Isn’t this first one pretty? The colors are much more vibrant on all of these photos than is showing up. It is such grey, cold and snowy weather that we’re having right now.

And of course Piper drew me pretty purple flowers because that is my favorite color and she knows it!

Look at these beautiful cards that I received from friends. Even from some of you!

And of course Piper drew me pretty purple flowers because that is my favorite color and she knows it!
Look at these beautiful cards that I received from friends. Even from some of you!
This one came from Becky who is “GrandmaBeckyL” on my side bar. She sent me tea in a pretty little bag along with some stickers. The photo on the card is one that she took herself.

Connie from “Far Side Of Fifty”sent me this beautiful card that she drew herself. The snow has glitter on it! It is so beautiful! I love red barns. The windmill and the weathervane remind me of the farms near my grandmas house in Southeast Nebraska when I was growing up.

This beautiful Valentine arrived yesterday from Roxy who is “livingfromglorytoglory” on my sidebar. I apologize for the strange angle on this picture but I couldn’t get the glare off of it from the overhead lights and it is just way too dark to even begin to get the beautiful colors without the light on.

I did finish the first Christmas gift for this year. My goal is to knit 12 pairs of socks this year. These are the Petty Harbour sock pattern, made with Lion Brand Wool-ease in the taffy colorway. I believe the pattern is still free on Ravelry. I haven’t washed or blocked them yet.

I also made two pair of mittens this weekend with a 5th mitten on the needles! These are made with Loops and Threads Impeccable yarn. It is actually more of a coral color than is showing up in the photo. The color name is Arbor Rose with plain white for the stripes.

Now for the story of our weekend. Thursday night I washed dishes after dinner as usual and Dennis went to bed at close to 10:00 after we FaceTimed with Alex for a while. I got ready for bed at 11:15 and we had no running water. Uh Oh! It had been working when Dennis went to bed, but an hour later, no water. Our first thought was possibly that our pipes had frozen in this extreme cold. However, Dennis got up and dressed and went out and discovered the parks water spigot was frozen from the ground up, which had in turn frozen our heated water hose completely. The heat tape on the spigot had blown the circuit breaker and tripped the GFI outlet. There was nothing to do except go to bed since we could not get it to reset and everything was frozen solid!
Connie from “Far Side Of Fifty”sent me this beautiful card that she drew herself. The snow has glitter on it! It is so beautiful! I love red barns. The windmill and the weathervane remind me of the farms near my grandmas house in Southeast Nebraska when I was growing up.
This beautiful Valentine arrived yesterday from Roxy who is “livingfromglorytoglory” on my sidebar. I apologize for the strange angle on this picture but I couldn’t get the glare off of it from the overhead lights and it is just way too dark to even begin to get the beautiful colors without the light on.
I did finish the first Christmas gift for this year. My goal is to knit 12 pairs of socks this year. These are the Petty Harbour sock pattern, made with Lion Brand Wool-ease in the taffy colorway. I believe the pattern is still free on Ravelry. I haven’t washed or blocked them yet.
I also made two pair of mittens this weekend with a 5th mitten on the needles! These are made with Loops and Threads Impeccable yarn. It is actually more of a coral color than is showing up in the photo. The color name is Arbor Rose with plain white for the stripes.
Now for the story of our weekend. Thursday night I washed dishes after dinner as usual and Dennis went to bed at close to 10:00 after we FaceTimed with Alex for a while. I got ready for bed at 11:15 and we had no running water. Uh Oh! It had been working when Dennis went to bed, but an hour later, no water. Our first thought was possibly that our pipes had frozen in this extreme cold. However, Dennis got up and dressed and went out and discovered the parks water spigot was frozen from the ground up, which had in turn frozen our heated water hose completely. The heat tape on the spigot had blown the circuit breaker and tripped the GFI outlet. There was nothing to do except go to bed since we could not get it to reset and everything was frozen solid!
Friday we borrowed some 5 gallon water jugs from our camping buddies Lori and Paul and filled them up at their house. I talked to the park office and they said the maintenance man is in Mexico on vacation until after Tuesday so we needed to “deal with it” in her words. So deal with it we did. Dennis was able to get a little bit of water into our fresh water holding tank, but then the pump he borrowed from Paul quit working. We think it was because it was so cold. I felt so bad for Dennis. He spent hours out in this cold weather this weekend just trying to get us some running water.
We went to Dennis’s office and took showers on Saturday. This afternoon he strung up a hose to a neighbor across the street who had running water. He is one of the few in the park that still has water coming out of his spigot. His wife made him fill up their freshwater tank too, because she’s afraid the same thing will happen to them! We were able to fill up our tank, so we should be good for five or six days at least. Dennis will shower when he gets to work in the mornings and I’ll just take quick showers here so I don’t use much water. That will save the rest for washing dishes and flushing the toilet. Honestly, I don’t think people realize just how much water we use on a day-to-day basis without even thinking about it. I will have to use the washing machine in the rec building though. It should be well above freezing by the weekend, so we’re hoping things are back to normal then.
It’s been an adventure. It could be much worse. We have heat, we have food and we are very comfortable. We also have many friends who have offered to let us use showers at their house or even to come stay with them. But we are trying to just look on it as another adventure. It HAS convinced me that I am not a winter, cold, cold winter, RVer. I love my RV, but when it gets below zero wind chill I would rather be in a house. 😍
And that’s our adventure, so far, for this cold front 🌬🌬🌬that is affecting so many people. I know that we could have much worse problems. Many people here in the park have frozen pipes and burst tanks and just plain huge messes! We have been very, very pleased with how comfortable we are in the trailer and the high quality build that we have. Our insulation must be very good, because we’re not using much propane at all and just one space heater in the daytime only. I’m paranoid about not leaving the space heater on at night, so it’s just the propane furnace running all night long.
We are expecting about 6 inches of snow❄️ overnight and during the day tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes. I hope you are all safe, warm and well too. I hope you all had a happy Valentine’s Day, full of love from everyone you know.
The following photo just seems appropriate in this day and age. I wish more people could let go of all of the anger and bitterness they feel and turn it over to the Lord. When we dwell on our anger, it just makes it worse and then bitterness sets in. Believe me, I know. I like how this verse calls it unwholesome talk. We may think a few words won’t do any real damage to a relationship or friendship, but it can. Words cut deep. I pray we always think of the other person’s feelings before we say anything we might regret someday. I love and care for each one of you.

Stay well, warm, and happy.
Stay well, warm, and happy.
Blessings and hugs,
Goodness me, your winter RV story was a hard thing to go through. It reminds me of when I lived on my 26 foot sailboat and had to walk to the public showers at the public marina and put quarters in to take a shower. I also had to haul all my laundry and do it at a laundromat. That's when I decided to buy a houseboat as it had all the conveniences of home, but was still afloat. I lived there for 5 years. I'm glad you're staying warm though and hope the water situation is solved soon. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, my goodness! I am SO sorry to hear of your trials with the water situation. Bless your hearts. You are so right - we truly do not miss the water until the well runs dry. So true concerning so many things in life. I really appreciated what you said at the end, too. My, I have really felt the blunt of those who have turned against me lastely because of my stand for righteousness and against evil. I am comforted in the precious words of Jesus as He reminds me if they hate us, they hated Him first, and He said becaue iniquity would abound, the love of many would wax cold. People's words and actions can really cut a tender heart and hurt so deeply, but the precious Holy Spirit is always present to pour the healing balm of Gilead over the pain and help us to press right on regardless. Bitterness is just plain not worth it. I choose to be happy and keep looking to Jesus, and in a tiny, tiny way I can understand how His disciples could walk away from those persecutions rejoicing that they were counted worthy to share in His sufferings. God, help us to remain faithful no matter who turns against us or does hurtful things. HE is the One we will stand before one day! Sending love and hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteOh no Betsy and to think I have been moaning about frozen water in our garden for the ducks water! I really hope you get some warmer weather soon and these water problems are sorted. I loved your cards they are beautiful. xx
ReplyDeleteOh wow Betsy! I know I am not made for winter RV-ing. I can't imagine! Glad you were able to fill your tank and hopefully the maintenance guy will be back tomorrow and get everything straightened out. The cold has been lingering here - quite a bit of snow still on the ground, but it is supposed to warm up a bit this week. Take care and stay warm!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great haul of cards! I am so sorry to hear about your water problems. You know how I feel about losing water. We went without for a week once having to haul it from the creek or melt snow on the wood stove. I hope you get this sorted out soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you are having a water issue! Grateful for friends, right?!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder to guard our words and control our anger, Betsy. Really.
Dear Betsy,
ReplyDeleteFrozen pipes are not fun!!! A tip that might work for your neighbors: if they keep a tap just dripping, it often keeps the lines from freezing. We used to do this in very cold weather when we lived in northern Canada. Of course this is of no use if it's already frozen! :(
Hope it warms up soon!
You have had quite the adventure! How you thaw out soon. The card I made is a stamp...I only wish I could draw like that! Yes be careful with the space heaters , it was a worry for us when we had four going at once. Stay warm! :)
ReplyDeleteOh Betsy - what an adventure. When we were first married we rented a small house in the country. We always had water issues, but the landlord took care of them during the day. Finally he replaced the pump the last week of June. On Saturday July 3rd, the brand new pump froze. No water from the well. He called the company and they could not come until Tuesday the 6th because they were closed for the holiday on that Monday.
ReplyDeleteWe had no water to shower or bath, I had left all the laundry for Saturday morning when I had the day off work. And, as you know, no water for cooking or cleaning or - flushing. It was not fun!! I think it would be even more challenging in the winter!
I pray that you and your fellow park residents are very careful in this cold spell. We had a house fire in our town yesterday where pipes had frozen in a crawl space and a propane heater thawing them ignited the kitchen floor. The fire spread quickly, but the family was able to get out of the house safely. The single mother and four children renting the property lost everything.
Today we are supposed to see 10-14 inches of new snow. So far we have 1 inch and my grandchildren are very disappointed.
Pretty pretty pretty cards!! So many talented cardmakers, especially Piper!! I think grandkids make the best cards anyway! 😁 I loooooooove the color of those mittens, too! Sure hope the water troubles are fixed soon! We've been having problems with our furnace. Not a good time for it to be finicky since we're having snow and -30 to -40 degrees right now. I'll probably have to call the maintenance guy to come check it out. When I opened the mini-blinds this morning there was ice on the insides of the windows AND on the insides of the mini-blinds. We've even had them covered with sheets and towels to try to preserve our heat. Crazy wild weather. Come onnnnn Spring!! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteIt’s difficult to deal with frozen pipes and water lines. I’m glad that Dennis found a way to fill your fresh water tank.
ReplyDeleteOh Betsy, when was your birthday? Happy belated Birthday! You must have so excited to receive so many pretty cards. What an adventure you and Dennis have had. We've had the pipes here freeze once many years ago and it is no fun. Hope you get it fixed soon. What weather !! I think we all are going to appreciate spring more this year.
ReplyDeleteGood to read that you are able to work around the water issue. Living in a fifth-wheel has it's advantages, doesn't it? (I think it's a fifth-wheel. It's been a while since you introduced it to us. My brain was functioning as Pain Control Central at the time, so details are a bit fuzzy.) You can be self-contained for a period of time, and Grand Design has a solid reputation for insulation and heated tanks and hoses. Not perfect, but they can withstand colder conditions than most RVs. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you and cold weather--although my lower limit is about +40F degrees, regardless of the type of housing!
Your birthday cards are lovely! So much talent and good thoughts!
Congratulations on finishing your first Christmas gift socks!
...Taja (in low Sonoran Desert)
That's definitely an adventure! Hopefully the weather cooperates for you!
ReplyDeleteYou've got a lovely collection of cards! I'd frame that first one!
What beautiful cards you received! I sent you an ecard but I am late as usual. I;m so sorry about your troubles with the water lines. I can't believe they couldn't call a regular plumber or have a backup maintenance person. I love the socks and the mittens are so pretty. Piper is a good artist! I love the's a good one! Stay warm!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry the extreme cold has caused such problems for you and many of the other RV'ers. Hopefully the maintenance man will be back tomorrow and will be able to fix the problems.
ReplyDeleteBelated birthday wishes. Your cards are so lovely.
My goodness what a mess, so glad you have some water now. Stay safe dear Betsy and I have to add you got some lovely cards.
ReplyDeleteCouldn’t agree more with your last thought Betsy, anger shows that there is a bitter spirit in a heart and as Paul said in Heb 12 “ Looking diligently, lest any root of bitterness springing up and trouble you, thereby many have been defiled”. If we are angry it hurts us and all those around us.
ReplyDeleteIt’s an ugly thing we need to avoid like the fire it is.
“For the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things, how great a matter a little fire kindleth.” James 3.
Wise words bring peace and happiness. Don’t you love how Gods word does that? You stare one verse then all these other verses hidden in the heart and mind pop right out.
Sorry indeed re big freeze.
Been praying for all over there as I’ve been praying esp for places that aren’t used to it all.
Isn’t God gracious the way He supplies our need. I pray for those there who have messes as well as no water that the Lord will comfort and help them in that.. even if it’s after the event I pray, cos God is omniscient and knew I was going to pray, He is not limited by time like we are.
Isn’t that wonderful?
I’m sorry I’m slow to comment. I’m “crook”, as we Aussies say! 😂😂 or sick with a bad head cold, not so fun, hopefully getting better.
Lovely cards too .. my birthday in few days we are both February babies 😂😃 and we both love purple!
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
I live Connie’s card.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are having an adventure! In our condo newsletter they suggested we let our faucets drip and leave the sink cabinet doors open during freezing weather to encourage the pipes not to freeze, so I have been doing that during our recent snow/ice storm. Lis and Gary were without power for 66 hours! Their power just came on but Tim's is still off so he and some of his household are headed over to stay with Lis and Gary. I still can't open the front door because a snowdrift is against it. The back patio has a huge drift, some of it nearly 5 feet high! I just have a broom and dustpan to "shovel" snow, but am counting on not needing to do much since the weather is warming to the 40s and the Big Meltdown started today. Thanks for sharing your lovely birthday celebration cards and gifts and letting us admire the mittens and socks you just finished. I pray the Lord empowers us to grow better in communicating the truth in love.🙏💜
ReplyDeleteSure hope your side of the mountains is warming up! Our snow is melting and we even got out for a walk! Take care.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, Betsy. That is quite a conundrum in a freezing snowy atmosphere. You sound like you are made of tough stuff! Im so glad there were solutions. Fireman put a new carburetor in the 18 year old snow blower and she's nearly good as new. I used her today after about 3 new inches fell last night. I got a good workout, but it looks great. Love all your cards!!! Amazing..just like you!
ReplyDeleteHello Betsy, I was thinking about you the other night because of these frigid temps. It was -17 here and I will say everything was acting up!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you received so many Birthday wishes! I would love to paint a card like the one I sent you. I am practicing painting them!
I no longer go ice skating or sledding so the winter months are not as much fun as when I was a child!
May your frozen pipes and water dilemma stop quickly and the temperatures warm up!
Hugs, Roxy
ReplyDeleteNice cards and gifts you got. We've been putting water in 2 pans on our gas cook stove. That way it helps heat up the house a bit. Phil went to bed early as he can't be on his computer. He was done walking in the house. 😢 I'm on my phone for a bit to see something fun to read in blogs. I like the scripture you shared. We need to be kind to one another including whacky times that's been happening lately. I'm glad I have a 300 piece quilt puzzle to work on this evening. Take care. Stay warm ❤ x