Monday, March 10, 2025


I haven’t forgotten any of you, although I haven’t posted on anyone’s blogs for a few days. We were in the ER with mom all day Friday and then she spent the night in the hospital Friday night. I had to stay there with her because she wouldn’t let anyone touch her without me there. Then, yesterday after church, we stopped to get lunch and last night in the late evening Dennis got really sick and in the middle of the night I got very sick with nausea and vomiting and other fun bathroom events. Fun times huh!? I also have a fever over 102 so we’re not sure if it’s food poisoning or influenza. Dennis is absolutely fine now. It only lasted a few hours for him. I’ll be back when I can think straight again.!

Take care everyone
Blessings and

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Sounds like either food poisoning or that Norovirus. It will act like that too. Nasty stuff. Praying you are better very soon. So sorry that your MIL was not well either. I hope she is doing better now? I know how hard these kinds of things are. I hope you didn't get a bug by being in the ER area...germs do fly through the air with the greatest of ease! They don't even need a trapeze, but maybe a sneeze! (Oh dear, I am waxing poetic tonight!). Praying for you now. Please take care of yourself and get some rest. Sending (((hugs))) and prayers.
