Wednesday, January 8, 2020

More Sweaters

It is a veritable sweater factory here! I finished knitting the second white sweater. The first one was a size 6X, this one is a size 4 and will be for Maddie. I haven’t washed and blocked it or sewn the buttons on yet, but here is the second sweater.  The pattern is “Childs Smocked Cardigan.”  I’ve had it a long time and I don’t remember where I got this pattern but I think it might have been Ravelry.  Although that sleeve on the right looks longer because of the way the sweater is laying, it is exactly the same length as the left sleeve!  Ha!

This next sweater is called the “Olinda,” and it is a paid for pattern off of Ravelry.  As I started knitting this sweater which is a size 4 for Maddie, I remembered how poorly this pattern was written. After several frogging’s around the armhole, I finally remembered what I needed to do to correct the pattern. Hopefully, when I start Aria’s size 6X it won’t be as much of a struggle.   One sweater is this light lavender color and Aria’s will be a light pink.  I’m going to knit cap sleeves. The pattern gives you options of long sleeves or cap sleeves. Piper has several sweaters in this pattern in various colors and wears them almost constantly. 

A few people asked who Maddie and Aria are. They are Karen‘s little granddaughters and she wanted them to have the sweaters from her. Of course I said I would be happy to make them.

Two more pair of mittens were completed.

Mandy took some photos last week while Dennis was in Omaha. His sister Karen is on the left, then Dennis and his mom.  Mom doesn’t look like she’s 84 does she?

Let’s add Miss Piper into the picture.
And finally, Piper took this picture so Mandy could join them. I think she did a great job.
I have some errands this morning and this afternoon I will go to the retirement home to knit with the ladies there. Tomorrow night is our Bible study Christmas party here at our house and it’s also Dennis’s 64th birthday.  Where does the time go?  Mandy will be 40 on the 20th and I will be 60 on February 1.  Sixty!  Where did that come from? :-)

Dennis had his endoscopy on Monday and he did very well. The doctor said that by just looking, it doesn’t look as though the Barrett’s Esophagus has progressed any since his last endoscopy three years ago.  That is VERY good news. Of course they did biopsies and we have to wait a week or two to find out the results.  

Although it has snowed a few times in the last week, the daytime temperatures have been in the 40s and everything has melted quickly. However, that is supposed to change and change drastically. This weekend we are supposed to get snow. Lots of snow.  And the highs are predicted to be in the single digits next week. Yuck. I was hoping we would get off with an easier than normal winter this year but apparently that is not going to happen.

I hope you are all having a good first full week of 2020.  I’m keeping all of my friends in Australia in my prayers. The fires there sound horrendous.  May God protect everyone, especially the firefighters who are putting their lives in danger daily.

I thought I would share my favorite Bible verse with you today.

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40:31



  1. Mittens and sweaters seem to fly off your needles! I remember the difficulties you had earlier with the purple sweater's pattern. You need to write to the designer so the pattern can be corrected.

  2. Your sweaters are so adorable! I don't know how you get them done so quickly.

  3. Those sweaters are just so lovely Betsy. You do such lovely knitting. Dennis' Mom does not look 84. You can really see her in Dennis. The family pictures are all so wonderful. I hope your cold weather doesn't happen...but it is January, so my hoping may not do anything for you - lol. Stay warm!

  4. I am amazed at how fast you knit! And how beautifully the sweaters turn out
    ( faulty pattern notwithstanding. I'm glad you remembered what you had to do to fix it).

    Happy Birthday to your husband.

  5. Bravo on the finish of the 2nd sweater. What a generous and kind thing to do so she can gift them to her granddaughters. They will cherish them. What wonderful photos of Dennis, his mom, sister, his daughter and GD. Precious memories. You'll have to print up and frame a few. I'm also devastated by the fires in Australia, the loss of life and now 1 billion animals. Tragedy of epic proportions. I'm so sad. I hope you don't have as much snow as last year, my friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Girlfriend your knitting amazes me. Not only are your projects beautiful, but you are so fast. Do you knit in your sleep?
    Great family photos and great news from Dennis' doctor.
    Thank you both for your prayers, we are truly grateful.

  7. Such wonderful photos of the family very special for Dennis I am sure. Glad all went well with his medical such good news. Indeed where does the time go? Many happy returns to Dennis, wishing him a wonderful day. As always such beautiful knitting, love the pattern of the cardigan you are working on.

  8. You went much more quickly on this second sweater! They are adorable!
    Your mittens are prolific!!!!!
    Have a good time on the bday/Christmas party on Friday!

  9. What a labor of love it is making those sweaters! They are beautiful! Happy Birthday to Dennis!

  10. Hi Betsy! Your sweaters and mittens are beautiful. All your knitting looks perfect! Got colder here. Glad Dennis test went well. Since I am 80 then 60 sounds like a spring chicken! LOL Nancy

  11. My dearest Betsy. Thanks so much for your prayers for Oz, we merd them all. I pray much for them, esp im next 24hrs its another hard period and some town's threatened. I'm praying too, in wuietertimes they can contain these fures as they're very bad in some places. Hiwrver God is blessing. I'm praying for government too. It's so knocked constantly by the 24/7 onslaught of media. So frustrating too.
    Love thd sweaters, both colours and designs. I hope you noted the corrections you've had to make on mmauve one.
    Loved all the photos, good to see mittens, and great Dennis' family picks, they're very alike aren't they? And his mum looks young too, as does Karen his sister. Praying for treatment to be effective with no side affects. May Father be mercufyk
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  12. Those sweaters are beautiful. I also like the color of the yarn in the mitts. Happy birthday to all of you.

  13. Beautiful photos of your husband and his family! And you are a knitting machine!!!! I could never get any speed when knitting. All your things are amazing.

  14. I am so thankful Dennis is safely back home and that he had a wonderful visit with Karen and his mom. It is so nice to see the pictures of the ones we are praying for. Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. Your sweaters are SO beautiful. You have so many gifts and talents! I know what you mean about getting older. Life goes by so fast, just like a vapor. May the Lord bless you!

  15. Gracie Saylor
    Happy Birthday, Dennis! I loved seeing the photos of Dennis with some of your NE family. Prayers that you stay and cozy in your winter weather and that you are able to enjoy more knitting, Betsy. I so enjoy seeing your beautiful knitting. xxx
