Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Happy Tuesday morning everyone! I just got home from getting eight injections in my back. I was told the pain relief can last, (choose one), not at all, 7 to 10 days or up to three months.  They have no way of knowing. All I know is that those eight injections in the muscle really, really hurt! I really don’t want to go through this very often. I was told they can do the shots every 3 to 4 weeks. Oh boy!

I’m going to try once again to add a photo and we’ll see if it works today. If no photo shows up you’ll know it did not work. Connie, The blog “Far side of fifty,” over on my side bar, said that the problem came from a change google made about a week ago.  Since this is a paid for app that I use, I emailed the administrator but have gotten no answer. So here goes, I will try another photo and see if they fixed it yet.

One of the blankets I made last week for the Babies of Homelessness charity in Seattle.

But, even if this didn’t work I’m not going to lose hope. Because you know what my wonderful husband did? He asked me if I would please stay home yesterday because he had an important package that would be arriving from UPS.  When the package arrived it had my name on it! I called him at work and he said he didn’t know what it could be so to go ahead and open it. He had bought me a MacBook Air for my birthday which is February 1!!!! We rarely buy each other birthday presents. We’ve been married so long, birthdays, etc. are not big deals anymore. In fact, his birthday was January 9 and I didn’t get him anything. Boy, do I feel bad now!

Now, I know some of you use MacBooks to blog with, especially my dear friend Teresa Kasner. So I know I’ll be able to ask people to help me when I have problems. And the problems have already begun. Apple makes an appointment with you online to have a technician help you set up your computer. The technician called me at 1:45 yesterday afternoon and we hung up just before 5:00. I had six different technicians as they kept escalating the calls because of issues with the computer. Would you believe there is a software glitch in my new computer? We couldn’t get past the first set up screen. Dennis had to send it back this morning.  They were all very nice though, and a nice lady even offered to send me a hard case for the computer for free because of the inconvenience. 

You know, I didn’t even know I was getting the computer and today I’m frustrated because I had to send it back. Isn’t that hilarious!?  I’m so spoiled.

We are expecting 3 to 5 inches of snow beginning this afternoon. Do you all remember how worried I was about driving to the doctor this morning, up the hill in the snow? The time for the storm to begin kept getting pushed back further and further. I am so thankful that it’s not starting until later in the day.

OK, I’m going to push the button on this post and see if the one photo that I posted actually worked. If so I’ll do another one soon showing the pictures from last week. I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday. 

“ Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  James 1:17

*** edit it to add, it worked! Hallelujah!!!***
Many blessings, Betsy


  1. I hope your injections are the key to your feeling well again, Betsy. I can only imagine how you must feel after so long with the pain. Congratulations on your new laptop, what a wonderful present!

  2. What a wonderful husband you have and so thoughtful, he knows how much you love blogging. You are in our prayers and really do hope that your manage to get some pain relief from these injections. Beautiful blanket.


  4. Your blanket is a rainbow of beauty. I wonder what kind of shots those are, that you can get them that often; of course, I hope they relieve the pain for a long long time.

  5. Thrilled you found a solution to the photo problem. You'll love your MacBook.

  6. Prayers for you... I pray that your injections will last a LONG time so that you don't have to go through that very often... I hope the injections help though...

    Glad you have your photos back.

  7. Love that blanket and its cheery colors! Nice work. Enjoy your Mac book when you get it working properly. Hope those icky shots did the job and you are now pain free. Hugs. And I do agree that it's weird how different the weather is on the two sides of our state. Stay warm!

  8. Yeah it worked! I haven't tried it lately! Good for you on the new computer hope they send it back quickly! :)

  9. First off.. what a nice gift from Dennis! Second.. BRAVO your photo showed! Third.. LOVE the C2C blanket for a poor little homeless child.. you are so kind. Fourth.. I am so sorry you got a lemon of a computer but glad they'll send you a good one. And fifth.. Dayle got those shots and they were very short-lived.. and he ended up having surgery which did work. I hope they work for you, my friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Many happy returns dear sweet Betsy for the 1st, mine is in Feb too, it will be my first one with out my dad, he used to spoil me so, loved us to go out to dinner, I have my family though and so am grafteful. Wow how kind of Dennis to get you a MacBook!
    I pray it gets set just fine for you and yes we saw your lovely blanket.
    I did pray for safety for travel and so glad the Lord answered that too. I pray the needles help. My dear sister was admitted to hospital two days ago because her back pain was so bad, that she couldn’t even get out of bed.
    Backs really are problems. They can be solved in time, sometimes, so pray it for you.
    God bless dear friend,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Here's hoping the injections work!! For a very long time!! Love your blanket Betsy (Yay for the photo showing up). And, what a lovely gift from Dennis - enjoy (once the new one arrives).

  12. Beautiful blanket!!!
    What a sweetie of a husband to surprise you like that. I can totally relate to your tech issues. One by one none of my devices want to connect to the WIFI. First it was the printers, now it's my Kindle and my phone. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.......

  13. Dear friend, I hope the injections help you like they did me. I am hoping not to go back until I get back from the U.K.
    Your husband is such a sweetie.

  14. Morning, I do pray you get some relief from the shots you received! And yes, what another beautiful blanket you have made!! And wow that will be a wonderful computer once it all gets worked out. And I know it will be so nice to blog on and sending pictures! Keep warm and enjoy your day! Hugs, Roxy

  15. I won't let anyone mess with my spine...8 injections? Which is worse? Of course, easy for me to say as i don't have back pain! LOL!I hope you get relief some way some how. I saw where Blogger deleted your pictures. I have blogger but have not experienced that issue.
    Your blanket is so pretty. How do you get so much crocheting done? Stay warm!

  16. Hooray! I am so thankful your photo worked! I LOVE that blanket...honestly, it is one of my favorites of yours ever! I love using up spare yarn like that and knowing it is a one-of-a-kind creation. I am so sorry you had to go through those awful shots and then your new computer had issues. Your husband is so thoughtful and kind, and the two of you are such a shining example to us all. :) Sending love and hugs your way today!

  17. Oh, Betsy, I am so sorry for all your eight shots. I do hope they give you the loger time of relief. I am thinking I am needing one in my shoulder and am dreading it. Pretty blanket you made for the homeless. So sweet of your husband but sorry it didn't work out for you I have never heard of it. But I am not good at technology. Feel better Betsy! Nancy

  18. I so hope the shots help you Betsy, you are in my prayers. As for the MacBook, I had one I gave to my son because I just could not figure it out. I have a desktop, not even a laptop. I am very old school!
