Thursday, June 3, 2021

This and That and Some Travel Too!

I bet you can’t guess where I’m flying off to next week? If you guessed Spokane, you would be right. I’m flying in on Wednesday afternoon so I can drive back with Dennis on Saturday and Sunday. He’s done that drive too many times by himself and it will also give me a chance to say goodbye again to some friends. I want to make the drive with him, but I do not want to say goodbye again. Goodbyes are very hard!

Is anyone up for a tour of my utility room/pantry? Oh,it is so exciting! So elegant. Ha! First up is Kleenex, toilet paper and paper towels. Would you believe I had all of this long before Covid hit? I usually try to keep a stock of all three on hand and in the RV we could not use this kind of toilet paper. We kept it in storage and it’s coming in handy now. Apparently that bucket hanging from the handle is used when the sprinkler system is drained in the fall. Mustn’t misplace that.😀

On the opposite wall is where I keep the canned and dry goods. This is all that is left from what I had before we moved into the trailer. I have purchased a few things since we’ve been here like the boxes of Suddenly Salad on top along with a few other items, but the rest came from Washington with me and also in the U-Haul.

The house came with an extra refrigerator and freezer. The freezer is not turned on yet, but we’re making good use of the refrigerator. That rolled up paper on the top of the refrigerator is the original abstract of the house that we found way in the back of a cabinet. We thought it may be fun to look it over sometime when we have a few minutes or hours.

And a throne! Mind you, it is just the toilet. There is no sink and no place to wash your hands. Who puts a toilet somewhere with no place to clean your hands? Once Dennis is here, he’s going to try to figure out some thing, but with the furnace and water heater also in this tiny room, we’re not sure what we’ll do. Did you notice that the toilet paper holder on the floor is an overturned metal bucket? We are really fancy in this house! No plastic buckets for us!😂

I think I’ve already shown you the China cabinet the previous owners left us and I’ve probably already shown you my grandmothers China, but I just love this. I think it’s my favorite piece of furniture that they left behind. The table and chairs are nice too.

Remember my little $.25 dead ivy plant that I got from Walmart? That is it there in the center. It has just grown and grown and grown. I think it was a pretty good use of $.25!

I finished a pair of mittens while over at Mom’s house today. I also made the first one of another pair and have barely cast on for the second mitten.

The mittens are laying on the blanket that I’m making for Piper. It doesn’t look like it, but it is about the size of a double bed. I have just started the border. This color isn’t showing as the true color.

A close-up of the stitches. I’m using a size J crochet hook and Loops and Threads Soft and Shiny yarn, in the turquoise colorway.
This next picture shows the color as it truly is. It is also showing you the cool ties that I bought from Amazon. I was going to make my own, but by the time I bought the little beads that go inside I could have bought a dozen of these ties! I don’t think I need that many. I’m told I just have to soak them in water for about 20 minutes and they last around your neck for 4 1/2 to 5 hours. On the back of the package are the directions. They are all in a foreign language with not one word of English. I sent a picture of the directions to Alex, because although I knew it wasn’t Japanese, it did resemble Chinese to me. He wrote back to me this morning laughing and said it’s actually Korean!

I’ve spent some time with Mandy, Piper, Mom, my sister, niece and nephew this week. It has been wonderful being around family. I drove around my hometown for awhile Monday afternoon. I stopped for quite a while and looked at the house I grew up in.  It looks so small compared to what I remember! I remember the yard being huge and the driveway really long as we were shoveling it in the winter. The house itself even looks much smaller. Oh the memories that came flooding back as I drove up and down the streets. I remember walks to school and playing with friends on the siren house porch. We would cover our ears when the siren went off at 6:00 every night and everyone would run home because we knew it was dinner time. The innocent times of years ago. That same siren goes off when there’s a tornado warning.

It’s hard to believe that by next weekend all of our belongings will be here in Nebraska and Dennis and I will be on our way driving. The POD has been picked up and will be delivered here next week. We have a week to empty it before they retrieve it.

It’s been very warm here and it’s supposed to be even hotter and more humid by the weekend. Piper is in a parade with her 4H club on Saturday and I’m looking forward to going to see her. Tomorrow I will be going to buy some sunscreen!

I hope you are all having a good week and being thankful for the blessings that we have. I know I am thankful that Covid seems to be waning, at least in our area. I’m still praying for Teresa‘s family every day, as I can’t imagine what they’re going through this year. Teresa loved the summer months and enjoying all of her flowers and the farm yard. It has to be especially difficult for Dayle during this time of year. I miss her blog posts and her texts to me. Please remember Dayle, Travis, Shawn and Amy along with the rest of the family in your prayers.

Much love and blessings to you all,


  1. Oh, nice to see the 'hidden' corners of your home-but the china cabinet and plants on the table are beautiful! I really like the stitch you are using on Piper's blanket--just so intricate yet airy! Nice work. It's good to see mittens again! lol Have a safe trip--

  2. I have serious pantry envy. I would give anything to have that kind of storage. Even with my new kitchen I won't have anything near that. We have NO closets in the main living area. No coat closet, no utility closet-nothing. My vacuum has to live out in the open because there is no place to put it. There should be a law that says you have to put closets in houses. When we looked at this place I never even noticed the lack of closet space.

  3. I love the storage in your basement! Our house is on a cement slab which I appreciate since we do get flooded basements in our area, but I do miss that open storage. I am always coming up with places to stash things. I just mentioned to my husband today that everyone always made fun of all my "supplies". Sure came in handy last year, that's for sure.

    You are really making a home in your new house. That china cabinet is so beautiful and the perfect place for your grandmother's dishes. I hope it isn't too humid when you are unloading the pod!!

  4. You certainly have a well stocked pantry!!
    It's so nice that you are going to fly back so you can travel with Dennis. And see all the old friends one more time. I hope it will be a wonderful time and a safe trip too.

  5. It's always good to have stock, in case one needs them or ya don't feel like going shopping for awhile. I don't have a pantry but I decided to make the bottom part of my grandma's buffet table the pantry. Why not!? I am glad you are flying back to Spokane to see friends and say goodbye. I know it's hard to leave good friends. I am thankful you can be with Dennis again. Have a safe trip both ways and take care my friend! Hugs and blessings!!

  6. Oooo! Of course, Betsy, you know I love this post. Wow! All my favorite types of things in one blog post. Good for you for stocking up and for having room to store it all. Thanks for sharing that with us! (And I love your hutch.) Have a very safe trip, my friend! Blessings, Debra

  7. Enjoy your trip to Spokanae and safe travels to and from for you and Dennis!!

  8. The soaked cool scarf can be placed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, too, for really hot days. The scarves can be used over and over again. I’ve never had one that didn’t absorb water, even the older ones I use. Have a safe trip to and from Spokane.

  9. I really hope you enjoy your trip to Spokane Betsy and I'm sure Dennis will enjoy the company. You would have been a millionaire if you had sold all that toilet roll over here at some times in the last year! I hope Piper's parade goes well today and you all have a lovely day.

  10. Oh I am so glad you are going with Dennis. Complete the task together!!!!
    And you can knit. I love the mittens as always and the texture of Pipers blanket is so cool.
    I went to be disbelieving that Teresa is gone. I feel so badly for them all. That beautiful space they grew and created so much family fun in....without her......
    I need to write Dayle

  11. I too, was always well stocked on "paper products" pre-Covid. Mostly just because I hate paying full price for something I flush down the toilet, so I stock up whenever it was on sale!

  12. Hi dear Betsy,
    I am praying with you for Teresa’s family. I met another Aussie blogger in Vic (through Amanda’s blog) and she said the only person who ever commented on her blog was Teresa. I’ve just joined and going to try my best.
    Teresa touched way more than she knew like us all, we must watch every step we take, for we never know who may be watching and of course God sees all. May we live in the light of eternity around the corner for each of us, perhaps today.. and be ready for it, amen even so come Lord Jesus,
    Pantry ... that’s a pantry?!? wow!!! my Aussie eyes that looks like a store! I’d be lucky to use one roll of paper towel a year, somehow I always use cloths I make up from scraps of half wire towels etc. on my machine for clean ups.. my mum’s way and mine too. My sisters both use more paper towel,than I do... but think US very different to that respect.
    Some food pantry may be that extensive but it be out of Towners, who’d stock up well like that.

    Now that blanket for Piper is real labour of love, the stitches are exquisite, and size is amazing. Praying Gods journeying mercies fir you and Dennis and your goods and the goodbyes too..
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. You've made your new house into a lovely home. I always love how you decorate. You have such a great eye for decorating so lovely. Great storage, too. When we had a basement in our old house, it was so all the storage. I send out prayers for a safe journey back home. Blessings always dear sweet friend. ((hugs))

  14. SO glad you are able to see your wonderful friends once again. To me it looks like you are stocked up for a hurricane, we have to get ready every year. My kids make fun of me but who do you think they will turn to for toilet paper and some batteries? I think of Teresa and her family everyday, I am still so sad. Have a safe trip.

  15. In comparison to the miserable little utility space I have by my kitchen yours is a palace! The pantry an added feature too and it is all so well organised. Really neat! The China cabinet seems to me to be a good solid piece of furniture and it looks so new! Perfect for all that lovely China.The colour and pattern that you chose to use for Piper’ blanket is really nice and it is going to look so good on her bed. How can you have crocheted it so quickly to get it to that size already? Enjoy your trip back to see your friends and safe return journey with Dennis. Take care. Amanda x

  16. They make a sink that fits on top of the toilet tank. The toilet uses the sink water for flushing the toilet

    1. Like in Japan! Why didn’t I think of that? Thank you!

  17. Travel Safely! It will be good to have Dennis with you! I love the Costco Paper Towels too! I see you got some of the neck coolers...hope you like them! I have to get mine out. Such a sweet picture of your Chloe:)

  18. Hi Betsy - I mean to comment more from now on. A lovely post as always. The toilet and no wash hand basin caught my eye. Have you heard of these? The idea is that it's all in one with a smallish hand basin basin literally as the top of the cistern so that when you use the water to wash your hands, the waste runs into the cistern to refill it. I don't know if it only takes cold water. I imagine so and something similar might be your answer.

    Di xx

  19. Well blow me down with a feather - I just spotted that someone already suggested this idea! xx Safe travels!

  20. Your energy and achievements continue to inspire me dear Betsy! Whether it is stocking your supply depot or stitching items to serve those around you or caring and praying for needs I appreciate your sharing that spurs me on to love others as well...and acknowledging your feelings I realize is so important! Your sharing helps me move toward healthier thinking and caring for others Thanks💜😘
