Wednesday, April 24, 2024

It’s been awhile.

I have no idea how it got to be so long since I posted. Time just seems to be flying by at lightening speed these days. We have spent more time than usual with Mom as she has had some challenges for a few weeks, but she does seem much better, just a bit weak. We're hoping to get her back to the dining room tomorrow instead of trays in her room which have been sporadic because she's not really sick and is supposed to go to the dining room. It's hard to convince her that she won't get stronger if she doesn't get out of her chair and walk more.

We're planning to go camping this Sunday after church with Curt & Barb. We'll come back on Wednesday if all goes well. We'll only be about 20 miles away from home, so we can get back if we're needed for Mom. This is also our "shake-down" trip. Usually the first one every year is, but we didn't go out last year hardly at all because of Dennis's hand, so I'm REALLY out of practice. It's supposed to rain off and on, but that's okay. There's nothing better than the sound of rain on the campers rooftop. :-)

I finished this blanket and another just like it. I didn't bother to take a photo of the other one since they're identical. I was asked if I could donate all of these baby blankets to the Ukraine. A group from Lincoln, NE is going there to take supplies to a shelter where there are a lot of women and babies who's husbands are soldiers and their homes have been destroyed in the war. I can always make more for the pregnancy center, but this is a one time opportunity to help these families. I have about 20 baby blankets to donate.

I took 5 lapghans and 4 wheelchair blankets to the place that Mom lives for the memory care unit. They were thrilled and asked if I could make more. Of course I can! It's nice to know that they're appreciated.

Below is a sleeping mat for the Open Door Mission. I forgot to take a photo after I finished before I turned it in for donation. The finished size is 40 inches by 6 foot. Then you chain a long, long chain and loop it around twice to fashion a handle for easy carrying. 

I just had to show you all this photo. I found it on my phone recently. It's Piper when she was 2 or 3 and living in Maryland. This was in D.C. under a Cherry Blossom tree on the Mall. Isn't she the cutest thing? And she's grown into such a sweet and pretty young lady. I know, I know. She's my granddaughter, but it's the truth isn't it?

We had company over for dinner last Friday night and Piper didn't have school that day so she spent some time with us. She volunteered to vacuum for me and asked if she could set the table! She looked up proper table settings online and set it exactly like the directions said. She found the cloth napkins and rolled them just so, then put them in the napkin rings. Since I had made homemade noodles and chicken, (one of her favorites), she stayed and ate with all of us and then asked permission to do the dishes. Needless to say, our company was quite impressed. Mandy came to pick her up and said it's more fun to do that stuff at Grandma's then at home. I remember being like that too. :-) We sure love this girl.

Can you see someone hiding? This is Zoey's favorite place to hide. She thought she was being sneaky. She's loved the weather lately. I've been able to leave the balcony door open a bit and put her bed out there. She lays there for hours at a time. Napping and surveying her domain.

Another goodie I found on facebook. Our middle child, Jamie is a computer programmer for a Silicon Valley company, but he and his family live in Montana. I put this on our family WhatsApp page and he wrote back that it is inaccurate. A real programmer wouldn't have the lights on otherwise, it's pretty true. Ha! I love the Ave Maria part. :-)

Boy, isn't our world is going crazy right now? I feel for the Jewish students on the college campus's that are just trying to get an education and are being harrassed, threatened and have had to go home. I honestly don't think some of these kids know what they're protesting. I thought we had put this behind us with WW II. There is just too much hate in the world. I fear where we'll all end up if people don't start thinking of others instead of themselves. I know I can't fix anything myself, but I CAN PRAY and you can believe I've been doing a lot of that during these days. Would you like to join me?

Take care my friends and I'll be back soon.


  1. I absolutely love the baby blanket pattern. Is it online? If not, can you tell me the source to find the pattern? I've been working on some myself, to also donate. Thanks.

  2. Not sure if my comment was posted, but if you could tell me where to find the pattern for the baby blanket, I would appreciate that. I absolutely love it! I am spending much time with crochet lately, due to a fractured foot, and have been crocheting baby blankets to donate too. I just donated some items I crocheted for a Plant Bingo, and am crocheting more lap afghans for the senior center (pictures on my recent blog posts).

  3. What a gorgeous blanket. That may be the only lovely thing that family may possess when it reaches them. God Bless you . I enjoy your blog very much. My stepson was on your cruise, but I doubt you ran into each other ha, ha. Marguerite

  4. I love looking back at old photos of my Grands. They grow up so quickly. Being so far away from them all makes it so hard for me sometimes. I confess to shedding a tear or two this morning about it prompted by a new song from a new album by a certain lady I won't name who knows how to wring out your last bit of emotion.
    The blanket and mat are wonderful. I am always in awe of your charitable nature.

  5. We can pray and we must! Our country and the whole world for that matter is in for sure calamity if people don't start putting God first and loving their neighbor as much as they love themselves. God never promised us an easy road but He has promised to always be by our side through the thick and thin of it all. I believe that He is allowing much to happen in order to wake us up. I pray that more would wake up and put their lives in His loving hands.
    Your work is so pretty and each stitch done with love; I know they bring with them a warm and comforting joy.
    God bless you,
    Connie :)

  6. Praying with you Betsy, it's a very sad world and pray the Lord deals with those who hate His people.
    Praying re mom and your camping trip. I'm very unwell hence no posting but like to read your posts when they come in and keep up on Israel. I was horrified it was happening!.
    Prayer hugs Shaz.x

  7. Love that picture of Piper when she was little 💗. Also love that you make all those blankets for babies and seniors, even sleeping mats for the homeless. Are you sure your name isn;t really Tabitha/Dorcas?

  8. I'm laughing at Piper doing stuff at your place, but not at home. My mom always got comments from people like that about good we were, well-mannered, helpful, etc.... and she was like "Why aren't you like that for ME?????"

    I love all the charity stitching you do. Those blankets will be very much appreciated.

    Hope you have a good weekend camping and don't have any emergency interruptions

  9. What a blessing Miss Piper is in your lives!!! Enjoy your first camping trip of the season. Our neighbors, who have been side tracked with cancer, heart surgery, camper repairs (they replaced that camper finally) and more are finally arranging a summer of travel within our state. I know they are so excited to finally get out and about. It is so wonderful that you can use your skills in creating items for those who need these items so much. Your blankets will be so welcomed and the sleeping mats are such a service. Prayers for Mom as she continues on her journey.

  10. What a great helper Piper is! She was a cutie in that photo! I was in Joannes last Monday and they have a Project Linus box for donated blankets...of course it was empty. Your blanket is lovely! Hope your weekend camping is fun, tell Dennis to be really careful!!

  11. Hello! What a dear granddaughter Piper is. What joy she brings to your lives. Have a nice time! So happy to see a post from you today, my friend!

  12. I'm sure praying with you Betsy, for the world to get a clue! What strange times we're living in. I love hearing about your camping plans....hope you have a great all the rugs and blankets and things you're making and donating. That's wonderful. Wish I knew how to knit! God bless you and Dennis every day and your family too. Take care!

  13. Piper sure continues to grow in grace and is a highlight to your lives! The little face of Zoey is too sweet! I love the blankets you've made--they are all so lovely! I just heard on my weaving forum that they weave the plastic mats like you make! Something for my future! (But I will have to learn how to seam them comfortably down the length cuz I can only weave 20' wide!)

  14. Hello Betsy...I was just thinking about son just told me that there had been a tornado in Omaha today. Was it anywhere near you? Are you and your family safe? I certainly pray you are all okay. I enjoyed your post, but I do hope all is well with you today. I hope you can let us know. Praying.
