Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Happy Tuesday!  When I say it’s been snowing, I’m not kidding. We have had to shovel and/or snow blow every day since Dennis came home on January 4.  Somedays both have been done several times in one day! And as I look out the window it is still coming down right now. I have shoveled twice today and Dennis shoveled before he went to work this morning. I also took the snowblower up and down both sides of the street doing everyone’s sidewalks for the school kids.  Fat lot of good that did! Ha! You can’t even tell where the snowblower went.

This is what it looks like out my patio door right now.

I took this on Sunday as we drove home from church. We have received about 12 more inches at our house since then.

Because I have been stuck inside a lot, I finished all three sweaters for the girls. This is the Olinda pattern in size 4 toddler for Maddie.
This one is a size 6X in the same pattern and it is for Aria.

And this is the “Childs Smocked Cardigan” and it is also a size 4 for Maddie. Dennis took Aria’s sweater to her when he went to Omaha.  Both girls are our great nieces. They are Dennis‘s sister Karen‘s granddaughters.

I wanted to show you my prayer notebook. When I say I’m praying for you, I really am. Your names go in this notebook and I pray for you and whatever you have asked prayers for, both in the morning and at night. It helps me to remember when I actually write your names down and what specifically I’m praying for. Then, as I hear updates from you, I can go back in and put a note in the journal. Really, I just wanted you to know that they are not empty words when I say I’m praying. I really am.  I care very much about each one of you.

I was reminded yet again today of how much we don’t know what will happen to us at any given moment. Yesterday I was talking on Facebook with a friend in Omaha that I have known since I was a young teen. Anita was a quadriplegic from a swimming accident when she was a teenager. She was just a year or two older than Dennis and I. As I said, we were chatting back-and-forth yesterday on Facebook Messenger.  When her brother stopped in at the house to check on her late in the afternoon, she was gone. I have no idea what her cause of death was, but when we were chatting a few hours earlier there was certainly no indication of anything being wrong. It was a reminder to me, yet again, that we just never know when we will take our last breath. I need to remember to live my life loving people and telling them how I feel about them every chance I get.

I hope you all do the same. I also hope you are all having a wonderful week, enjoying whatever weather has been given to you and each and every day that you have to live this life we’ve been blessed with.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  Psalm 73:26



  1. The sweaters are fabulous, and the girls will love them. I haven't touched my needles for over a week - just no desire to knit. Thank you for being such a loyal prayer warrior! I agree that every day and every moment is precious. We need to let people know we love them and are grateful for their influence in our lives.

  2. I am so sorry about your friend being taken so suddenly after just chatting with you the day before. You're so right about us never knowing what life will bring us and the need to be ready to meet the Lord at any time.
    Your weather looks quite challenging for those who need to drive. It keeps you busy dealing with the snow too.
    The finished sweaters are super cute!!

  3. Wow.. I'm so impressed with how fast you've done those sweaters! I'm sorry for your friend's passing.. what a shock that you were just talking to her! Sometimes I feel like I'm not long for the world, too. It's just frightening. Now missy.. I'm going to lecture you for doing all that snow shoveling and blowing! With your back, you need to not do that stuff. Be a good girl! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Oh, Betsy, how very sad that your friend died the very day after you chatted with her. I'm sure you were a blessing to her in those last hours. And you have peace knowing that you were in touch with her up until the end. We really and truly never know what is going to happen. That's why I don't understand why people want to cause so much upheaval and chaos and drama in daily life. The other day my husband told me of a friend of his dad's who was asked to speak at an engagement for a young couple. Right in the middle of it, he died. I guess it is a blessing for those who go so quickly since there's no suffering. But so very sad for those who are affected by their sudden passing. The sweaters you have knitted are absolutely precious. Thank goodness for hobbies to see you through those cold, snowy days. Take care!

  5. Being snowbound has been good for your knitting production! Beautiful sweaters!
    Thank you for your faithfulness of prayer...we know not the hour when we will be called to eternity; thank you for the reminder!

  6. I an so sorry about your friend. Just think she is fully healed right now. Wow. You are blessed with snowflakes, aren't you.
    I love you friend.

  7. Whoa.....that is a lot of snow! I'd settle for a dusting. Your sweaters are just precious. What lucky kiddies to get to wear them!

  8. Wow! That is so much snow! Please be careful Betsy though - shoveling and snow-blowing are both hard work and you need to be conscious of your back. OK...enough scolding. You certainly got through those sweaters in record time. They are just beautiful! Stay warm and safe.

  9. If you were the last person she interacted with.....what a blessing for her. What a lovely lovely death. Sounds quick and painless. I hope it was. Betsy, Im not happy about you doing any snow work. We have to get you able to travel to japan. Cmon. Let the snow melt! or hire someone!

  10. Oh I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I agree we never know from one day to the next when the good Lord will call us home. Your sweaters are works of art! Those are some lucky girls!! It snowed here again too and a storm is coming this weekend but before that we get some sub zero weather with brutal wind chills. I shovele dand power shoveled for several hours this morning...it was my work out for today! I know many people keep prayer journals, good for you! The power of prayer is awesome! :)

  11. We don't have snow but I think Friday night is to get down to 6 degrees below zero. I may try putting a couple quilts over my cold frame but may lose my things in there. I have the cover on from the cold frame and a winter cover which has really helped so far but it has not been that cold yet. Your sweaters are so pretty. I love your prayer journal. Nancy

  12. Wow! You are getting the snow! I can imagine why you don't care for it when you have to shovel and snow blow so much! When I had my farm there was no shoveling or plowing. I had 4 wheel drive and just went through it. I had a long drive way and no plow.
    Those sweaters are beautiful and so sweet. I keep thinking if I ever get my entire house in order maybe I would have more time to knit! LOL!
    I write down people in my bullet journal that I am praying for and add to that all the world's issues....it's a lot! But it's the least I can do and I do believe in the power of prayer. I know you have prayed for me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and how it has made a difference. I still cry at times but I also laugh and feel joy too. There are things that happen in life (to everyone) that change you forever but they don't have to make you bitter. I am strengthened by the prayers and love of others and the grace that God has given me. Again, thank you, Betsy...you are an angel! I am so sorry about your friend and it is so true...we never know when our time is up. It sounds like she went peacefully and that is a blessing we all wish for. Hugs ~ Sam

  13. Such beautiful cardigans Betsy knitted with love. I also have a prayer journal it helps me to stay focused, I like to record my blessings so that I thank God and praise him. So sorry to read about your friend.

  14. That snow is amazing!! We have been having spring-like weather since Thanksgiving. Today is supposed to end that as a cold front blows in from the north...We can feel the change already. Those little sweaters are simply beautiful. So sweet. That is such a sad story about your friend. You are right, we never know. That could happen to any of us. Enjoyed this post. Be careful in that snow.

  15. Oh, my goodness! I am so sorry about the loss of your friend! SO sudden. I tell you, we just never know, do we? Life is such a fragile thread and can never be taken for granted. God help us to make the most of every moment, and as you said, let our dear loved ones and friends know how much they mean to us. So, I am telling you now - you are so dear to my heart, and I am so very grateful to you for adding my name to that beautiful prayer journal and for the many prayers you have prayed on behalf of my family and me. I could use your prayers SO much right now. I have been in a very hard struggle and am needing GOD so desperately. Much love to you, faithful friend.

  16. This post slipped past me until now. You are dear to me. One subject of this post and some of the comments above caused me to chuckle out. Betsy! Snow shoveling and pushing the snowblower around? Sigh...
    Betsy, you are dear to me. I truly appreciate that you are a woman of faith in Jesus Christ and that you have a growing relationship with Him. You are a great encouragement to me as I grow in relationship with Him. Thank you for your faithfulness to Him. Thank you for sharing your fantastic stitching talent. Your beautiful work continues to inspire me as I sloooowly stitch along 😊🧶
    Last Saturday I attended a celebration of life service held for a friend who beautifully loved the Lord. I can imagine her singing 🎶Amen🎶to your parting verse.
    Thanks for posting and praying, dear Betsy. You and yours are in my prayers as well and listed in my current very untidy prayer journal. 📒
    Did the Lord tell you to move snow?
    If so I will try to refrain from fussing at you about it.💜🤗🙏

  17. You are so blessed to have talked to your friend before she passed. I am sure she was happy connecting with you and that made her last few hours really lovely if that is possible. I am touched that you are praying for us Betsy, I never doubted it for a second. Stay warn, safe and well my friend.

  18. Kinda agree re snow and your back dear Betsy, but maybe it's going through good patch. Pray so.
    We've had good rain here. Some others have too incl fire grounds.. but many missed out incl fires big ones down south, so praying on.
    Adore those beautiful knitwear for Dennis ' sister's family, may Lord bless heal send grace to dear Karen. You put all the love of your heart into them.
    Adore your prayer list book, its precious to pray for one another.. thank you.. we are commanded to do it.. as Paul said to Galations "bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ"!
    Love your verse.. important to focus thus. ❤❤❤🙏🤗
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. What a blessing this was to read!

    My condolences on the loss of your friend.

  20. Betsy, you are the sweetest. I just read the comment that you left on my blog and it truly touched my heart. As for the Microwave I ordered one on Amazon at it has just been delivered. Sure makes live easier when you're not feeling well :)
    I love seeing the sweaters that you knit. Each one is perfect and I know that they will be treasures to cherish and pass on.
    We also got snow, not as much as you, and ours has almost all melted away. I think it is so pretty but I do not like driving in it.
    God bless you and your husband.
    Connie :)
