Friday, January 11, 2019

Foggy Friday

When I woke up this morning I couldn’t even see across the street. But that’s better than the freezing rain we had all day Tuesday. I didn’t leave the house at all that day. It’s a little better now. I can make out the windows of the house directly across from us! It’s been a quiet week. I’ve just been doing physical therapy and pretty much hibernating at home. I love to be home this time of year.  Definitely a homebody and I always have been. Just ask my sister. Melanie? I know you’re reading this. Even as a little girl I preferred staying home over going anywhere. So it is a little strange that I love to travel so much. Given the choice of shopping, taking a walk or going out to dinner, I will always choose to stay home. But if it means getting on a plane and going to London or Japan or to the Oregon coast I’m all in! Sounds crazy doesn’t it?

I just can’t get my heart into the Mystical Lanterns blanket. After talking to Dennis about it, I think I agree with him that it’s just too busy with all of the colors. He said he thinks it would be prettier with a cream color yarn and another color, like sage green. I tend to agree with him, so I’ve stopped working on that blanket and I started this one to use my scraps.

It’s just a crochet corner to corner blanket and I’m enjoying it. Very mindless crochet for me. But even that hasn’t been able to keep my interest going because I started this two days ago.

My love of cross-stitch has not diminished, I just have to use fabric with bigger squares to the inch! These old eyes don’t like those tiny squares anymore. I ordered a booklet from Amazon that has 50 Christmas designs. I had intended to use it to make some Christmas ornaments for gifts next year and get an early start on them, but when I saw the angels in the book I decided to make something for myself first. This is the center angel and I’m planning to make two on either side of her. Then maybe I will make this into a pillow. That will make it easier to store and I won’t have to find a place to hang it on the wall.  She’s not quite finished, but I have sure enjoyed working on it over the last couple of days.
This is the brochure with just some of the designs. Aren’t they the cutest?

I did start another nine patch square.  It’s easy to pick up and put down.
I received this beautiful handmade card from a dear blog friend name Shaz who lives in Australia. You can find her over on my side bar as “Calligraphy Cards-Shaz in Oz.”  She makes the most beautiful cards for all occasions. Paper crafts are not a talent that I have and I’m always a bit amazed when I see the beautiful things that she creates.  She embosses, (did I even spell that correctly?), these beautiful stars onto the card stock and makes the little sheep and colors the cut outs and makes those perforations on the borders. I have no idea how any of it’s done, but I am very happy to have received this beautiful card.  Thank you Shaz!

These are all of the beautiful Christmas cards Dennis and I received this year. I love to leave them hanging up until the end of January every year where I can look at them and enjoy them. Then I take them down and put them in a pile and every day when I do my devotion, I choose the top card in the pile and I pray for that person and their family. Then it goes under the bottom of the pile and I rotate through them throughout the year. I love doing this because then I get a chance to look at the beautiful cards several times throughout the year, and also a chance to remember each of these dear people in prayer.  So if you have sent me a card, know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you and they won’t be thrown away until a new batch comes in next year. And even then, some of the more beautiful ones get kept and put in a scrapbook or framed.

Do any of you display cards that you receive?  Dennis turned 63 on Wednesday and we like to put the cards on the table out to enjoy for a week or two after our birthdays, anniversary, etc.  That lime green one is from Miss Piper and is extra special.  It even says “Papa” on it and that’s what she calls him.

Well this is a much longer post than I intended to write so I’m going to stop there. I have some laundry to fold and some other things to get finished this afternoon. I hope you’re all having a wonderful Friday and have some fun things planned for the weekend. 

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” 1 John 5:14

Many blessings, Betsy


  1. I love your pretty but your cross stitch takes the cake! The design is so pretty and the colors are perfect. I don't blame you for keeping it for yourself. They are really cute designs! I also love your 9 patch you outline those in a white border or am I thinking of Bakery Bears? Shaz is VERY talented! That is a beautiful card! Please wish Dennis a Happy Birthday for guys are young! What a beautiful idea you have about the cards. Stay cozy and warm and enjoy the weekend!

  2. Hi there my very sister Betsy, how blessed we are to know each other in the Lord and even though miles separate us We can know each other which is such a blessing to our blogs. I’m like you I’m a homebody but I love to fly overseas to see people, very special folks.
    Special to be able to do this, too pray you can... God willing ..go to Japan in 2019, to see Alex it would be so good!
    I love your new blanket that’s brilliant idea to use up scraps.
    I keep out my Christmas cards to enjoy all January. I was very surprised to see mine, you described very well!
    I think it a brilliant idea to pray over them in the months afterwards. I might try that this year.
    You’ve been on my heart, I do hope you’re okay sending you lots of love and prayers,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  3. The corner to corner blanket is gorgeous. How I wish I could crochet! I display Christmas cards I receive until mid January. I love the idea of keeping the cards and praying for the individuals throughout the year. Happy Belated Birthday to Dennis!

  4. More crocheting for you? Nice one! Cross stitch is something I've not done in awhile. Semi warm day and busy too. Went to see Comedian Nazareth in Tigard with Phil. We had a laughter filled evening and friends from church were behind us! Happy weekend my friend and stay warm.

  5. I like your C2C blanket. I've been wearing my C2C shawl all autumn and now in winter.. now I want to make one in a different color. I'm glad you enjoy the Christmas card I sent and it's nice to know you think of us when you go through your stack of cards. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. I love the idea of thinking and praying for those that send cards in rotation, such a thoughtful idea. I do keep my cards in the short term as I recycle them the following year to make tags or toppers for cards. I like to get out and about to explore our beautiful surroundings and of course visit my family but in the main I like to be at home too. Love the blanket, such a lovely way to use up oddments.

  7. Those ornaments are just darling and that card is gorgeous!

  8. Once again, dear friend, your pictures are lovely. I do like the crochet blanket and the cross-stitch. I haven't picked up my last project for quite a while. Maybe you work will motivate me.

  9. Oh, that is such a wonderful thing to do about the Christmas cards! I must say that it brought much comfort to me knowing our little family will make the rotation of your prayers! You are such a dear, faithful prayer warrior, and I will never forget how your helped to pray my dear niece through her high-risk pregnancy. That little baby boy is doing so wonderfully, and he loved Christmas this year! He is old enough to sort of understand now and loved seeing all the lights and sights! Oh, God is good...even in the midst of our afflictions and heartaches, He is faithful. Sending hugs your way today!

  10. I love your idea of keeping cards and praying for people. Thank you!! Happy Birthday (late) to Dennis!

  11. Hi Betsy, I have gotten to be a stay at home person too since I have come down with CFS. I am with you. I have to have a larger count cross stitch material to see well and a design that is simple. Not a lot of patience! Love the idea of keeping the cards in a pile to pray for them. Snowed here all day. Have a good Sunday! Nancy

  12. I love your card display Betsy, such a great way to see them all and enjoy them. I keep mine in a stack which is not very nice to look at. I wish you a wonderful week. And of course Dennis a happy birthday.

  13. Your crochet corner to corner blanket is a great way to use up scraps of yarn! Your card display and prayers for the senders is just wonderful! :)

  14. We are having a yucky, dusty, dreary day here. Supposed to maybe rain tonight. I'm like you. Home sweet home is where I wanna be (though I kinda wish my home was somewhere else in the world than where I'm at :) How wonderful that you received so many Christmas cards. It's lovely of you to keep them the whole year and pray individually for each and every person who sent one. Belated wishes to your hubby. I need to work on a little cross-stitch for a friend. I've gotten to where I need lots of light, daytime or bigger aida to work with. Your stitching is coming along nicely. Have a good week.
