Sunday, October 8, 2023

Busy Days of Fall

We’ve had a busy few weeks here. Guess who turned 11? Gosh, it’s so hard to believe that she is 11 years old. We had a small party with just the grandparents and Brad’s brother Bill, last Friday night. We had a fun dinner and then had cake. Piper loves sea turtles and I think Mandy did a great job of drawing the sea turtle on this cake. Piper was thrilled with it!

Of course, she very much enjoyed the opening of her gifts. We were the boring grandparents and bought her a gift card to Barnes & Noble. We just talked to them and she went there today and found some books she wanted. She received some fun things from Grandma and Papa Krumel. Nail polish, a sea turtle light, and a few other fun things. But from her mom and dad, she received her dad’s refurbished iPad. She was thrilled. They had pre-loaded it with things appropriate for her age. Look at that smile. It says it all. As for me, I loved her blue and white polkadot dress. She still loves to wear dresses and the sweaters I make her.

My peace lily is blooming for the third time this year. It must really like this window.

The gardens are gradually getting torn out as things finish producing. It was a bumper crop of tomatoes, pumpkins, eggplant, and acorn, squash, and cucumbers this year. To the left of the sidewalk is a patch of zinnias that are absolutely gorgeous right now. I’m too far away to get a good photo of them.

I finished another baby blanket using the diamond pattern and the same sparkle yarn. I made this one bigger at 38 x 38“. I still have six skeins of the yarn left….

So I began a prayer shawl for the hospital, using the same pattern, but making it narrower and it will be longer.
We were supposed to be on our way to the campground by now. We were going camping with our minister and his wife and Curt and Barb until Wednesday afternoon. We have been having major camper issues this summer. To make a long story short, when we went to pick it up a couple weeks ago to go camping, the electric jack didn’t work and the handle had been broken to crank it manually. Of course the repair shop said they didn’t do it. So, we had to order a new jack and they installed it. Oh, and did I mention the batteries were dead too? We have never had an issue with our batteries in the two years we’ve owned this trailer. Dennis is pretty sure they wired the jack wrong, which drained the batteries.

He went out to our camper storage last Thursday to put some things in the camper for our trip today and the batteries were completely dead again!  He took them off and to an auto shop where they tested them and said they were toast. He had to buy two new batteries, which was not cheap at all! After church today, we came home, loaded up the truck and went out to hook up the trailer and the batteries were completely dead again. We have no idea what’s going on. Right now I’m at home and Dennis is there trying to figure out what’s happening with it. If he can figure it out, we may try again tomorrow. Right now, I’ve about had it with pulling a trailer. Honestly, I would love to have a van that we could just drive and have everything right there. We don’t want a class A motorhome because we’d like something small enough to park in a regular parking place. But we both want a bathroom of some sort.

It’s been an expensive year for the camper and we’ve only been able to go camping two nights so far this year. Yikes! Plus, we were really looking forward to the time this week with our friends. Dennis’s patience is wearing thin and we have lost all trust in this repair place. They still have to fix the spot where a truck threw one of the construction cones into the side of the trailer on our way home from the Black Hills.

So this is sort of how I’m feeling!😂🤣😂

I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend. We have a stunning day today with clear blue skies and 65°. Absolutely perfect. I’ll talk to you all again soon.

Blessings and love, 


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your trailer troubles. That has to be frustrating. I hope you get it sorted out soon.
    Piper looks so grown up. Where does the time go?

  2. Darn it! I am sorry about the camper, my friend. I did, however, have to smile at your meme! I hope all is repaired soon and without anymore frustration. Happy Birthday to your dear little granddaughter! I think your gift was great. I remember when I was young my mom having a birthday with my grandparents. I loved it so! My Grandma Ida always gave us a card that had little slots for coins all over it. Do you remember those?! Have a cozy autumn evening!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about all of the troubles with your camper/batteries/etc. I do hope you can figure it out and be able to enjoy using it soon! Oh, Piper looks so happy, and she certainly did have a wonderful birthday!! So many nice gifts! And yes, I love her dress, and the sea turtle cake is perfect! Isaiah 26:3 is also perfect. We are finally having some "fall weather" here as was 56 this morning and only a high of 76 today, so that is pretty nice for us here in Florida! I wish it would stay this way! Take care my friend, and hopefully your camper problems will be solved soon!

  4. Hey, that is a brand-new (almost) camper! I am frustrated on you and Dennis's behalf. It sounds a little fishy, or a lot fishy. There is no reasons you should have had to replace the batteries and now the new ones are dead? I would try to find someone else to repair things. How disappointing to miss a camping trip with your friends, too.
    Happy Birthday to Piper! What a terrific age! And I just love her dress. She looks just adorable! I am a boring gramma, too. We write all ten grandchildren a check for their birthdays and it goes in their bank accounts. The cake is decorated beautifully and it sounds like she had a very special celebration. I do hope you get the camper situation straightened out soon.

  5. So sorry to hear of your camper issues. It does seem like if something can go wrong, it will. I hope Dennis can figure out what is going on and that you two can get away.

  6. What a lovely birthday celebration for Miss Piper! My grands love getting gift cards. The sea turtle cake was so pretty. We had camper battery issues this year too... must be going around! ;-) We took three trips this year and that's the most we've ever taken. They were short trips but fun and relaxing. I hope Dennis can figure out what is going on with your batteries and you can take your trip.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your camper and messed up plans. That has to be so discouraging as well as expensive. We have had sooooo many RV repair problems this year at such great expense, but husband loves it so onward we go. Now we are busy putting it away for the winter. Our highs are only in the 40's now so we know winter is coming soon. I greatly enjoy your posts. Take good care you two.

  8. Nice birthday party 🎉 🥳 to celebrate Piper's 11th birthday 🎂! Beautiful girl. Cake looks delicious as well. That's alot to go through with your camper problems. Somebody most likely didn't do something correctly and decided not to fix it. Phil's had problems with his car again including the backup camera that is now upside-down when he looks at it. We had a good day on Saturday at McMinnville Scottish festival celebrating our anniversary a day early. It wasn't too hot except for a bit of time. I will keep you in my prayers to get things finalized soon for your camper you have to get repaired. Blessings and prayers 🙏, Becky ❤️

  9. Oh bummer Betsy. That's no fun at all. And I can't believe Piper is getting so grown up and turning into such a young lady! Happy birthday to her.

  10. Hullo Betsy somehow I’m not getting your posts must do a check on Follow it to see if still on your blog. Hope to post this week. Praying you’re able to go camping, I think I’d try another repairer they’re obviously not doing the job. 🙏🙏🙏 Shaz in Oz.x ps hope I don’t lose this comment too.

  11. happy birthday to Piper!!! What a wonderful birthday for her! Sorry about the camper woes! The blanket and shawl look fantastic!

  12. I think I would lose confidence in that repair shop too. I hope the camper problems can be fixed before camping season is over. Incidentally, our RV was a van and it had a bathroom ( well I suppose it was a washroom. Toilet & sink but no shower) It wasn't terribly roomy but we went on many trips with it and it sure is handy to be able to park it quite easily.

    Happy Birthday to Piper!! She looks so pleased with her iPad.
    Granny M

  13. Belated Happy Birthday to Piper. She looks so pretty in her dress. I too love to see girls, and women, in dresses. Goodness, I'm sorry about all the camper problems. Hope you get them worked out. I've just looked back at your posts I've missed. I have been cleaning up the garden too. My garden didn't do as well as yours. In fact, was the worst garden I've ever grown...except for the green beans. Take care.

  14. As my Mom used to say, “If it’s not one thing, then it’s another!” I hope you can get the camper repaired correctly, so you can enjoy these beautiful Fall days. Happy Birthday to Piper!

  15. Sounds like something is draining the batteries, hope Dennis figures it out! Hope you finally get to go camping!

  16. happy birthday to Piper! Piper looks so grown up!

  17. Sorry to hear about the camper trouble - that is definitely frustrating!!!

    Happy birthday to Piper!!!

  18. Happy birthday to Piper...and hope you have been able to get the camper fixed and on the road! New to your blog....hello and Happy Monday!:)

  19. I love the diamond pattern for baby blankets too. Happy Birthday to Piper
