Friday, August 21, 2020

Getting Settled

We are getting settled into our new home. It was so, so, so hot Monday and Tuesday. They were the hottest days of the year so far and those were the days that we moved. Go figure! But we survived and we are pretty much settled in. Dennis still has to do the semi-permanent sewer hook up when he returns from Nebraska, but we just ran out of time. He was off of work Monday and Tuesday and then went back Wednesday and Thursday. He was swamped and worked 14 hours each day. Then he got up at 5:00 this morning and left for the drive to Nebraska. He just called me and he’s going through Billings, Montana right now. He’s planning to sleep in the backseat of the truck tonight at a truck stop somewhere in South Dakota. If you would say a prayer for his safety I would greatly appreciate it.

I will share some pictures of the outside of our new spot with you. It’s not the view at the lake, but we have made it very comfortable and we met some very nice people already.  Neal and Jenny brought Panda Express for us for dinner last night.  It was almost like old times except we have to keep our distance.  have I said recently how sick and tired I am of COVID-19?

We brought our steps from the lake so Chloe could get in and out of the trailer easily. When it starts snowing they will be a lot easier than the metal trailer steps.  Dennis put the extended doorhandle on our trailer and Larry and Nita‘s trailer a few years ago. It makes a world of difference and makes getting in and out of the trailer much easier.

This was the bistro table we had on our back deck. We’ve had dinner out here twice since we moved in and really enjoy it. At the end of the day it’s very shady over here, even though it’s on the west side. The trailer next-door and the trees above give us plenty of shade.

We had the reclining chairs and table underneath the deck at the house.

You can see the little slide in the background. There’s a young couple with two little children that have been here for two months. They’re leaving at the end of August to head over to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for two months. He works full-time while they travel around the United States. He does something with computers from their trailer.

I brought all of my flowers from the lake and the little statues that I had around the outside of the house.  We also have the fountain there by the front of the trailer and our grill.  All of the comforts of home are here!

My birdbath came along too, as well as the angel statue. The birds have already found the bird bath and are a joy to watch, especially in the mornings.  I also have two hummingbird feeder‘s mounted on two of the  big windows of the trailer so I can watch the hummingbirds drink.  I love that!

Mandy was going to order some of these ear keepers when I talked to her Wednesday night. I told her I had just been looking at a pattern for them that afternoon and I would make some and send them with her Dad for her,  Piper and anyone else that needed them. The problem was that my buttons are in the storage facility. Somewhere. When it cools off we plan to organize it better but right now I have no idea where they are. I had to go to the eye doctors yesterday morning. Eek!   First doctors visit I’ve had since all of this Covid business began. It wasn’t bad at all and I was driving right by Hobby Lobby so I put on my mask and went in and bought some buttons. This is what I came up with. There are three different sizes to fit different size heads!  They were super easy to make and it took longer to sew the buttons on than it did to crochet them.

Here is Piper getting ready for her first day at school on Tuesday.  First the traditional picture.

Then the COVID-19 picture.  Look at those long legs! She’s going to be a tall beautiful girl. Let me tell you, her Grandpa can’t wait to see her tomorrow. 

It does seem strange to be here without Dennis, especially being in a new place.  It will be a long five or six days, but I am so glad he’s able to go back and see everyone, especially Karen. His brother got there yesterday and they will have some time together, the three of them, before Doug leaves on Monday to go back to Florida.

I’m praying that you all have a wonderful weekend and that you feel God‘s blessings and mercy all around you. I’m also praying for health and safety for each one of you. 

Many Blessings ,


  1. Looks like you've got a nice little spot.
    Piper is a cutie!

  2. Wow, Betsy. That is a very pretty RV park. I love all the plantings and the paver patio. You've settled in nicely and made it like home. Bravo. I will keep Dennis in our good thoughts on his trip. I know you will miss him so much. Good thing you have a lovely place to be with neighbors and lots of handwork to keep you busy. And a good dog too! Take care and be safe. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Oh, how wonderful to have the familiar in the yard already--it really makes it feel like home! Piper is so cute! Prayers for both you and Dennis!

  4. You've already made your new location so homey and cozy. All the brick surface looks great and makes a nice background for your pots of flowers, birdbath etc..
    You'll think this is funny but I looked at those ear savers and I could not figure out what they did. Had to google them. It's a great little 'invention'.

  5. You new spot is set up sooooo beautifully! I love how you've arranged everything. You'll have to try to capture a video of the hummingbirds when they show up. And how great that you have already made friends there, that's such a comfort and blessing. We'll be praying for Dennis for the whole trip. Piper is such a lovely young lady already. She actually looks older than second grade! Keeping you in prayer each day anyway, but especially while Dennis is gone. Hugs and blessings!

  6. Your new place looks lovely. So inviting. I will keep Dennis in my prayers, hope he has a good, uneventful trip and a good visit.

  7. Glad to see that you are settling into your new RV park. Your patio area is nice and will be a good spot to sit and knit or crochet. Praying that Dennis has a safe journey and avoids the nasty COVID bug on his trip.

  8. So sorry you could not go along with Dennis, saying prayers for his safety as it is a rough old world out there. I made some of those extensions for the gals in the Infusion center and they work real well. Gene has one mask that is really is a special one he uses for wood working so I made an extension for that one also...doesn't take long and it makes a world of difference on your ears.
    Your new place looks so cute already...hope you have a mild winter!
    Yes look at those legs she is going to be a tall gal! She is a beauty with or without a mask:)

  9. I like your new abode! Glad you have flowers and statues from your house. Praying Dennis has a safe trip to NE. Ear keepers for mask wearers? never seen those before. One of these days I would like to go to Hobby Lobby again. I haven't driven to Salem lately as I don't want to drive by myself on the freeway yet. Megan thought about flying home from CO and then driving her car back there to stay awhile. $50 per day for a car rental not a good idea but neither is driving by herself either! Piper is getting tall and so pretty! Take care and have a good weekend and may you have peaceful sleep! Hugs and blessings! ;'}

  10. Thrilled you are settling in so well and making everything so homely and cosy. Both you and Dennis will be in our prayers. Piper is growing so quickly, she certainly is a beautiful girl. Take care sweet friend.

  11. Praying Betsy... was wondering when he was going... LORD has you all safely in His care.. Praying for some really special mercies in the time with Karen and her dear ones... our heavenly Father knoweth.
    He careth for you.
    Journey mercies are prayed for Dennis there and back... esp not be too worn out by it all.
    Your new place looks really lovely too, it's not the lake but its nearby so that's huge plus esp in winter.
    Piper is beautiful already.. well done on mask thingies too.
    Praying for God'skeeping on you till Dennis returns. Its a very cold winters evening here, my friend in Florida last nighy.. your morning our midnight ... asked me to send some cold! πŸ˜„

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  12.'ve really got a cozy nook! I had no idea trailer living was so posh. I with you on this Covid thing. I am so sick of it. I want my life back.
    Stay safe.

  13. Wow! That's a beautiful outdoor setup you have going there. Praying you enjoy the new place, and I'm with you on Covid. I am SO over Covid!

  14. Oh, you have already made it so pretty around your new place. Looks like you've been there for a long time. Doesn't Piper look pretty for her first day of school! She really is going to be a beautiful girl. She has such a sweet smile. We sure got lots of nice comments about Piper on my blog post. Thank you Betsy. You take care and I hope Dennis travels safe and gets back home to you soon.

  15. Thanks so much for welcoming us into your new home setting, dear Betsy. It would be so lovely to sit in one of your chairs outside and visit with you! Plants, trees, water features and hummingbird feeders all invite us to appreciate the wonder and beauty of God's creation, don't they. The Lord is truly near to all who call upon Him. Bravo for the clever ear savers you made! Blessings on you, Dennis, your family, friends and new neighbors πŸ’œπŸ€—πŸ™πŸ§Ά

  16. Oh MY! how hard it must be to give up that beautiful view,, but knowing that a new adventure lays ahead of you.. makes it worth while.
    The crochet/knitted mask ear thingies look so sweet... wht a great idea and great use of bits-n-pieces of yarn.
    Have a Blessed Sunday.

  17. There you are you got that sorted really well. Your patio front looks really inviting. All of it is so attractive and humming birds!! I would like to see the humming birds for sure :-) Our grandchildren grow so fast;one minute babies and then pretty young ladies. New neighbours too...excellent!! Keep well Amanda x

  18. Betsy, your spot looks so pretty. I love that the patio is a bit secluded by the flowers and trees and gives you a nice place to sit and enjoy your garden. Life is filled with changes, especially during this season in history, but hallelujah we are not alone. Your new trailer is so beautiful and filled with so many of the comforts of home that I know you will not be missing many of the things that come with a bigger home. In fact it is probably very freeing in many ways. God bless you both and thanks for sharing your new home with us.

  19. You have a beautiful place. Your granddaughter is so cute. Nancy

  20. Aw, you have everything looking so homey and inviting already! Just beautiful! So thankful you are settling in and trust the Lord protected Dennis. Hope he is home safe to you very soon! Hugs and love to you, sweet friend.

  21. Glad you are settling in so nicely Betsy. Your new RV park looks really nice and your patio looks large! All your flowers make it so pretty. So will Piper be going to school every day? Or will there be some home schooling? She sure is a cutie.

  22. Your new home spot is lovely! I'm surprised you didn't go with Dennis. I can't believe how big Piper is getting! Wasn't she just a baby not too long ago? Darling pictures of her.
