Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Wonderful Uncle

Just popping in to quickly let you know that Alex arrived safely little after noon yesterday and Mandy and Piper flew in about 10 last night.

Our first stop on the way home from the airport was Zips burgers. Those of you in the Pacific Northwest will know what I’m talking about when I say every time he comes home that is the first place we go. Their fries and tartar sauce are amazing.  He was making a silly face and he been awake almost 38 hours at this point.

He ended up not going to bed until almost 1:00 this morning. He stayed awake until we went back to the airport to get Mandy and Piper and then we all sat up and talked after Piper went to bed.

Piper adores her uncle Alex and I believe the feeling is mutual.

Can you see the teacher in him? He taught elementary school for several years.

She really loves her Uncle Alex.

I can’t believe I don’t have any pictures of Mandy yet. 

Alex took me to the doctor yesterday afternoon right after our hamburgers and I was diagnosed with bronchitis and given antibiotics.  I’m hoping they kick in quickly. 

They have all left me for a few minutes to go shopping at Costco.  I’m resting my back and hoping the coughing stops.

Dennis and Alex went and got their drivers licenses renewed this morning. They said it took them all of five minutes at the DMV.   How often does that happen?  They both said it was the most pleasant experience at the DMV they’ve ever had! I guess most people are out shopping instead of getting their drivers licenses renewed.

Tomorrow Jamie and the kids will drive over from Helena and Tara‘s flight from London will arrive around 10 in the evening. Brad doesn’t get to come because they’re making his entire department work. I guess he gets Thanksgiving itself off, but has to be at work Friday morning so there’s no way he can fly all the way here. It’s so sad. We were really hoping to have all of our chickens in the coop this holiday. But, we’re going to enjoy the ones we do have.

I just wanted to share these cute, cute pictures of Alex and Piper with you. My heart is full. Mandy and Alex have decided they want to put the Christmas tree up together this afternoon, so Dennis and Alex have dug all the decorations out of storage and we’re going to get busy as soon as they get home. Oh, it will be so fun to have my kids help decorate the tree again! It has been years and years since that happened.  I hope you’re all having a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

“My heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.“  Psalms 30:12



  1. I'm so glad you had the time to share those photos and fill us in on how everything is going. That is going to be so cool to see them put up the tree and decorate it for you. I know you haven't put up a tree sometimes and I know I'd sure miss that. I will be encouraging my guys to put up my tree after turkey dinner is over. :-)

    *H*A*P*P*Y* *T*H*A*N*K*S*G*I*V*I*N*G*!*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Great photos! I decorated my tree yesterday and even managed to stow the bins back in the garage. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Oh, sweet friend! This post brought tears to my eyes! I am SO happy for you and thankful for this precious gift of having your dear children home with you! Piper looks like she is having a ball with her uncle, and he appears to be having as much fun as she is. I SO hope you feel much better soon so you can enjoy this to the full! Much love to you and praying much for you!

  4. I am so happy for you! How wonderful to have a house full of family for the holiday.

  5. Sounds like you'll have a lovely holiday. Ours will be a small group this year but both my kids will be there so I'm happy.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Keep feeling better and enjoy that family rolling in--
    these pics are precious!

  7. Sweet! Glad Alex, Mandy and Piper made it there safely. I saw the Spokane got snow yesterday. It's chilly here. I'm nearly over a cold I've been dealing with for over a week. Decided to sleep on recliner for a bit...that went all night. Which is good. Didn't cough as far as I know.
    Enjoy your time with your family. Happy THANKSGIVING my friend. X.....X

  8. Enjoy having your family around, those that can make it. I wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving

  9. I send prayers for you to be on the mend soon. I am glad they figure out what is wrong and now you can heal and enjoy your family time. ((hugs)). You really can see the teacher in him when he is with little Miss Piper. She is listening to his every word, and that is really hard to do with children. So thankful you get to be with all your family (except for Mandy's husband, that is just sad he can't be there). Wishing you a speedy recovery and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family dear friend. ((hugs))

  10. Thanks for posting, Betsy. I am thankful Alex took you to the doctor and that you are having a good visit with him, Mandy and Piper even though you all miss Brad. May the Lord bless you all as more of your family gathers to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow. Tim and I plan to celebrate with friends tomorrow and Lis and Gary are celebrating with his folks. Sending you love with hugs. πŸ‚πŸ’œπŸ¦ƒπŸ’œπŸ‚

  11. Sending prayers for you to feel better quickly. So glad you are able to have most all of your kids around for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

  12. My heart is full just looking at the love in these photos Betsy. Enjoy every moment with your beautiful family and Happy Thanksgiving. Sure hope you are feeling better.

  13. So glad you have some of your kids home. Good to hear you went to the Doctor...hopefully you will feel better soon :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Oh Betsy. I am thrilled thrilled for your Alex and Piper pictures as they are bringing me joy at a tough time. You must get well my friend. You deserve it. Please say some special prayers for my dad. He is suffering so.....

  15. Sweet pictures Betsy. I'll bet your home was filled with so much joy over the past several days. Wishing everyone safe travels back.
