Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy Anniversary To Us!

It’s been 46 years today since Dennis and I were married. He is the best man in the world and I have been blessed.

After a lovely morning at Sunday school and at church, we went to lunch at La Mesa, a delicious Mexican restaurant just a few blocks from home. Then we went to Walmart and picked up a little mini cake to share later today.

Although life has been busy around here as always, I did manage to complete a couple of baby blankets as I carried  them along with me. This first one is done with Lion Brand Ice Cream Big Scoop yarn in the mint color-way.

This one was done using Caron Jumbo Ombrรฉ in the Carrera Marble color-way. Both still need to be washed and blocked, so they’re a bit wonky looking.

I just began this one today. It’s about nine inches square right now and is the Beautiful Shells pattern. I’m using Bernat Softee Baby in the Baby Denim Marl color-way.

I finally found a place that will take my baby blankets. They will go to the Open Door Mission where Dennis volunteers two days a week. The blankets will be used at the young mom‘s house. They were beyond excited when Dennis took them five blankets. They said they can use as many as I can make! This makes my heart happy.

The girls played together a couple of times this week. This is a typical picture of them. They’re constantly snuggling heads and kissing each other’s faces. Here they were taking turns passing a bone back-and-forth between them.

This is the reality of preparing for a camping trip. We got our tubs and totes out when we got home from lunch today. We’re going out to the State Park tomorrow when everybody else leaves after the Labor Day weekend. We will stay until Thursday. We can be back to Mom within 20 minutes if we need to, as this park is very close to home. It still gives us a bit of a getaway, and you know how we love to be in our camper. ๐Ÿ˜ It has turned a bit cooler today and I hope it stays that way all week. Only in the low 80s instead of 90s and 100!

Piper won several grand prize’s in the county fair last month. They were automatically sent on to the State Fair through her 4-H group. The state fair was in Grand Island so the three of them flew over there yesterday. Mandy took these two pictures as they were flying. As you can see Piper is in the copilot seat next to her Daddy where she’s learning how to fly, a little bit at a time. Brad is a certified flight instructor and has been for quite some time. She has had her own headphones and logbook since her first birthday! The two of them absolutely love flying. Mandy not so much! She was sitting in the backseat and said it was a pretty bumpy ride on the way home. However, it cut travel time a lot! It was just a 35 minute flight from airport to airport instead of over an hour and a half of drive time. To top it off, she won first place ribbons on everything that was sent to the state fair!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful time this weekend. The world has some terrible things happening, but with faith in the Lord, there is hope. 

I’m going to try to catch up on blogs again. I was doing pretty well until two days ago then life caught up with me again.

This Is My Father’s World

This is my father’s world,
and to my listening ears 
all nature sings, and round me rings 
the music of the spheres. 

This is my father’s world: 
I rest me in the thought 
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; 
his hand, the wonders wrought.

This is my father’s world, 
the birds their carols raise, 
the morning light, the lily white, 
declare their Maker’s praise. 

This is my father’s world: 
He shines in all that’s fair;
in the rustling grass I hear Him pass; 
He speaks to me everywhere. 

Psalm 24:1, Psalm 50:12.

Blessings and love, 


  1. Happy Anniversary! You and Dennis are perfect for each other. I haven't crocheted for a few weeks now but I plan to get back to it, especially since I'm staring at my project bag.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Your camping getaway sounds wonderful - enjoy!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! How wonderful to be with the man you love for so many years! I know how it feels, as we recently celebrated our 55th anniversary. We are blessed to still have our mates and to be enjoying life together! I am happy you are going to get away for a few days! That sounds like a perfect way to celebrate your anniversary, even if you did already go out to eat! LOL. And your baby blankets are so sweet. What precious little babies will be wrapped up in them someday! Thank you for your service to the Lord. Wow, Piper is the co-pilot! That's pretty amazing! And also those ribbons and awards for her 4-H projects is pretty amazing too! She is just one little amazing young lady! I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you also for your kind words over on my blog today! Blessings to you all.

  4. Happy Anniversary! The message in church this morning was to stand strong in your faith! I think that is a great message! Your blankets are lovely, that second one is ever so pretty both yarn and pattern! Glad you found a place to donate them. I know in Grand Forks the Joannes had an operation Linus box in their store last February. I have some prayer shawls ready to go to the church. Piper looks happy and her Dad will teach her well!! Congrats to her on her State Fair entries! Have fun camping!!

  5. So nice to see your post, Betsy! Happy Anniversary to you both. Your cake looks delish too. So glad you found a place to take your beautiful baby blankets. Those Mamas are going to love them! Have fun camping. We will go once again the end of September. Hope it won't be too cool. We'll go up to Marquette, Michigan. Every day that comes along, I say "Thank You, Lord." because who knows what the next day will bring! Take good care Betsy and Dennis. God bless you.

  6. Happy Anniversary. We attended a wedding this evening and, as usual, won the anniversary dance -48 years this Wednesday. Congratulations to Miss Piper on her achievements! That's terrific! Enjoy your getaway this week. Perfect timing with everyone else headed home.

  7. Happy 46th anniversary to you and Dennis ❤️. God bless you both ๐ŸŽŠ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’!
    Congratulations to Piper for her 4-H items that she made and won 1st place. Flying in small planes are fun to ride in as I've bern in a few tears ago. I was at OR state fair on Friday and was a volunteer ๐Ÿ™‹‍♀️ for ORTL. First time that I did it and it was good. Take care and have good days at, a park in your trailer ๐Ÿ˜Š , Becky

  8. Happy Anniversary. I'm Shug and I saw your post on Billie Jo's blog. Isn't she the sweetest? Your baby blankets are so very pretty and you, like many other of my blogging friends are so talented. Hope you all enjoy your camping trip. Stay safe

  9. Happy Anniversary! May you have many more happy years together. (We just celebrated 59 years of happy life together.) It's hard to believe Piper is getting so grown up; I remember when she was just a little tyke! And learning to fly no less. Wow! You must be a very proud grandma. "This Is My Father's World" is one of my favorite hymns, too! Have a nice week!

  10. Happy Anniversary!! Have a wonderful getaway. I can't wait for the tourists to skedaddle from here. I want the beach to myself again.
    Congrats to Piper on all the wins. You must be so proud!

  11. Happy Anniversary! I love that song. Pretty cool that Piper gets to fly with her Dad! Have a great time camping...

  12. Happy Anniversary๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— ( and may you have many more).
    The blankets are so lovely and now you have a place to donate them where they will be so appreciated.
    How amazing that Piper is slowly learning all about flying. ( I'd be like Mandy. Not such a fan).
    I hope you have an enjoyable and peaceful time away. When we used to RV we'd leave right after Labour Day too. Less people on the roads and cooler (?) weather.

  13. Happy Anniversary!! And, congratulations to Piper - she must be thrilled with her blue ribbons!

  14. Happy and Blessed Anniversary, my dear friend!!! What a wonderful life you two have made together. And look at Piper! Amazing!!! Wish I could pop in for a slice of that cake!

  15. Happy Belated Wedding Anniversary... Spokane is changing day-by-day,, as you may have noticed when you were here...
    And,, oh my! all the new 'round-abouts".. just can't get use to them.. Oh well...
    Blessings to you and your family..

  16. Happy Belated Anniversary dear...lovely pictures..thanks for sharing :-)
    Fine Art and You
