I finished the blanket with Vera’s donated yarn and I really like the way it turned out. Thank you again Vera! I hadn’t washed or blocked it yet in this picture but I still think it’s beautiful. I haven’t used bulky yarn very much before and I really enjoyed it. This was very soft to work with.
Two more pair of mittens finished yesterday for the school kids.
Also yesterday I managed to cut out the pieces for four dresses. I ordered this material from Good’s in Pennsylvania. It’s a mix of polyester and cotton so I’m hoping it will require less ironing than the dresses I currently wear. The material arrived less than four days after I ordered it! That’s faster than I get most Amazon packages and we have prime.
Thank you to everyone who suggested places to look for interfacing. I looked up all of them online and every single place I looked was out of stock last week. I think it’s because people are using the interfacing to make masks. But, Meredith to the rescue! She said she is mailing some extra interfacing she has to me. I’ll say it once again, blogging friends are the best.
Dennis has taken a day of vacation tomorrow and we’re hoping to go to the lake in the morning. When we were there last Sunday afternoon there were already some people that had spent the night Saturday night. I don’t know how they got away with that since we were all told no one could stay overnight until May 1. They also were not practicing social distancing in the least. There were probably 20 people sitting around a campfire ring less than a foot apart. These are people who are new this year. There is also new management once again at the resort and just with some things that have already been happening this spring, it doesn’t bode well for the summer.
How are you all holding up? I went to Walmart yesterday and got my third grocery pick up since this all began. Unfortunately, they were out of many things that I really needed. So I put my mask and gloves on and went into another store. It’s my first time actually being in a store since February. What a strange feeling! There weren’t very many people there and I was shocked at how many shelves were still empty. I’m glad we didn’t need toilet paper or paper towels or any cleaning products, because there were none to be found. I was able to get everything on my list except rice. No one seems to have rice in stock. I may try going to the grocery store in the little town closest to the lake this weekend.
Take care my friends.

Oh, my, I know what you mean. The stores look so forlorn in different places. It is just unbelievable what all is happening. I love the Scripture you shared at the end. SO comforting. And, that blanket is just gorgeous! I love the color - so bright and cheery! It was so nice to visit with you today, sweet friend. Stay safe and encouraged! Surely God is with us still!
ReplyDeleteOh what beautiful sunshine!! I'm glad you went out and enjoyed it. We're on a streak of rainy days and I'd so much love some sunshine.
ReplyDeleteI cannot figure out why there are still grocery items ( and other things too) that are not available. Are people really buying more and more every time they shop? Surely by now things should be figured out.
The fabric you bought for dresses is so pretty. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished dresses. I'm glad you got some interfacing from a friend.
I hope you have a lovely day at the lake.
I grabbed the last rice I like at mega foods Monday eve after work. A few rolls of tp at Bimart. I'm not sure why people don't social distance as they should, unless they are close family. I avoid an entry into an aisle when there's people standing at end if aisle. Go around the other way. Enjoy your time away at the lake.
ReplyDeleteIt's rough--we hardly understand our own neighborhoods! Take care and be safe on your day off! Enjoy each other!
ReplyDeleteThe blanket is beautiful - nice job! Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous with only a puff of wind. I sat in the sunshine and soaked up the warmth and the beauty around me.
ReplyDeleteI love the yellow blanket! Such a cheery color and pattern. Chloe looks so happy and warm in the sun.
ReplyDeleteThat yellow blanket is a masterpiece Besty. I m so glad you get to go to the camper! Really it delights me
ReplyDeleteBravo on the fabulous yellow blanket. Some lucky baby will treasure that their whole life. Love the little mittens, too. I bet it's scary having to do the shopping. We've had 3 home deliveries from Fred Meyer and Dayle has made quick trips in the grocery store a few times. Gads I do hope they can find something to fight this virus so we can get back to some normality. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteBravo on the gorgeous yellow blanket! Some little baby will treasure that for a lifetime. Love the little mittens, too. You're so generous.
ReplyDeletedang.. accidentally hit the publish button... anyway, I look forward to seeing your new dresses. I'm trying to find some pretty floral fabric as my sister has offered to make me a bunting/banner. I can't believe how hard it is to find the right stuff online.. that isn't in China! :-) I have a bouquet of Lily-of-the-Valley by me and wow does it smell amazing. Try to keep away from the stores. Have it delivered. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteLove the yellow blanket you made Betsy. It is darling and I'm so glad you were able to use the yarn. Your dress fabrics are really pretty. Goods is a fun store to go to - they have EVERYTHING!!! (They are not that far from where I live - maybe an hour or so.) Glad you were able to get your shopping done. It is frustrating at times and I don't understand how one store can be completely out of one thing and another store down the road is fully stocked with the same item. Makes no sense!
ReplyDeleteLove the blanket, it is charming and will be treasured. Sorry to read about your difficulties with shopping. Thankfully we are eligible for home delivery due to my heart condition and Gerards autoimmune system we are considered high risk. Pasta and flour seem to be high on the list of shortages. I am thrilled Meredith was able to help with the interfacing. The fabric is beautiful, looking forward to seeing the dresses. Have a great weekend and enjoy the lake. Take care and stay safe.
ReplyDeleteThe material is lovely, I hope you are able to find the interface and your rice soon.
ReplyDeleteI have not been out of the house, other than to the garden, since this whole thing began. I am so glad to have friends, like you, that I am able to "talk" to this way. Take care, my friend, God's blessings, HUGS
and I love you,
The blanket is so pretty and happy! I am all about yellow at the moment because it is so cheerful. Your rhubarb looks wonderful. I am not sure why but I've seen so many posts and recipes for it lately and to tell you the truth I have never so much as tasted it in my life.
ReplyDeleteOur stores are pretty stocked on most things, though some brands are missing or low. Flour and yeast though are still hard to get.
ReplyDeleteYour blanket is ever so pretty! Hope things straighten out at your lake so you can enjoy going there. Stay safe!
ReplyDeleteSo lovely to see dear Chloe, your thriving rhubarb, snowy mountain, and your spectacular stitching! The shopping shortages have startled me. This morning Freddie's was the best stocked it has been it for weeks except they were out of TP again. Marvelous Meredith for sending you the interfacing! Enjoy sewing your dresses and your time at the lake, please. 💜🤗🙏🧶
ReplyDeleteChloe looks so much like my old farm dog Abby! She was the greatest dog ever! Rhubarb! Lucky you! I had a big patch of it on my farm but I can't grow it down here even after trying a recommended variety for this area. The baby blanket turned out so pretty and the materials for your dresses are lovely! Enjoy your nice weather and be safe and stay well!
ReplyDeleteI hope that interfacing arrives soon, I mailed it last Monday. I went to Walmart very early today and got everything I needed including toilet paper! Hooray for that because my extra stash toilet paper got mailed to Mr 22 in Orlando because they could not find it anywhere! Stay safe Betsy.
ReplyDeleteI'm holding, just not sure if I'm up, dow, or inside-out lol. I don't dare try to do pick-up at walmart, it's 2-3 weeks out and I can't wait that long for groceries. I get up way eaerly on their senior tuesdays (5am ugh) and get what we need. If I forget something or need anything extra, I give my son money and they get it on their shopping day. I hate to get out, but Jerry and I have needs that only I can figure out. I just do a lot of "psp" ... pre-shopping-praying for a hedge of health protection. Our state is still adding cases and deaths, yet they are going to open back up monday. I think it's too risky, so we've decided to stay put as much as we can. ---. I LOVE THAT BLANKET!! I love the color mustard yellow... my daughter-in-law gave me a pretty knitted winter headband (that her friend made) in that color a couple years ago. --- Hugs and blessings to you, my dear friend! Stay safe and well!
ReplyDeleteThink your shops must be worse than ours Betsy, and ours are almost back to normal!
ReplyDeleteWhen went last Thursday I had choice of at least 6 or sorts of toilet paper, came away with 20 pack of our brand.. impossible to find till that day, still had some though, providentially.. we know Who blesses us!
I gave 12 to my sister as she was short. Love that yellow blanet, stunning pattern, great mittens, and Chloe is one elegant lady, isn't she? Love your rhubarb!
Agreed re social distancing. Sure way to get a hot spot. They are relaxing things here as Aust has been very blessed, think we'd had enough with fires and drought in 2019-20!! So blessed by distance and hard borders of an island from spread as severely. We also shut down earlier than some.
I think in part this will become new normal as am pretty sure a vaccine like common cold won't work. Antibodies don't seem to have long duration, plus the strains are numerous, over 30 strains of COVID-19 last time I searched. That's not often mentioned, which I find strange. Instead they may find a method of treating it like quinine for malaria.
Pray so, sis.
Sorry for late visit! 😊
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love, in these changeable times. As Paul wrote: "We walk by faith, not by sight."
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Good to see your post, Betsy! It looks like your weather is way better than ours; we've had a fair amount of rain lately. This week it's supposed to hit 80 which will be a huge change! Love your projects, especially the blanket. Is it for someone special? I hope you had a nice time at the Lake! It's annoying when people don't follow the rules, isn't it? Our local grocery is pretty well stocked, but we have to get there in the morning. Stay well!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful verse.