Thursday, October 18, 2018

Trying again.

Hello again everyone. My friend Connie, over at The Far Side of Fifty blog, told me about this app, Blog Touch Pro, that you can use on your iPad to blog using Blogger. I Purchased it this morning and this is my test to see if I can actually post from it. Thanks for the suggestion Connie.  Here’s crossing my fingers and hoping! I’m not good at technology at all, so my hope this is it is that this is a user-friendly app.

Here’s a picture of Miss Piper in the poncho that I crocheted for her in just two nights using the pattern that Jennifer over Thistlebear on my side bar recommended. She loved it!

OK my friends. Let me know if this actually worked in the comments and if it did, I’m back in business! A HUGE, and I mean HUGE thank you to Connie for recommending this app. I feel like the girl who cried wolf so many times when trying to post pictures onto my blog. I have shed tears of frustration while trying to post and also tears for fear of losing contact with all of you, my friends. 

All of your kind comments on my last post convince me to actually purchase this app and try one more time. I must confess I’m pretty excited.

If this worked I cannot believe how easy it is now! Much love and many blessings to you all. 


  1. Success! A wonderful photo of miss Piper. The comment about the size of the photos is something to work on. My phone and camera produce high resolution images, 3 to 8 megabytes. I open each one and reduce the size of them to under 1 mb. They look fine from 300 kilobytes to 1 mb. When I post photos in Blogger, I select "large size" not "original size" because original size can be way too large for the blog format. I'm glad you found a program that is helping you with it!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. i see a pic of a pretty girl wearing a pretty gift from her g'mother- hooray for 'easy technology' and for friends who make helpful suggestions-

    best regards-
    barb in texas

  3. Oh Piper looks so happy and so darling. Great poncho. When my children were little and I was knitting for them, they wanted things knit up fast as in magically fast. Are you done yet? Is my hat ready? So fun that the poncho took just a few days. I love the paper book pumpkin behind Piper too

  4. Hurrah, I can see Piper! She looks adorable and the poncho is perfect for her.

  5. Hi Betsy, I saw this post just fine, so it must be working for you. The poncho came out so great and Piper looks lovely in it!

  6. Hi Betsy,
    I really don't often take time to comment on the blogs I follow.. .but I am here! I read every one of your blogs and was sad when I read your last one. But it looks like success! I �� Piper looking adorable. Yay!

  7. Well done for persevering, I am so glad that you have found an easier solution to your Blogger problems. Piper looks so pretty in her new poncho. Looking forward to seeing your future stress-free posts:)

  8. Fantastic photo!! I love a poncho. I keep telling myself to make one and I never get around to it.

  9. You did it!!!!!! Yeah.... Glad you didn't give up!!!!!!

    Adorable picture of Piper.... Cute poncho...


  10. I'm glad the app worked and you're back to blogging. Piper is cute wearing the poncho you made her. Glad you had a safe and fun trip. I look forward to reading more of your trip! Hugs and blessings!

  11. I am thrilled, long may this new app last. Miss Piper is growing up fast and looks adorable in her beautiful poncho. I crocheted one each for Lily and Daisy for when we travelled to USA it doubled up as a blanket when they slept on the way back.

  12. YAY!!! what an answer to prayer dear Betsy... so much nicer on blogland than any other app, excellent news on that app might look at it myself so don’t have to use my phone!!
    Big thanks to Connie also!!
    Prayer hugs dear sweet sis,
    Shaz.x “The Lord is good and His mercies endureth forever” ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  13. Yay!!!! It worked! Piper looks great in your poncho you made for her. It's very pretty. She is growing up so fast and look at that gorgeous smile! So glad you are 'back in business'! Have a great day!

  14. It worked! Beautiful girl wearing a pouncho made with love! I’m happy you can post here again! I was going to miss your blog!

  15. The post and photo came through perfectly. So glad you found a solution.

  16. It worked perfectly and your granddaughter is gorgeous, what a beautiful smile :) So happy that you were able to make this trip before winter.
    Replying to the comment you left on my blog: Oh, you are so right . . . time to cuddle up with a quilt and a cozy fire, or in our case an electric fireplace, LOL. I love how real they seem anymore, and no mess :) I'm happy that you like my blue and white quilt.
    Have a marvelous day, enjoy!
    Connie :)

  17. It works beautifully. I'll look it up because I only blog from my computer and it would be nice to have another option. Glad you are home Betsy, by the way Piper is adorable.

  18. Awesome!!! I am so glad you found the app!!! Piper's joy is a joy to behold! xxxxxxxx

  19. yeah for you!! I am thrilled it worked well for you! :)

  20. Aw, she is just adorable! So thankful you were able to publish the photo, sweet friend, and I hope this means you will be able to keep blogging! Sending love and hugs your way today!
