Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Home Again...

Happy Tuesday! We had a lovely weekend at the lake, although most of Sunday was spent in town between church, mowing the grass and meeting with our financial advisor. It was a beautiful, beautiful weekend weather wise, but that’s all changing this afternoon. Clouds have rolled in and the rain showers are about 50 miles to the west of us. According to the weatherman, once the rains begin it’s going to be fairly chilly and rainy for the next week or so. That’s OK. If it means the forest fires won’t be as bad this summer, I’ll take it. I thought I would share some of the work that Lori and Dennis did in the yard behind the trailers this weekend.

The geraniums are behind our trailer.  Yellow jackets already are terrible this year. We have several traps hung up around our campsite.  The area you see to the left where the stairs are, is a steep hill going down. You can’t really tell from the perspective of this picture.

We used to have matching beds behind Lori‘s and our trailers, but Mr. Vole ate all of the plants in my flower bed over the winter. That’s where all the brown grass is from too. He has dug lots of holes. He’s an ornery critter. We can’t seem to convince him to relocate and we fight with him every summer.

For some reason, he leaves Lori‘s flowers alone and just eats mine. I’m hoping he doesn’t like the taste of geraniums.

This is mini stocking number 99 out of the 100 that I need. Yay!

I’ve also been working on the baby blanket that  I started over, with Gracie’s gift yarn.
I came home a couple of hours ago because my back was not happy and it was going to begin raining anyway. After I unpacked the refrigerator stuff, I sat down in my chair for a while and turned on the Geeky Girls knitting podcast and knitted a bit on the blanket.

I thought I would share a picture of Piper in her costume for her first dance recital which will be in June. She is getting so big!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday and I’ll check back with you soon.

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”   Joshua 24:15



  1. Ah, Piper is just too cute! Sorry your back is bothering you. I'm sure the damp weather doesn't help. Thinking of you Betsy.

  2. Cute Piper girl!! Amazing how fast our little granddaughters are growing! Ours will are 3 and almost 11 this month!!!! Looking forward to celebrating their birthdays soon. Busy day at work. Megan and i watched the Blazer vs Warriors game at Red Robin tonight, where we ate dinner. Boo....Blazers lost but hopefully it will get better next game or so. It was raining her today and Wed it's to be more rain than today. Thankful I don't have to go outside and water. Megan killed some slugs this evening, thieves household cleaner....spray bottle with water in it too. It seems to kill the ants and spiders too. Your blanket looks pretty. I need to work on my shawl more this week. Always something going on! Rest well and pray that your back feels better NOW!!! I wish I could fix it but ....not!!! Love ya! Prayers!

  3. So sorry to read your back is playing up again. You are in my daily prayers. What a joy to see Miss Piper in her dance dress, she looks gorgeous. hat a shame about the garden, hopefully the moles don't like geraniums.

  4. It looks like you got a lot done at the lake! Piper's costume is beautiful. Dance recitals are so much fun. I miss those days.

  5. Oh, my word! I can't believe how big Little Miss Piper is getting! I trust you will feel much better soon, my friend. Praying much for you!

  6. My niece battled voles in her yard, too, and tried EVERYTHING until a customer who overheard her conversation with the clerk. She advised my niece to try bubble gum (the cheap stuff). It sounds crazy, but it worked.

  7. What pretty toes you have. You look so cozy in your chair with your feet up knitting . Isn't it nice that while you're working on a blanket you have it to keep you warm … Very cozy . Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers , you touch our hearts and we feel the love . God is good and he's watching over us , of course we're hoping for more time but we have been blessed with a long and wonderful marriage and we have much to be grateful for . So, whatever comes our way we know that He'll never let us walk through it alone. Again thank you for your prayers we are very grateful .

  8. Hi Betsy, your garden at the lake should look lovely as those flowers grow. Dayle had surgery yesterday and it was much worse than the doctor expected. Please say some good words for him. Your blanket is looking lovely. ((hugs)), Teresa

  9. What a cute outfit Piper has! I bet she has fun dancing!
    You have some nice projects going:)

  10. Piper really is growing up. That is rather curious that Mr. Vole likes your garden but leaves next door's alone. You've done a great job of finishing up those stockings. Sorry to hear your back pain came back. :/ Take care.

  11. Hi Betsy, I’ve downloaded Firefox onto my iPad as it seemed Sarfari wasn’t talking to Google since latest update, have had issues before so just using Firefox for commenting now.. three web Brussels all because Apple doesn’t like anyone else.
    ... so hopefully won’t lose this as embedded are still more unstable comment boxes...
    wondering how your weekend is going.
    Hope and praying muchly you’re still keeping well sis and away from that debilitating back pain. It’s so demanding. And truly only the Lord knows how hard it is for you, I’m praying for a real solution if Lord would be sooo gracious. His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting to children’s children.
    May He graciously bless His little Betsy with a way to alleviate this.
    I’ve read your post several times and commented once but it was eaten. Love all your pickies sand so love seeing all that is going on.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Prayer hugs,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  12. She is looking much older these days, and so fancy in that costume! I hope your back is feeling better Betsy, so glad you are home safe and sound.

  13. We had problems with our gardens when we first moved here but the numerous cats we own soon took care of them BUT now we have opossums or armadillos who can wreak havoc in one night of feasting! It's always a balance between loving nature but not always all of it! lol

  14. Thanks for sharing photos of your pretty garden at the lake. So glad you can enjoy it in spite of your back and Mr. Vole! At some point I hope to watch some podcasts while stitching and I appreciate your recommendations. It is a joy to see Miss Piper growing up! xx
