Thursday, April 8, 2021

I made it!

Hello my Friends! I just wanted you to know that I did make it to Omaha late on Tuesday. It was an unexpected driving experience, although I didn’t have any actual problems.  I had snow over all four major mountain passes with heavy fog where I could only see two car lengths or so in front of me. I had planned to spend the night in Rapid City, South Dakota the first night, but ended up driving further because there was a winter storm warning issued for Rapid City on Tuesday all day. When I woke up Tuesday morning there was a little bit of snow on the ground with little round snow pellets falling. I left there about 4:30 AM Spokane time and got out of the snow fairly quickly, but then it rained on me almost all of the remainder of the drive to Omaha. It stopped just before I got here.

My sister, Melanie, was here 10 minutes later and helped me unload the car. I have absolutely no idea what I would have done without her. No one can believe how much I managed to pack into my small car. It was like a clown car. Boxes and bags just kept coming out of it! πŸ˜‚  She carried three times as much into the house as I did. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I was for her.  I’m hoping once things settle down a little bit we’ll be able to spend a lot of time together.

On Wednesday I spent much of the morning with home health visiting mom and the entire afternoon at the cardiologist with her in the afternoon. I didn’t come over to our house until almost 7:00 in the evening. Today was pretty much a repeat with two more home health visits this morning and early afternoon before I was finally able to go set up a bank account and then pick Piper up after school.  She went grocery shopping with me because I had absolutely no food in the house. She was a huge help, and I’m not kidding. I had a list and she knew where everything was on that was on my list. If she didn’t know exactly where it was, she knew the general vicinity. Pretty good for a second grader. She’s been helping me clean too!

Oh, I didn’t tell you how dirty the house was when we got here. Before Melanie and I could even do anything, we had to sweep the floors several times and then use a dust mop. I’ve since swept three more times. I don’t know what is all over these hardwoods but I don’t like it! They feel gritty on my feet! I’m hoping to find time tomorrow to scrub them all down, but I really think we’re going to get carpeting.  Dennis really wants carpeting. The insides of all of the cabinets were filthy, so before I could unpack anything I had to wash all of the closets, bathrooms and kitchen down from top to bottom.  That’s what I’ve been doing after I come home at night. I got here Tuesday late afternoon and I was so exhausted that once we unpacked the car and I got the bed made, I was in bed by about 10:00. But last night and tonight I’ve been cleaning until much later. It was about 11:00 last night when I stopped and I believe it’s after 11:30 now. I finally have our bathroom and bedroom completely cleaned and the kitchen is about half done.

The dryer doesn’t work either.  I found that out after washing two loads of area rugs! I’ve checked the circuit breakers and the outlet and I don’t know what else to check. Hopefully Dennis will be able to figure it out when he comes in May. The toilets run continuously unless I shut the water off after each flush! Now that is convenient. (sarcasm). The microwave has cracks on the front of it and doesn’t seem to work very well either, but you know what? I still think we got a really good deal on this house. The yard is beautiful and the neighborhood is super quiet. That’s one thing I’ve always loved about this neighborhood. I’ve had the windows open every night and it’s perfectly quiet and still.

We knew there would be some things that needed to be done when we moved in, we just didn’t count on it being appliances! I’m sorry I don’t have any pictures for you today because I haven’t even thought about taking any. I’ll try to do better. The cable company is supposed to be here at 8:00 am tomorrow to install Internet so Dennis can work from home when he comes for vacation in May for two weeks. After that I hope I’ll be able to start commenting on all of your blogs again. I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet this week.  I haven’t even had time to read any of your posts. I truly apologize. I think my life is going to undergo a huge change from the boring life we led in Spokane. Ha!

I’ll try to do better with my next post. I just wanted to let you all know that I made it safely it’s just been very, very, very busy.

Blessings and love to you all,


  1. Betsy,

    if you have a Menards near you they sell used Dryers for $29.00. mine went out and I was not in a position to pay cash for a new one at the time. I've been using my used dryer for 4 years now. I think I got my money's worth. I'm moving to a new house in August when construction will be completed. I'm buying a new stackable set for the new house. I'm moving into a 400 square foot tiny house.

  2. Thanks for the update, Betsy. A lot of people were thinking of you and hoping the trip went well. Sorry the house was disappointing but I'm sure you'll get it into shape. Are you sure you want to carpet over hardwoods? Carpet harbors dust and worse, dust mites. Just my 2 cents. I am sure you're looking forward to Dennis coming for 2 weeks. As for the leaking toilets, you can buy replacement flushing mechanisms and you could install them yourself. I actually did that when I lived on my houseboat. Pretty easy. I'm glad you're settling in and do get some good sleep, my friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Love you dear Betsy, so glad to hear. Been praying will keep praying. Off for walk now will re-read and comment later, dear Betsy. So glad to hear.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. My goodness Betsy, what a journey! Often over the last few days I have thought to myself I wonder how Betsy is getting on and I could never have imagined! I'm so glad you are settling in with your family to help and I hope you manage to get a bit of rest soon.

  5. I have been thinking of you Betsy, so very glad that you have arrived safely and there have been no major hiccups on your journey to Omaha. It must have been fabulous meeting up with your family after so long. Piper sounds like such an adorable child. I bet she is "over the moon" to have you there now. I feel sure you are right about your house being such a good buy and it seems perfectly normal to me that there are some things that aren't working properly.In all it looks to be a fabulous place. I am sure you'll get all those little things all sorted soon :-) Please do not apologise for not blogging, take your time to settle in that is your priority at present. Keep well Amanda x

  6. I have to say I would try to preserve hardwoods and just get area rug for living room. Carpets contain so many allergens and chemicals. I have hardwoods. Best thing I bought was a cleanable floor mop. Here in Canada I can buy a product called Zep spray for hardwoods. At Home Depot. You spray on floor then mop. No streaks. You may need to take mop and rinse every once in while. I love it. Works super on laminate too. And get a clothes line. 🌞 Cheryl aka seajaes on ravelry. Glad you made it

  7. What an adventure!!! I am glad you made it safe and sound. I am sorry to hear the new house is giving you issues you didn't count on. It must be nice to have family so close to lend a hand. Moving is such hard work. I know we need to move but every time I think about it I can't imagine how we'd manage it.

  8. So glad to read that you arrived safe and sound Betsy!!! Hope things go a bit more smoothly now.

  9. What a trip you had! So sorry that the house is in such a sorry state... you've certainly got a full plate. But you always find the bright side of things. Take care of yourself and try to find a spot or two for a rest this weekend!

  10. I'm glad you made it safe and you had such good help!

    I'm sure you get the kinks worked out soon.
    I'm with you on wood floors vs carpet. Dave prefers bare floors, but he's not the one constantly cleaning them either. With three cats and the two of us, it's a constant battle. I think I need a roomba!

  11. GOd is so good! You made it. I was worried youd have an issue here or there, but I tried to think positively about it. Take some time for you! WIth piper. Your mom doesnt need to such the life out of you right away! Bless you for helping your family so much. You made it!

  12. Sounds like you’ve hit the ground running! Happy to hear you arrived safely and had help the first couple of days.

  13. Glad to hear that you arrived safe and sound. My house burned in 1998 and I bought the house of a lady who had passed away. Her son left furniture and appliances there. That was a big help. Both my sons and granddaughter have moved recently. I've been trying to help them.

  14. I'm glad you made it safely to Omaha. Thieves household cleaner would be good for your would floors. I know you don't like the small of it but its much better than other cleaners. There are recipes for that. Sad your house was more dirty than expected. Weird that toilets don't work good but hope they get fixed soon. We'll be getting our garage roof done soon as in a whole new roof. A few shingles on house roof. I'm glad Piper was able to help you shop for groceries. Obviously she pays attention when Mandy goes shopping. Have a blessed day and beyond my friend!πŸ’œπŸŒ·

  15. Sounds like quite a trip followed by lots of hard work. I'm so glad you made it there safe :)

  16. WOW Thank the Lord you made it safely. Nancy

  17. So glad to hear you had a safe trip. God is good!

    Welcome back to the Midwest! We're sort of neighbors now, as I'm in northern Kansas, only around 2 1/2 hours away from Omaha. (I have a niece who lives there.)

    Don't wear yourself out trying to get everything done at once.

  18. I'm so thankful that you arrived safely. I think you are so brave to have done that trip with snow and fog and mountain passes. I could not have done it. Now all you have to cope with is the problems with the house but I think you'll get everything ship-shape soon. Blessings and hugs, GM

  19. Hi Betsy, So glad you made it there safe and sound. Sorry it is more work than you thought. Not every ones "clean" is the same. We don't like carpeting but do like area rugs because they can be replaced quite often. We have carpeting upstairs and I hate it...but the tile downstairs is just perfect with area rugs under the dining room table and in the Living Room!
    Take it easy and you will get it all done before long! How wonderful that Piper is such a good shopper!
    Don't worry about reading my blog, it is raining here and nothing earth shattering is new:)

  20. How wonderful that even through blizzards you arrived safely-been praying for you!
    Look at all of the adventures you are going to have!

  21. I've been thinking about you all week and wondering how your drive was going. Oooh I wouldn't like running into snow and fog over mountain scary. Thank God you made it. Sounds like you're cleaning up a storm. Hope everything calms down and you can get everything working right soon. Eventually it will feel like home, I'm sure. Sending many blessings your way! So happy you're there!

  22. Thanks for sharing your adventures, dear Betsy! I am joining you in thanking the Lord for your safe travel and for the strength and helpers he is giving you now to face the challenges of settling into your new home. I especially love the verses you shared! May the Lord give you sweet rest and wisdom to to get the help you need. Love and ((hugs)) and πŸ™πŸ’œ

  23. You have been in my thoughts and prayers so I am thrilled you have arrived safely. So sorry to read that the house is dirty, moving is always a challenge. I have every faith that you will have it spik and span so soon and make it home. Glad you are getting some help and that all is well. Know that we are keeping you in our prayers, stay strong.

  24. So happy to know you have made it safely to your new home! Seems like there are always challenges when you move into a new place, but it sounds like you have some good support there! I’m with some of those who prefer hard floors (we have laminate) to carpet. Just have had a bad experience with carpet. Area rugs are good though. But, it is definitely personal preference, and you will know what to do to make this house your home.

  25. So glad you made it safely Betsy. I wish you could have had someone come and clean before you got there because you have so much to do. But you are in your new home and that is so exciting. Stay safe.
