I have a few St. Patrick's Day decorations up, because according to my Mom, she had a tiny bit of Irish in her. :-) I found this garland at Hobby Lobby for under $4.00 so I snapped it up. The sign is from the Dollar Tree. Nothing fancy at all.
Here is my beautiful Piper waiting to go back and get her braces put on:

And right after getting them. It's been a couple of weeks and after a few really painful days, I think she's beginning to adjust. She plays the baritone horn in band though, and I'm not sure how that's going. I keep forgetting to ask her. Isn't she beautiful? I just love her smile.

She has recently redid her room a little bit. Gone are the Eiffel Tower and Paris scenes comforter Papa Queen bought for her. She's liking more grown up bedding, although she still loves Paris decor. And our precious little Lizzie is always right there. She adores Piper and so does Zoey. And of course, so do we!

I have a few more pairs of mittens made for the school kids.

Another baby blanket for the Open Door Mission. It's called the Floating Squares Baby Blanket and I don't remember where I got the pattern from. I think it was probably a YouTube video. I used a J hook and Caron Yarn.

I'm working on this one now. Just a few more inches long and then the boarder. This is made using Bernat Baby Sport yarn. Dennis is volunteering at the Open Door Mission's food bank today as he does every Wednesday. Tuesday he goes to the donation drop off center to volunteer. He just called and said it's been pretty slow because of the bad roads, but they expect it to get busier this afternoon as it warms up. He usually doesn't even have time to call me as they are so busy giving out donated food.

I went to the neuro-surgeon last week and his recommendation is to not touch the cyst on my spine unless it grows. It is actually touching my spinal column and they would have to remove part of my spine and put it back together with screws. There is no guarantee I wouldn't be worse off than I am now. I may have to face it in the future if the cyst keeps growing, but I'm hoping to ignore it until then. After returning from London, I may have some other procedures to try to stop the spasms, but again, there is no guarantee they will help. It could be worse and others deal with much more serious issues so I refuse to complain. (At least I try not to.) Ha!

Blessings and love,
Here is my beautiful Piper waiting to go back and get her braces put on:
And right after getting them. It's been a couple of weeks and after a few really painful days, I think she's beginning to adjust. She plays the baritone horn in band though, and I'm not sure how that's going. I keep forgetting to ask her. Isn't she beautiful? I just love her smile.
She has recently redid her room a little bit. Gone are the Eiffel Tower and Paris scenes comforter Papa Queen bought for her. She's liking more grown up bedding, although she still loves Paris decor. And our precious little Lizzie is always right there. She adores Piper and so does Zoey. And of course, so do we!
I have a few more pairs of mittens made for the school kids.
Another baby blanket for the Open Door Mission. It's called the Floating Squares Baby Blanket and I don't remember where I got the pattern from. I think it was probably a YouTube video. I used a J hook and Caron Yarn.
I'm working on this one now. Just a few more inches long and then the boarder. This is made using Bernat Baby Sport yarn. Dennis is volunteering at the Open Door Mission's food bank today as he does every Wednesday. Tuesday he goes to the donation drop off center to volunteer. He just called and said it's been pretty slow because of the bad roads, but they expect it to get busier this afternoon as it warms up. He usually doesn't even have time to call me as they are so busy giving out donated food.
I went to the neuro-surgeon last week and his recommendation is to not touch the cyst on my spine unless it grows. It is actually touching my spinal column and they would have to remove part of my spine and put it back together with screws. There is no guarantee I wouldn't be worse off than I am now. I may have to face it in the future if the cyst keeps growing, but I'm hoping to ignore it until then. After returning from London, I may have some other procedures to try to stop the spasms, but again, there is no guarantee they will help. It could be worse and others deal with much more serious issues so I refuse to complain. (At least I try not to.) Ha!
I usually don't get political on my blog, but I can't pretend that I'm not disappointed in the way some of our leaders acted last night during President Trump's speech. Whether you do or don't agree with him, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I truly respect that. That is the beautiful thing about our country. But the disrespect shown to the people who were honored last night was incredible and awful to see. Some leaders could not even clap for a young boy who has beat cancer or a prisoner and his mother who was was just freed from a Russian prison. I have no narrative. I don't even care much about politics, but to not be able to show respect to the family of the man who died last summer or Lakin Riley's family is beyond my comprehension. These people have done nothing to be disrespected for. May God have mercy on them.
Again, I apologize for bringing up politics. It's not something I usually do, but I actually cried last night when that little boy got his Secret Service badge. You could tell it meant everything to him. And half of the people on that floor didn't even move. No cheers, no clapping, no standing in respect for him and his battle. He was supposed to be dead years ago according to all of his doctors. What kind of a nation are we when we can't be unified enough to be happy for him and his family? My heart breaks for our country.
Blessings and love,
The Church’s One Foundation
Text: Samuel J. Stone
Lyrics: Samuel S. Wesley
The church's one foundationis Jesus Christ her Lord;she is his new creationby water and the Word.From heaven he came and sought herto be his holy bride;with his own blood he bought her,and for her life he died.
Elect from every nation,yet one o'er all the earth;her charter of salvation,one Lord, one faith, one birth;one holy name she blesses,partakes one holy food,and to one hope she presses,with every grace endued.
Mid toil and tribulation,and tumult of her war,she waits the consummationof peace forevermore;till, with the vision glorious,her longing eyes are blest,and the great church victoriousshall be the church at rest.
Yet she on earth hath unionwith God the Three in One,and mystic sweet communionwith those whose rest is won.O happy ones and holy!Lord, give us grace that welike them, the meek and lowly,on high may dwell with thee.
I totally agree with you regarding the speech and the behavior of the Democrats last night. It was extremely disturbing that they could be so immature and political even in the faces of those dear people and their loved ones. What must those young people think who were being honored? Very sad indeed. It made me cry too.
ReplyDeleteYour blankets and mittens, etc. are beautiful! so much talent and what a wonderful blessing to those who will need them. Piper is adorable, and yes, she does have a beautiful smile, before and after! And I love your March/St. Patrick's Day decorations. I have a few things up too. I guess I haven't shown them yet. Probably will closer to the 17th, if I remember! LOL. We are having a very windy day today as well, and had quite a rain storm blow through earlier, but it didn't stay long.
I love "The Church's One Foundation...is Jesus Christ her Lord..." That's the part we need to remember...her foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord. Without Him as our foundation, we do not have a church, but a social club. Sadly, some churches have become just that. They forget Who is the Chief Cornerstone of the Church. One day they will meet Him face to face, and then they may remember too late. Praying for our nation, our churches, our world, our people. There's still a LOT of work to be done before Jesus comes. Amen.
Hello, my friend. That song was one we always sang at mass when I was young. I remember it vividly, singing it in the pew with my sisters between my mom and dad. Your Piper looks adorable with and without her braces. I remember the days of braces, both having them and being the mom of a child having them! And I agree 100% with everything you said about last night's speech. Politics is one thing; humanity is another. It was very disheartening to see. I hope you are feeling well, and stay cozy with your last snow event, my friend.
ReplyDeletePiper’s smile was beautiful even before the braces. I like how she decorated her room.
ReplyDeleteI think that the State of the Union lost all civility when Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Bobert stood up and screamed insults while my friend's daughter, widow of SFC Heath Robinson who died from illnesses contracted from exposure to dangerous burning of chemicals by the US Military while on active duty in the Middle East, was being honored for her efforts in passing the bill to award medical benefits to these soldiers. I personally could not go low enough when I talk about these members of congress or the president (I am maybe referring to President Musk) who is now cutting funding for this program. We will have to agree to disagree.
ReplyDeleteEnough of that. How cute does Miss Piper look both smiling braces free and smiling with the new hardware! She is just growing up so fast. Slow down!!! And redecorating for a new look. She is so darn sweet.
I am so sorry to hear about your back. I think we expect doctors and medical professionals to be able to fix almost everything. It is so disappointing when they can't. It sounds like they are being honest as to the risks of surgery. We will just have to pray the cyst will shrink. And that the pain won't take away from your adventure in England with your family. I am sorry they can't do more.
I thought it was awful the way the Democrats behaved toward all the honored guests who have suffered so much and lost loved ones....have they no compassion? It was sad. In the "olden" days after an election we all came together for the good of the Nation...one nation...not a divided one.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear of the cyst on your spine, back spasms/pain is no fun at all. I hope that some solution will be found.
Piper is so cute with her braces...I know they can be painful.
Nice blankets.
Hope the blizzard is short lived. It seems like the blizzards are missing us this year:)
I love your St. Patrick's Day decorations. We have some up too! and isn't Piper looking grown up these days. What a pretty bedroom she has. I agree with you on the politics you mention...I am ashamed of the half of our government that sat there in their chairs last night like they were dead. I'm afraid their idiocy is digging them a deeper hole. God bless us all.
ReplyDeleteI love your shamrock garland for St Patrick's Day. As I'm sure I mention every year the 17th is also my youngest granddaughter's birthday. Hard to believe she'll be 22.
ReplyDeleteYou've been busy knitting mittens and blankets. I'm so impressed with all the things you make.
I hope the doctors can figure out something that would stop those spasms that are so painful.
Piper is sweet. I have no doubt that those braces are uncomfortable. She's very brave.
Take care especially in the possible stormy weather.