Sunday, December 3, 2023

This and That

How are you all coping with it being December already? It doesn’t seem possible does it? I’ve been busy, busy this week. I put out most of the decorations during the week but waited to decorate the tree until today when Piper could help. It’s fun to have a grandchild nearby that can help with the decorating. We’ve never had that before and I’m taking full advantage of it.

This first photo is the string of advent stockings that I made for Piper. You can also see the Noel cups in the left hand corner. I love these cups because they have fun and happy memories attached to them. When our children were small I used to put them along the back of the stove top, spelling NOEL. Most mornings when I woke up, they were changed to say LEON. It was our middle child, Jamie, who did it after we went to bed at night. Oh, how I miss those days.

Here are the stockings a little closer together, so you can see them better.
I made another 25 stockings a few years ago and Mandy fills them for me! Piper has spent the weekend with Papa and I, so we’ve been able to open our stockings together so far.

Piper is loving her sweater. I finished it on Thursday and she hasn’t taken it off since Friday except to sleep!๐Ÿ˜‚

It looks a little big on her but she’s getting taller pretty quickly so I think it will be good that it’s oversize. She’s happy and that’s the important thing. It even has real pockets. You can also see the snowflake blanket I made last Christmas on the back of the sofa.

Yesterday the two of us got pedicures and had great fun while there. Although it’s been getting into the teens at night, I still wear my flip-flops everywhere. I think I’ve just worn shoes twice so far this winter.
Piper’s toes. Aren’t they cute?

Mandy sent this picture to Piper Friday night. Piper thinks she took it on the plane as they were leaving Omaha. I think it’s a great picture of them both. I wonder how she filtered out all of the background? 

We also have Lizzie for the weekend. Zoey is VERY happy. Here they were both chewing on opposite ends of the same bone.๐Ÿคฃ They are seriously like two year olds. They love each other so much and we all love both of them.

This is the tree Jenny made for me when we were living in our camper in Spokane. Remember when we were planning to travel around the country for a few years to begin our retirement? The best laid plans and all. Anyway, she was appalled that we didn’t have a tree, so she made and decorated this sweet tree for us and Neal made a base for it with his 3-D printer. I think it’s beautiful. We used it last year in the apartment and it’s in our bedroom in the condo this year.

We got a new and bigger tree this year.  Piper and I just finished decorating it after church. It’s nice to see the ornaments after having them packed away for a few years. The star on top has been on top of Dennis’s Mom and Dad’s tree since before he was born. She gave it to me about 35 years ago when she bought a new tree topper. I love its history. It’s at least 68 years old! I made the tree skirt years ago when I gave Mandy the “family” tree skirt. She had always liked it and I promised her that when she got married and had her own tree she could have it. ๐Ÿ’œ I had also made it with muslin, fold thread and candlewicking.

I hope you’re all having a great week in preparing for Jesus’s birthday! Hallelujah! Love to you all.

Blessings and hugs,


  1. The Mister and I were supposed to buy a camper and travel from fiber fest to fiber fest when we retired but then our parents...well, you know. Best laid plans indeed.
    That's a great sweater. I need one like that. I've got to get all this crazy stuff off the needles so I can make something practical like that for myself.
    I love those little socks. What a great way to use up that little bit of sock yarn you always have leftover.

  2. Piper's cardigan is absolutely perfect! My fave shade of green too!

  3. How much fun is that--having Piper and the dogs, decorating together and enjoying the memories! Her cardigan is beautiful!

  4. Your tree is lovely! How lucky you are to have Miss Piper there to help you with all your Christmas decorating. She looks like a professional model in her lovely new sweater and gorgeous toes. What fun to have her so close.

  5. Love the color of Piper's sweater! Well done! Your tree is very pretty!

  6. Hi Betsy! I love your Christmasy post. Your tree is just beautiful....and what a great sweater you made for Piper....I can see why she loves it so much. You do such a beautiful job on all the things you create. You are very talented. The little tree from your camper is really sweet too! May every week in December be a blessing for you and yours. God Bless you.

  7. Piper's sweater is great! No wonder she wears it non-stop. Nice that you can have her over so often and I bet it was fun to decorate the tree with her.

  8. Hello, my friend! Oh, the joy of Christmas is so much brighter when we enjoy it with a child! I love it all, especially your beautiful tree. The tree topper! How special! Enjoy these December days. I will think of you as I do the same.

  9. I love Piper's sweater! It came out so beautiful. ❤❤❤

  10. I LOVE THIS POST! What a beautiful peak into your life. The little stockings are adorable! I'd been thinking of making one to see if I like making them. Now you've given me a great idea!
    Hope all is well for your entire season, and that you gleen the joy of Jesus with your family.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  11. Hey Betsy! I enjoyed this post so much, all the pictures are wonderful. Piper's sweater is beautiful, the color and the style and I love that it is long and comfortable. The little socks are so so cute, almost as cute as Miss Piper. :)

  12. Oh, I loved this so much. I love Piper's sweater! That looks so warm and cozy and comfortable. I love that style of sweater! Those little stockings are so cute! Do you put something in each of them for each day of Advent? They are really sweet. Your tree is beautiful! We finally got ours done today. Still debating about whether or not to set up the train and village underneath. Depends on whether or not I can get on the floor, or if any of the family will come and help this week. Everyone is so busy, we may be on our own to finish this job if it happens at all. Love Piper's toenails, but I can't believe you and she are wearing sandals in the winter time up north! That is amazing! I have to wear socks and shoes all the time. My feet get cold, but also my arches/back cannot handle flat shoes. I have to say seeing Piper's bare feet on the floor made me want to get her some socks! LOL. And I live in Florida! LOL. Oh, your little tiny tree is so sweet too, especially because it has such nice memories attached! Thank you for sharing your lovely times with us. I enjoyed this so much.

  13. Your tree is beautiful and how special that Piper could help decorate it with you. The cardigan that you made for her is gorgeous ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
    Granny M

  14. Your apartment looks festive! It’s easy to see that Piper loves her sweater. Ilikethe style, too.

  15. Is a very beautiful green clothes and seems very comfortable and warm. Adequated for wear It now in december. The Christmas tree is very wonderful and precious. And a very good phrase of Good loved the world. Have a very nice day.

  16. Your decorations are beautiful! Piper's sweater looks darling on her. I love your snowflake afghan and your tree skirt that you made. I have nothing up yet as I am busy clearing and cleaning for selling the house come Spring. That is a great picture of Mandy and her husband. It sounds like you are already enjoying the holiday season! Hugs ~ Sam

  17. The sweater you made Piper is just gorgeous! And I love the idea of the advent stockings that you created for Piper - what a special tradition! I chuckled at your Noel cup story too - funny things that kids do! Amazing you are able to wear sandals still, not here - 8" snow last weekend, and this week, its been pouring rain - miserable weather. Its supposed to snow again this weekend, I hope so! I much rather the snow! Your tree is beautiful, and I'm so thankful you are able to be with your family - Piper is so precious! Blessings to you dear friend :)

  18. I love the sweater you made for Piper!

  19. I love the little stockings that you made and enjoy seeing them at this time every year. Such a neat idea! Piper's sweater is beautiful! It looks so nice and warm and cozy, I'm not surprised she doesn't want to take it off!
