Welcome to my world. The roads in these pictures don't look too bad because the plows have been doing a great job on the main roads here in Spokane. We're in a Winter Storm Warning today. So far we have about 7 inches and I just heard another 6-10 possible. NE Washington is supposed to get 24 inches. Yuck!
We came out of church and Larry and Nita had a flat tire. I mean FLAT. It was resting on the rim. First we tried to inflate it with the portable air compressor in the emergency kit in my car but that didn't work at all. It must have a hole in it to go so flat in 3 hours. So we went to lunch! HA! The guys took Nita and I to their house after we ate and then went back to change the tire. Laying in the snow. In a blizzard. After that Dennis and I took home communion to some of the older ladies that couldn't get out today. It was interesting. We saw several accidents but they all looked like minor fender benders. Driving too fast and following too close. The cardinal no, no's in this kind of weather.
A few snapshots as we drove along....

We'll be heading outside in a few minutes for round one of snow removal. Dennis keep telling me that I'm forbidden to lift the shovel because of my back, but I think I can sweep the steps off. He's itching to get his snow blower out again. :-) We'll have to do it all again before bedtime but it's easier to keep up with if you do it as it's falling.
The three baby blankets are done. Ta-dah!
The first with no border until I know if the baby is a boy or a girl.
For a little girl due February 7.
For Harumi's baby girl in Japan due February 1.
I'm working on a sweater, hat and sock set for Harumi right now.
Im so used to calling her our adopted daughter I think I may have misled you in my last post. She's not legally our adopted daughter. She lived with us while going to college here in Spokane. Her Dad passed away when she was a young girl but she does have her Mom and a sister. She has always called us Mom and Dad and turns to Dennis for advice like a father quite often. She is so sweet and we love her like a daughter.
And now, I've procrastinated long enough. I need to put on my snow clothes and go outside.
"Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment." Matthew 22:37-38
******UPDATE- At 8:00 pm we have had 9 inches and still snowing! The above pictures were taken at 2:00 pm******
Blessings my friends and stay warm.
Be careful out there in the cold and snow. Stay warm. Your blankets are really pretty.
ReplyDeleteDo stay warm! I think it is wonderful that you have such a special relationship with Harumi.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for all that snow. I do love a pretty snow but so far we're not getting any. I wish you two could move to the Portland area. I know you'd really like it here as it's so much more mild. I'm ***SO*** impressed with your 3 blankets! Some day I *will* make one again. You are the most generous person ever. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a lot of snow! Be careful out there, don't hurt yourself. Your blanket came out so pretty. I think it's wonderful that you have such a close relationship with Harumi. I am sure she appreciates you both very much. I hope you have a great week, Betsy.
ReplyDeleteYou be careful sweeping. Don't mess up that back again! I like looking at your snow pictures but truly, I'm so glad it's not snowing here. I'm having a hard enough time with the cold. :) Stay Warm.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Sharon
Thanks for sharing photos of your snow...I don't want to shovel, sweep,or machine blow it, but I do love seeing it...especially if I can stay inside by a fire and stitch :-) Glad you are safe! The blankets are beautiful. And Betsy...listen to your husband and rest your back!!! Just say'in [even though you did not ask] xx
ReplyDeleteBrrrr! Cold is not for me. I think it's pretty, in pictures, but not the cold that comes with it. Love love love the blankets. I red to start mine.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed and keep warm...
Wow my dear friend Betsy ... This is quiet a storm. I really hope you will listen to Dennis. I know and I understand it because I'm much like you ... I always want to help and so some of the work also, but as I get older and my health less strong I have been learning that sometimes I need to sit back ... I know it's hard but try to listen and you will stay healthier my dear friend. The blankets are absolutely gorgeous. You are a knitting machine. . . They will LOVE it ... Lucky babies.
ReplyDeleteStay well and I hope the storm is not so bad but if you have to stay home a while you will get lots of knitting done :) miss you.
Your snow is beautiful, but I know ir's not so fun to deal with it. Please be gentle with yourself until your back condition improves.
ReplyDeleteThe baby blankets are gorgeous!! I love how you use your God given talents to help others Betsy.
Blessings, Aimee
I love seeing photos of the snow but I am happy not to get any. Stay safe and warm. The blankets are beautiful, a real delight I am sure they will be treasured by the very lucky recipients.
ReplyDeleteThe snow looks beautiful from here and your husband is right do not touch that snow young lady! You could easily hurt your back worse, slip or something horrible. Good luck at therapy today.
ReplyDeleteLove your blankets. I am making a blanket for our family room and thinking about a baby blanket I must make for a great niece or nephew who is on the way.
Sending you a hug Betsy,
Oh those blankets! I never tire of them. You do not either obviously. They are so wonderful! What a blessing you are.
ReplyDeleteTake care. We are having very frigid weather here in Wisconsin.
Why is it that people can't figure out if you don't slow down during inclement weather, something is bound to go wrong? I don't like cold at all so that is just way too much snow for me. And a lot of work trying to keep it all clear. Glad the flat tire happened at a time when there was someone around to help and it could be taken care of fairly easily. And good it happened while it was sitting and not while driving in the slippery snow. My son arrived early morning from the States and will be here til the 17th. He thinks it is summer weather here since he issued to freezing temps in Colorado. The blankets you've made are just gorgeous. Your work is always so lovely. Best wishes, Tammy
ReplyDeleteOh the baby blankets are so adorable. I know they will be loved and appreciated for many years. Oh goodness, the snow is really making a mess of things. Please be careful and stay warm..and yes, protect that back. :) Blessings always sweet friend. :)
ReplyDeleteThat IS a winter wonderland! Oh, how I'd love to be snuggled up watching that snow out my window. You be careful with your back. Dennis is right. Listen to him, Missy! I've been so behind in commenting some places. I can't remember if I told you Happy New Year, so I'm saying it again. Happy New Year! Enjoy your snow.
ReplyDeleteWow that is some serious snow - surely a job for the new snow clearing machine ;)
ReplyDeleteKeep safe and warm !
Beautiful blankets there Betsy in haste here but do love your post .. thanks for sharing have added the poem to my post as others will want it too and is easier or will put it here too:
ReplyDeleteThe Weaver
My life is but a weaving
between my Lord and me,
I cannot choose the colours;
He worketh steadily.
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow,
and I in foolish pride,
Forget that he sees the upper
and I the underside.
Not ‘till the loom is silent
and the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
and explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
in the Weaver’s skilful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
in the pattern He has planned.
Behind my life the Weaver stands
and works His wondrous will,
I leave it in His all- wise hands
and trust His perfect skill.
B.M Franklin
see work on: