Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Crazy last day of March!

Just popping in here to give you an update on our last day of March. The month started out absolutely beautifully. It definitely came in like a lamb. We had warmth and sunshine. 

But the month went out in the weirdest way I have ever seen in my life. Yesterday we had an earthquake, (very rare), a tornado, (very, very rare), snow, rain, sunshine, thunder snow, and hail! It was truly a crazy, crazy day!

Mandy sent me this meme.  The date is wrong but it’s still funny! Dennis said he was sitting at his desk at work and all of the sudden his chair started wobbling back-and-forth and he looked up and the light fixture was moving. We had an earthquake here years ago. I’m not sure of the exact date but I think it was about 20 years ago.  The epicenter for this one was in Idaho between here and Boise.  Compared to the earthquakes that I have felt in Japan, this one was relatively mild, although it was rated as a 6.5 in strength.

The tornado was about 100 miles from us and didn’t do any damage, but it was quite a good size tornado. They are really rare here. It was one of the reasons I was happy to move to Washington. After growing up in the Midwest and living through a lot of tornado warnings I was happy to be away from them.

The snow, thunder snow, hail, rain and sunshine were pretty strange too. So far this morning we have had about a half an inch of snow but it’s melted already.

I promise, this post is NOT an April fools joke. All of this really did happen. Just thought I would share with all of you.

On the knitting front I finished the leg and turned the heel on a sock yesterday evening.  I hope you are all doing well and hanging in there. From all of the news accounts, it’s going to be a rough few weeks ahead in the United States.  Stay home and stay safe.



  1. He is our shelter and I need Him. This shelter in place is rough. The Spokane earthquake photo is so funny, thanks for the laugh.

  2. We heard about your earthquake on the news. I'm glad it didn't do damage.

  3. Just heard about the quake from a friend who lives in Boise. Strange weather indeed! I think your weather is headed this way:)

  4. Thanks for a report on your exciting last day of March, dear Betsy. I was wondering how shaken you were by the earthquake, but I had no idea you had lived though the other anomalies as well! The Psalm is a comforting foundation to build on. Mandy's meme inspired me to lol : ) ((hugs))

  5. I love that earthquake meme. They used it on us when we had the 5.6 a few years ago. It was nothing to laugh at when it happened though. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It was terrifying to see your whole house shake. I couldn't get down the stairs from the rolling and ended up falling out the front door. I wasn't right for days.

  6. Well.. you sure did have quite the April Fools Day! It was pretty calm here. I made 2 birthday cards for Caleb and Hayden, they are the same age for 4 days, and Dayle ran them up to the PO. With not going to the stores I hadn't gotten them a card before we all had to go into isolation. Poor little boys don't have their grandparents to share their big day with them. Wah. I'm glad you and Dennis are staying healthy and safe. Sending hugs your way -- ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Oh yes, keep safe dear sis, glad all is well. We get some earthquskes but not like parts of US or Japan. Worst one I recall woke me up in wee hours in Syd when teaching, bed vibrating, shaking, weird!.... one thing is sure in this uncertain world, isnt it??.. and that is our Lord God.. praise Him.
    Thanks for sharing, dear Betsy, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in these troubled times. In God we trust.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. My goodness that really was a crazy day and really does sound like an April fool. We have bright sunshine at the moment but a few moment ago snow was falling although did not lay. Strange times Betsy. Stay safe and well. Love to Dennis.

  9. Wow! What a weather day. Glad you are ok and hopefully all that nasty weaather left with March!

  10. I live in Northern Ohio. We felt the Washington D.C. earthquake in 2011. I was sitting on an exam table in my headache specialists office getting botox. You could feel the table moving. We still joke when I see him if we are going to have an earthquake. Funny what you remember.

  11. My goodness! Have you ever heard of such strange happenings? All in one day, too! I am so thankful it was no worse and you are safe. These are surely very odd times, and we must lean hard on Jesus to see us through. Praying for you, sweet friend.

  12. Wow! Ane we thought Melbourne's weather was crazy. (Victoria, Australia). Melbourne is renowned for having four seasons in one day.
    Washington has trumped Melbourne on that day in March.

  13. It was the craziest day to end March, for sure! We felt the earthquake here, and it made me feel quite dizzy for a couple of hours later. It was so strange! I'm glad that there was no damage, thankfully. I didn't know about the tornado until you mentioned it. Praying for you both, and looking forward to summer! Many blessings to you :)
