Thursday, June 9, 2022


Hello my friends! The calendar may not say it’s summertime quite yet, but it sure feels like it here. We’ve been busy just doing things around the house for the most part this week. I took Mom to the grocery store this morning. We’re trying to limit our trips there to once every two weeks because of the distance we have to drive and the cost of gas. While we were gone Dennis trimmed, edged and mowed both yards. My teeny tiny garden is all planted, but out of an entire package of green bean seeds, only four plants have survived. We put a fence around it last week and and no animals have eaten off anymore of them since then, but I had lost several plants before the fence was put up. There are still a lot of rocks and every day I go outside and pick more out of the dirt. But considering the fact that they were 7 inches deep throughout the entire area at the beginning of last week, it looks pretty good. There are no rocks where things are planted. I have four hills of zucchini, one green pepper, one cherry tomato, one cucumber and three rows of green beans. Out of those three rows we have four plants. How disappointing. At one time there were about 14 little plants poking their heads through the dirt and the next morning all of them were gone. The fence was put up that afternoon! It’s not fancy but it works. I’ll keep working on the rocks and soon they’ll be gone.

Last Friday we took the puppies and went to Mandy and Brad‘s so Dennis could mow the grass. I took care of the fish and watered plants inside. The puppies sure had a good time running around the house and through the yard, but Lizzie seemed a bit confused as to why her people weren’t there.

In this picture they’re watching Papa go back-and-forth with the lawnmower.
I think it was love at first sight with these two when they saw each other. I’m sorry for having to mark out baby J’s face, but from what I’ve been told she and Piper definitely have a mutual admiration society going on. Piper is in heaven with a real live baby to take care of. How I wish they lived closer to each other. Piper would be a great babysitter in a couple of years.  Mandy just FaceTimed with us and when I started singing to baby J she started smiling and kicking her feet. I think she remembers me. 💜💕💜
Today they’re visiting the tower of London and they sent us pictures from there. It looks as though they are all having a very good time. 

And from the top of Primrose Hill. It sure looks as though they’ve had beautiful weather while they’ve been visiting both Paris and London. They ate at the Queen’s Pub. Very appropriate, wouldn’t you agree?

Last night we got a photo of them walking across the Abbey Road crosswalk in the classic Beatles pose. Our daughter-in-law was pushing the pram and Mandy, Brad and Piper were striding in behind her just like the Beatles.

Now, back to regular life. 😍

I finished four more baby hats for the hospital.
Also a pair of socks made with Patons Kroy socks FXin the “Geranium Colors” colorway. I just used a moss stitch for the cuff. I almost ran out of yarn for this pair too and I made the cuffs shorter than usual. I think Patons is putting a little less yarn in the skeins these days.

I have also started working on the Christmas cross-stitch ornaments for this year. I have two with the stitching complete and one almost done, leaving me four more. I have another grandbaby to make for this year, and the three sets of parents. I didn’t want to be stressing over them this Christmas like I did last year. I’m trying to get all of the things that are being homemade done early.

I have started another pair of socks and I have the cuff almost finished. I’m using the “Monkey Socks” pattern and Knit Picks Hawthorne fingering weight yarn in the “Willamette” colorway. It reminds me of the Oregon Willamette Valley. I don’t have a photo of those but will show you next time.

We’ll go back out to Mandy and Brad‘s tomorrow to mow for them and make sure everything is in order before their arrival back home on Saturday evening. The two weeks have flown by and I’m not sure what we’ll do without Lizzie here. She has been so much company for Zoey. Maybe we’ll have to see about shared custody of the both of them! Ha! One week at their house and one week at our house. I know the puppies would love that.

Take care everyone and remember that God is with each of you. Every minute of every day. 

Blessings and love,


  1. Fletch ended up putting up a garden fence this year. The deer were destroying so much! Cute picture of Piper with the baby. And the other pictures too - glad they are having a good time...I know you miss having them close while they are gone.

  2. Aww such sweet pictures. I love that Miss P is feeding Miss J a bottle. So sweet. I always love seeing your pictures, they are always filled with such smiling faces, all full of love. The puppies crack me up watching their Papa. Looking forward to seeing your garden grow. Loved all the pretty things you are making. Wishing you a day full of blessings dear sweet friend. ((hugs))

  3. What a great time they are having! I watched so much of the jubilee that I feel like I've been to London myself this week lol....

  4. How wonderful to have a catch-up post, just like if I stopped in for a chat! Love to see your veggie garden, your Piper and Zoey, too!

  5. So nice to see you back and posting. Wow you really get a lot of work done making sweaters and socks and baby hats, etc. I am always impressed and they are all beautiful! I love that pic of Piper with the cute. Aren't the historical sites in England interesting, though. I was there once for just a short time and not much time to take in the sites. Thanks for sharing your trip with us and that of your family too. Love your blog, Betsy!

  6. Love that Piper took her Wallaby sweater on vacation! What wonderful experiences and memories she’ll have from this summer.

  7. Good idea getting started early on Christmas gifts that you intend to make.
    Mandy, Brad & Piper must be enjoying their time away so much. It's so handy for them and for you to be able to keep both pups.
    Piper giving the baby her bottle is so sweet. She is going to miss that baby so much!

  8. Piper is such a sweetheart. I am so happy she is enjoying this wonderful trip! The perfect age to be mother's helper with her new baby cousin. Those pups are so cute together and I just love the photo of them looking out the door together! Your garden is coming along and I think you are doing great for a first year garden. It is always a learning experience. I really like the clothes line picture too.

  9. I enjoyed seeing the photos of Mandy and family in England. I'm glad they are having a good trip. I read online the other day there was a lot of hail in Omaha. Looks like it wasn't in your area. Megan was able to get 2 tomato plants the other week. Buy one get one free out at Bauman farms. She's leaving it in area where there's sunshine. They got really big quick where they were at before she bought them, which is good. Have a blessed day my friend, puppy mommy! ;-}

  10. That's a great little garden. Looks like Piper and family are having a wonderful time! Looks like they got nice weather too!
    Love your knits!

  11. I hope Dennis likes mowing! LOL! 3 lawns plus fence building....he's did he ever hold down a full time job? You daughter reminds me of Faith Hill..she's so pretty. The pups are cute together. I love our socks in that color and all your little baby hats too. I need to get busy on the handmade gifts too! Take care!

  12. Those pups are so cute together! Piper looks like she is having a blast! What fun for them all! Hope your garden takes off, you could always plant more beans!

  13. I love that Bible verse. Goodness, you are such a busy lady! You and Dennis both! Your little garden looks good. I learned many years ago that we could not grow vegetables without a fence. The deer ate everything. It's fun having a little fence, isn't it. Our craft show went really good. I thought about you when a lady picked up the lavender apron and bought it. I plan to make more (hopefully can find more lavender fabric) and add a page to my blog for aprons and bonnets. Those puppies are so cute!

  14. Hey Betsy! Love, love all the photos, and I'm glad you were able to fence in your garden. Sounds like some ambitious wild life around there! The granddaughter and puppies are adorable, too. Thanks for telling us about your latest adventures!
