love them. We have a broken family for two now and the other grandparents are so grateful how much our daughter and ourselves allow them to remain in their lives.

    I can't wait to see the cross stitch. All of your needlework is so lovely!

  13. Betsy, I'm so sorry about Dennis's aunt. I'll be praying for her, Dennis's mother, and your family. I adore zoos, and especially aquariums. So entertaining. Your mittens are sweet. You really keep busy with your needlework. That's great! Nice to have those warm days. We have extremely cold nights, and then it warms up to 40's and sometimes around 50 degrees by early afternoon. The ice on my driveway has been horrible because the snow melts during the day and then the runoff freezes and then more snow falls, and the process repeats. Ugh! Winter go away now, please. I'm more than ready for Spring. Hugs.

  14. The aquarium sounds like a really wonderful experience. I much prefer that than going to a zoo. I suppose it is because I have always been very drawn to the sea. I must say to have butterflies flying all around you must really be wonderful. We have a good relationship with my GDs American grandparents even though they live so far away from us. They have been here to Spain several times to visit our GD and they have invited her over to Florida to visit all her family there now she is old enough to travel alone. I can see that cross-stitch is already looking good. Very neat work. Amanda x

  15. Oh, what a happy day it looks like you had out with Miss Piper! So many pretty pictures you took! I am so sorry to hear about Dennis's aunt. May God bless and comfort all of your hearts as only He can. Sending love and hugs your way, my friend.
