We spent the day out at a lake near Fremont, Nebraska with Brad‘s parents and brothers. I’m sure you’ll recognize this little cutie. She had a wonderful time celebrating the day. We had lots of good food and good conversation. Although it was a hot day with a high of 93°F, there was a nice breeze all day so it was very pleasant outside.🇺🇸
They have a golf cart parade every year and it is so much fun. I was in the cart with Brad‘s mom, their other granddaughter Shelby is in my lap and Piper is looking over our shoulders. Mandy, Dennis and Brad‘s brothers were in front of us on a trailer being pulled by his Dennis’s 1953 Ford tractor. We were bringing up the rear of the parade with only one more cart behind us.
Here are the two Papa’s with their pride and joy between them. We have so much fun with Marilyn and Dennis, yes, his name is Dennis too. It makes things so much easier on the kids when you all get along and enjoy spending time with each other doesn’t it?
We came home and opted not to go to any fireworks displays. We were pretty tired from all of the fresh air! There were no worries about missing fireworks though, as they are legal in Nebraska. There was seriously not a break in the pops in the air until about 4:00 this morning. It was a constant bang, bang Ratatat-tat. You know the big finale they always have at the end of a firework show? That’s what it sounded like from about 9:00 last night until 4:00 this morning. Continually. It was seriously awful. I have heard on the news that there were quite a few people hurt too and lots of fires started. I just don’t understand the mentality. So much money going up in smoke. Oh well. It’s not my place to judge and not any of my business. I do love fireworks, just not until four in the morning when people have babies trying to sleep, others suffer from PTSD and a lot of dogs and other animals that can’t deal with the constant sound.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I do hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July and were able to celebrate in your own way if you were in the US. I missed wishing happy Canada Day to my Canadian friends. I’m so sorry. So here you go. Happy Canada Day!
I have gotten six pair of mittens done since my last post. This is Hobby Lobby’s I love this yarn and I do love knitting and crocheting with it. It is so soft.

Remember this? My yarn wall?
And now look at all of this yarn! I tried to count the full skins that I have here and in totes and I lost count at 250! There’s a story to tell here. 😍
Friday night I put a grill that was here at the house on Facebook marketplace and in the top of my feed it showed two totes chock full of full skeins of worsted weight yarn for sale for $40. I messaged them and asked where they were located. She asked what I plan to do with all of the yarn and I told her about the mittens and blankets that I make. I did have to drive all the way across Omaha, but with the interstate system here it only took me about 20 minutes! Saturday morning I was there a few minutes after 9:00. They were having a garage sale and there were three more FULL totes of yarn sitting there. Apparently her grandmother used to make blankets for nursing homes and baby things for hospitals too. She died recently and left all of this yarn behind. Most of it is in very recent colors, so I know it isn’t very old. When she told her grandpa what I was going to use it for, he gave me all FIVE totes of yarn for $30! He also threw in a brand new knitting machine that is still in the box for only five dollars. I have looked at knitting machines online and I know it is at least $100. It literally has never been taken out of the box. The big problem is knowing if I will be able to figure out how to use it! He was so glad to know that the yarn was going to be used for charity things. What a blessing! I won’t have to buy yarn for a long, long time. I have virtually every color that I would need.
Baby yarn is on the top right. Sock yarn on the top left. There is some Number 2 fingering weight in the farthest right column and most of the rest of it is worsted weight except in baskets where there is cotton and balls of sock yarn.
I didn’t have any room for this, so I just kept it in a tote. I want to make a few red, white and blue blankets for the veterans home so I thought I would just keep it all together.
Wow! God certainly blessed me when he allowed that picture to show up in my Facebook feed Friday evening. I had no intention of buying any yarn, but how could I pass this up? If any of you need any yarn, please just ask. I will be happy to share.
Dennis is off work today and has just returned from running a few errands. The gentleman who bought the grill that I was listing on Facebook just came and picked it up. I highly recommend that method of selling anything you would like to get rid of around the house! It has worked out well for us since we’ve been here and I even bought our dining room table and chairs and the little table in the living room for my plants using FB marketplace.
I hope you are all having a lovely Monday and that things are well with each one of you. Take care and may God bless you all.

Blessings and hugs,
I hope you are all having a lovely Monday and that things are well with each one of you. Take care and may God bless you all.
Blessings and hugs,
Happy 4th a day late! Wow that is a great haul of yarn! You are set!! I hope you figure out the knitting machine! That would be fun to see!
ReplyDeleteGood golly!!!! That is one huge stash you have there now! Knowing you-you will have it all knit up and no time.
ReplyDeleteI would be happy to send you some yarn. Could you send me your address? My email is
That yarn is the most beautiful sight to see, next to Piper that is! Our town fireworks were canceled due to fire restrictions and we didn't feel like going into the next town for fireworks but we still had a nice 4th. Piper looks so festive. ❤
ReplyDeleteTHAT IS AN AMAZING FIND! it was meant for you and you didn't have to have movers move it
ReplyDeleteMy goodness - what a terrific story about the yarn! Meant to be!!!
ReplyDeleteOur town raised donations of $25,000 for a fireworks show. Why they bothered, I don't know since everyone bought thousands of fireworks and have been setting them off all weekend. I am hoping that they have run out by tonight. It is like lighting dollar bills, isn't it? It makes no sense to me.
What an enormous quantity of yarn!! I'm sure the sellers were more than pleased to see that it was going to be used to share with others. I'm glad you had a lovely 4th of July. And thanks for the wishes for Canada Day. We did have a lovely one with out kids and some grands.
ReplyDeleteWow! How generous of that gentleman to give you all of that for such a reasonable price. Knowing that you are using it for charity as his wife did must have touched his heart. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great yarn score! You'll be able to figure out the machine, I'm sure.
ReplyDeletePiper is a cutie!
My Dad has always told me I'm a day late and a dollar short, ever since I was little!
God always provides! I’m happy you receive this wonderful blessing.
ReplyDeleteWhat luck! That is amazing but it has certainly come to the right person! All what you will be able to do with this yarn. Fabulous snapshot of Piper such a pretty girl. I so know and understand how you feel about fireworks! They thrive on fireworks here during the fire festival and although I do like to see the stunning display from the castle top each year I do get annoyed a bit (even after all these years living here) with the noise during the night and early mornings. My Mother had a knitting machine. It did take her a little while to learn how to use it but once she passed that stage everyone in the family got new sweaters. LOL! Enjoy! Amanda x
ReplyDeleteWOW! You certainly scored with the yarn and the knitting machine. What a great find! Looks like your 4th celebration was fun - glad you had a nice time with family and friends. Sorry about the fireworks until 4 a.m. I certainly don't understand that!
ReplyDeleteBetsy, isn't that just like our faithful, benevolent heavenly Father to give you yarn and the knitting machine at a reasonable price. He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again. Thanks for sharing your blessing with all of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you had a good 4th of July. Miss bring with family altho I did get to see my sis and fiance on Fri when they got majority of birch wood. Forgot to get photos of us. That's alot of yarn. I've always enjoyed seeing what yarn hobby lobby has except last few times I went there. Once I get done with prayer shawl I'll knit something smaller for awhile. :-) I need to use what I have. I'm saving $$ for our vacation. So glad you were able get yarn and a knitting machine. Wow...so kind to that man to do it. It was warm when we were at the rodeo on Sat. Take care....Becky
ReplyDeleteso happy the yarn found its way to you!!!! Watch the YouTube videos for your new knitting machine and you will be feeling comfortable in no time! Looks like a good weekend!
ReplyDeletePiper is so adorable and so happy you are so close to her. And all that yarn, wow!!!!! I am so glad it found a good home with you and it will be such a blessing for those you create for. The fireworks were loud here as well, so pointless I think.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post and your yarn room . . . oh my goodness it looks like a shop. Knowing you it, will be all worked up into warm and lovely things to keep your family cozy when the winter winds start to blow.