Saturday, May 23, 2020

Prayers Please?

I’m writing this Saturday evening and would like to ask for prayers for my big brother Roger.  He is not doing well at all and he isn’t expected to make it through the night.   Yesterday he was up in a chair eating breakfast.  This COVID-19 is terrible.  It kills so fast.  Please don’t think it’s nothing serious or a made up virus.

His nurse face-timed with me awhile ago so I could talk to him and say good-bye.  He is non-responsive and was gasping for air.  It’s a terrible, terrible thing.  The nurse is a saint.  She looked dreadful.  I told her I would pray for her too and she started crying.  She said this is the hardest thing she’s ever done and that she hates this disease with everything in her.  She said it’s so hard to have no families to hold their loved ones hand so she tries to be there until the end.  I can’t even imagine.

Here are the four of us years ago.  I believe it was around 1964.  Roger is the sailor boy, Lynn on the right.  Front row is Melanie on the left and I’m the baby.  My Mom made Melanie’s and my coats out of Pendleton wool scraps from the throwaway bin.  (My Dad and Mom both worked at and retired from Pendleton Woolen Mills.)
This was last year.  From left to right, Lynn, Me, Melanie, Roger.

I appreciate any prayers and love more than you know.  They mean a lot and thank you all.



  1. Oh Betsy I'm so sorry. I hate this COVID-19.

  2. Dear Betsy, I am shocked at how fast he's deteriorated! We are sending our love and support your way. I'm so sorry this has happened. It's just frightening how it's spreading. Please be safe and take care of yourself. Love to you. Teresa & Dayle

  3. Prayers going up Betsy. I know what its like to lose a relative during this covid19 pandemic. My Mom passed away at the end of April in the nursing home she has lived in for three years. They said it was from her Parkinson's disease. However, I believe it was covid19. They never tested her.

    I know she is in a far better place. Able to spend my Dad's birthday with him for the first time in 27 years. But it's still tough to deal with...

  4. I will be praying for Roger, and you and the nurse who needs comforting. I'm sorry that you all are having to go through this.

  5. Dear Betsy, I am so very sorry to hear about your brother, Roger. Sending much love and many blessings to you and your family. Such horrible, heartbreaking times right now with no end in sight. May all the healthcare providers receive much needed care and comfort as they deal with so much. Love and light, Tammy

  6. How kind of the nurse to face time with you about your brother Roger. Sorry to hear he isn't well. Praying he will heal as many do when they are bad. May you and your family feel God's presence in this time of waiting. Praying Roger will heal over night and live more here on earth. If not, we are so thankful for the promise of heaven! Hugs my friend. This time in our lives has been strange and hard but we will survive and carry on. His mercies are new every morning! Lamentations 3:22-23

  7. Oh, dear Betsy! This is SO terribly sad. Oh, it just broke my heart. Your dear brother! It hurts to see him looking so young and vibrant in that first picture, and then to think what he is enduring tonight. It is just heartwrenching to know that you were unable to see him and how that nurse stands by these patients and helps them to the end. Dear Lord, have mercy on all of you and hold you extra close as you grieve. Sending much love and many hugs your way tonight.

  8. He remains in our prayers as you and Dennis do. I have been praying for all the caring staff who are looking after those suffering from this terrible disease. Sending you a hug in the hope it will help. Take care dear friend.

  9. You are in my thoughts and prayers. How lovely that you told the nurse you were praying for her also. I have prayed hard for all who have been treating and nursing patients at this time. My son has been in ICU working on patients with this virus. I just wish people would take it seriously - some don't. God Bless you and your family. X

  10. Praying dear dear Betsy.. and for Roger and for all who love dear Roger.. and especially for grace, strength, and courage in the midst of such heartaches and may the God of all grace look upon such suffering and arrest the spread of this dreadful virus across so many nations and peoples. Praying also very earnestly that many souls will turn to their Saviour at such a time as this!
    Prayer hugs dearest Betsy. Praying earnestly with you at the throne of grace.
    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    "our Heavenly Father knoweth"..
    "..He careth for you".

  11. Sending love, hugs and prayers. xxx

  12. As prob asleep there now will keep praying.. maybe Lord might in His mercy spare him as the Lord did King Hezekiah in answer to prayer. As the LORD wills. Prayer hugs dear dear Betsy. πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ€—

  13. Betsy, I am praying for you and your entire family. I am so sorry for the pain and suffering all of you are going through! May God make a way for each of you.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear this. I can't believe people think this is fake. Sending lots of healing thoughts. I wish we could all do more for you.

  15. Oh Betsy! I'm so sorry. I had no idea your brother had contracted the virus. Such a hateful thing. Holding you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. I am so sorry to hear this. It is a very cruel virus and those who take it lightly make me furious. You are in my thoughts and prayers dear friend.

  17. OH MY DEAR SWEET FRIEND BETSY. This is so so sad. The Lord cries with you. I don't think he wants us to suffer. He knows your pending parting. He knows your love it deep. I will be praying on the hour for you and him today. Perhaps, he will come back strong...
    I don't know what to say. I love you and I want to hold your hand.......

  18. Betsy, Im holding you in prayer today. I just listened to HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW AND I KNOW HE WATCHES ME, for you. This is so very sad. I'm hoping he can turn it around!

  19. So sorry. I will pray for all of you.

  20. I’m sure it’s a great comfort to know that Roger has such good care. Blessings today and always

  21. Dearest Betsy, I am so sorry and shocked, its such a terrible virus! Please keep us updated, praying for you, and your family!
    Love, Roxy

  22. I am so sorry that your brother is sick. I love the pictures you shared of your family. Your brothers look so alike and you and your sister are similar looking too! Lots of love in those smiling faces. I hope memories of happier times will bring you comfort during this sad time.

  23. My heart goes out to you--prayers for now and for the many days ahead. Hugs.

  24. Oh, Betsey, I am so sorry. My heart aches for you and your family. Lifting prayers for all of you.

  25. You and yours are in my prayers, dear Betsy. πŸ’œπŸ™

  26. Praying!

    Marge Hess
